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Posts posted by Oxford1405241546

  1. For WEP, 64Bit and 128Bit, i've successfully done it with aircrack. I use the cd image from remote-exploit, the so call "Auditor Security Collection" http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    Now they've name it BackTrack, haven't try the new one though. As for WPA, i believe it's possible, but will take more time.

    What i did for WEP is just capture enough packet with IV, then run aircrack to crack it. You'll need at least 10000 for 64Bit WEP, and 10 times more for 128Bit WEP. So for WPA, i believe you'll need a lot more than that. On a busy network, you can get 10000 IV packet in around an hour or so. That's consider slow for most hacker (i'm not a hacker). If you have 2 system with wireless LAN, then it's faster, you run airdump on one to capture, and another running aireplay to generate the dummy packet so the AP keep generating IV packet. I've never been able to try that, cause i didn't have 2 notebook at a time.

    If you need a more detail tutorial, search for aircrack in google, you'll find a lot

    NOTE: DO AT YOUR OWN RISK. I'm not sure what rules are enforce in your country. If you get caught for doing that, i won't be responsible for that. I only do that for sheer fun of it, and also to learn more about how to secure my AP

    Lol, yeah, have to be careful about that. I'm not so sure of the policy on torrents though. It's piracy aswell but not so big.

  2. Swat 4 is a great game! It is a fantastic (FPS) which includes a Single Player and Multi-player mode. Though the game is all about your computer's hardware and latency, it's not bad to try out if you are confident with your computer. SWAT 4 GOLD (Swat 4 and Swat 4 The Stechkov Syndicate Expansion) costs about 14 Dollars at your nearest Circuit City electronics store. Cheap for a game that I introduce as very good to you? Well, it originally cost around 40 Dollars for each of the 2 games, but somehow Circuit City pulled through. It is a very tactical game which references the police life of recruited SWAT members in the NYPD. Game modes include: Coop, Smash and Grab, Barricaded Suspects (TDM), VIP Escort, and more! I suggest this game, it is a must.

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