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Posts posted by lapis

  1. Same here, I have the SpeedTouch 530 and Motorola 4400 or something like that, neither suffer from this problem.
    You want to check if he has changed the base configuration file.

    See if you can reset the modem (if you don't have to worry about any old settings), it should maybe re-instate the default configuration etc.

    Hi Chesso,

    Good idea. I'll give it a try now and let you know how it goes.

  2. I have a SpeedTouch 530 and don't have these problems. When I enter the password (or username) incorrectly, it just pops back up the username/password box. As WeaponX said, try resetting the password! I'm not sure if there is a master password for the modem, but if there is - he may have used that!
    Good Luck

    Hi Jimmy,

    Thanks for the info and ideas. I'll give it a try and let you know how it goes.

  3. Hi,I recently had a Mac engineer help me with some problems I was having with my G4 Tower but wasn't exactly sure precisely what he was doing while he was here. I couldn't ask too many questions but I did notice that when it came to typing in the password for my Speed Touch USB (which I was waiting for him to give me the keyboard to do myself) he said he'd already done it by simply 'guessing' it. After he keft I tried restarting my G4 and typed-in my usual password....which worked just fine.Then, however, out of curiosity I deciided to try gioing online again to see if it would work with a different password - which it certainly did!! In fact it also worked perfectly well if I just typed in any old rubbish or just a jumble of random keys. This makes little sense to me since my connection is supposed to be password protected.Does anyoine have any idea what this guy might have done to my computer and/or USB connection to allow this to happen and is there any way I can rectify it? If my password can be any old rubbish I choose at any time, am I still protected?Any suggestions will be appreciated.

  4. Hi unimatrix,Thanks for the info, it is much appreciated.Would you happen to know how I can overcome the IE problems that I am currently having and how I can save/restore the IE bookmarks that are on there right now? First I have to get into IE when it seems stuck on downloading the MSN page (which I have never bookmarked!) whenever I open it. Any suggestions would be very welcome,Thanks.

  5. Hi Alex,Thanks for your response and advice. I agree that Safari is much better than IE and it is only thanks to the fact that I also have Sarari that I am still able to surf the web but, importantly, I also have a lot of stuff in the IE scapbook (which is a facility Safari is sadly lacking) which I would still like to be able to access if at all possible. Unfortunately, No.2 in your list is impossible since opening IE simply takes me to the MSN homepage...... which isn't able to download anyway and simply keeps me in 'e-limbo' waiting for it to finish.....which it never does. In the end, I have to Force Quit IE which leaves me with no way of getting into IE to carry-out steps 3 to 8.But Oh how I would LOVE to get to No.8!!!! <_<

  6. Hi.I seem to be having a problem with my IE for Mac where it seems to go straight to the MSN homepage for some reason but isn't able to download it which means I then have to force quit and go onto Sarafi insteadTne fact that my homepage on IE is supposed to be Google rather than MSN is confusing but worst of all this unwanted change has made it impossible to use my IE altogther. I also seem to have lost all of my bookmarks which have been mysteriously replaced by unwanted ones such as Apple, MSN websites and Microsoft websites - none of which I have ever bookmarked before. Is there anything that I can do to fix this without losing my previous bookmark and scrapbook listings?Many thanks in advance for any tips.

  7. If you are just using the cable modem directly, you don't need to worry about anyone stealing the internet connection. Unless they can physically access your modem, there is a very unlikely chance that anyone can use it. The router can be useful if you intend to use wireless internet connectivity. Is this G4 a laptop or a desktop? If laptop and you want to roam around the house and have internet, you can buy a wireless router.

    It is just a G4 Tower which stays in one room so, from what I can tell from most of the knowledgeable replies to my question, there's really no advantage in me going down the 'router route'. B) ha ha

  8. Hi everyone.Thanks to all of you for your various replies which have each helped to take some of the mystery out of routers for me. I am pleased to know that my G4 mac is safe from unofficial 'sharers' - that is one of my main concerns.I am obviously in expert company on this website and will probably be back with more questions soon. Thanks to you all for taking the time to share your knowledge.

  9. Hi everyone,I have a friend who is advising me to get a Router for my G4's connection to the web but since I am only running this one computer in one room, I don't understand what the advantages would be. He says that it will improve the reliability of my connection to the web, (which isn't something I\ve ever had a problem with) I didn't take him up on his offer to fit a Router for me but I am wondering now whether I am missing-out on something? Isn't a Router just a device to allow more than one computer to access the same connection and/or to allow a laptop to operate from a different room?Thanks in advance for any info or advice. B)

  10. Hi,Something very weird is happing to my G4 Tower lately because each time I restart it, something has changed....... for no reason. Eg: the wallpaper and screen savers disappeared; my Entourage email suddenly began reproducing new Main Identity pages at a rate of 1 per second and wouldn't allow me to access any of them; and all of my Dashboard items have been changed. B) Can anyone work-out what is going on and/or what the cure is? Many thanks

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