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Posts posted by Soto

  1. Remember that Vista eats up 57% of 1 GB RAM with nothing running! Be sure to calculate that in your plans since you are a Vista user.

    Their is no problems with it eating up more then half 1gb of ram lol, why would you have any less then 2gb of ram anyway, especially if your a gamers and always running alot of programs....

  2. lol, if taking time to find things is to big a task then that is no reason to call vista a bad choice. Another thing is that speed issues people have .. get better comps lol. Eventually vista will be replacing xp in my opinion and then vista will be replaced, and so on. Im getting windows 64-bit for a desktop and windows vista for a laptop. I think their both probly great, and people are to used to xp and unwilling to make the switch because of all the problems, or what seems to be problems to most people...

  3. I plan on getting 64-bit version, but if vista has the same capabilities as it i would rather get vista. 64-bit version can use more memory up to 128gb or higher i beleive im not sure. 32-bit version can use only 3gb. I wanna know if vista can use a higher ammount of memory.

  4. I am going to run a AMD Athlong 64 X2 Dual Core Processor, with 4GB of RAM, GeForce 7300 GT 512mb video card, and a 300+GB hard disk. I am sure this will run vista, so i won't even ask.I want to know really, if i should get vista, or a 64-bit version of windows. I use a computer for mainly gaming, level design for the games, coding (learning), modeling, and any other design i find fun lol.Another thing i want to know, 64-bit version of windows can have higher memory, which is why im getting that OS, and im wondering if vista allowed 4+ GB of ram usage ?

  5. If i have a day where im doing nothing, i will wake up at 7:00 AM and stay on it till 1:00 AM lol. I don't usually do that as i haven't nearly enough things to do on a computer, unless im working on something for a game, a website, or just chatting with some friends. Right now i have been on about 45 minutes lol. I have a job, but as i only work sat. and sun. about 5-7 hours on either of those days, i have plenty of time on my hands, and i live only by a handful of people, most of which i do not like or they are far to young. The rest are family, almost everyone i live to actually is family, it sucks !

  6. It sounds good to me, but im not a computer technician, and i have no idea whats good and whats not good. I should probably go learn lol. I dont know what series processor im getting but itsa 4200+ AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core ProcessorIts good im sure but i dont know if the one he mentioned is a higher series or what B)

  7. There seems to be many videos of this type floating around now days. Just yesterday I watched some kids microwave an Apple Ipod Nano. Now today I am seeing Windows Vista get shredded. Come on people! I would love to have that nano and that windows vista disk! There some serious wasting of cash going on and I am almost to tears because of it!. On a less personal note though, windows vista is not bad at all. I do not have it yet but I will soon and thats for sure. I tried it out at a local store and its very nice. My computer, unlike this man's can run it without compatability issues.
    Tsk tsk to those who will not upgrade because of the security B) Way to halt our progression to a perfect world.

    I to actually beleive that vista is good, and it may bog down some low end computers. If you got around 4-8 GB of memory and a decent processor it shouldnt be a problem to run it. I myself am going to be using 4GB ram, a 4200+ AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor, and a Nvidia GeForce 7300 GT 512MB video card. Im hoping anything better then that will run it smooth lol. Eventually i plan on upgrading my video card to a Nvidia GeFore 8800 Ultra 768MB, that is compatible with a PCI-E motherboard.

  8. I've heard that the Windows Vista OS is very laggy, and right now annoying. I plan on getting a Windows XP Pro 64-Bit OS. For what i use the computer for, im already used to this windows setup, and do not want to deal with the trouble of figuring out where everything is, though its probably similar. I still want to get vista though because it looks good, and i wanna try it out, even though people are trying to tear it apart lol. Well, hopefully microsoft puts more time into vista and makes it .. better ?

  9. Gee thanks for the help lol. I want to learn how to compile by myself, incase i never can get a compiler with a compile button built into it. I will probly try and download one somehow right now im not in the mood though. Any links would be helpful ( with a tutorial probly as well ? ) if anyone would be so kind B)

  10. I don't know what you use it for but i would upgrade the ram, and video. I hate computers that dont load extremely fast, and lag in games. So the lowest i want to go for my new computer is a 7300 Nvidia GeForce 512mb vid card, 4gb of RAM, and a 300gb hard disk, but i still plan on upgrading to the 8800 Nvidia GeForce Ultra. Which i beleive to be the best card out their, price ranges from 800$- 900$ lol. So i don't think thats what your looking for. I personally like windows. I also have no idea what you would need or what would run good, but im going to run Windows Vista, or Windows 64-bit.

  11. Their are many factors to take into consideration when created your own personal webpage, or a huge website system such as gaming communitys equiped with systems to upload your custom content.


    All these hints are intended for HTML based websites.



    One thing to think about is adding some kind of background detail. Whether is be a simple background color, a simple background image. In fact i encourage you to keep it simple to reduce loading times, and to keep from drawing to much attention away from what the site is really intended to do. One thing that i beleive bothers everyone is when their are sites with neon colors everywhere. Please dont use neon colors background, unless you can balance it out and make it look good.


    Banners and other images

    Keep the file sizes at a low, but make sure they have something in them. Its great to have images, but having empty images makes your site look empty. Even if its just a logo, or your name and the site URL, try and add something.


    Text and linking

    When your adding alot of content on your site, its always a good idea to make sure the site of everthing is of a decent size, so its easily readable. Nobody likes HUGE text, but their are a few exceptions. An important thing to always keep in mind is that you always want to have the text, and or link against a background where the text and or link will be easily readable, and viewable. Do not put a yellow text color on a white background.


    Page Layout and Access

    One thing you may want to keep in mind, is that when creating your site you want it to look appealing to the eye, but keep the people interested in what the site is really about. Try and make the site as easily accessible from other pages of the site as possible. For example, have a link to the home page on most, or all of the pages throughout the web page. Its always good to have a little uniqueness to the site, and having a way for people to give feedback. Some of the ways for this would to be add a geustbook, forum, or an email link.

  12. Wow, this site has useful programs posted all over the place by members. So far i downloaded one PHP program, i need to check it out before i go on and downloadanother one lol.But thanks for providing the links. Ill be sure to use them. Right now i can code great in HTML, CSS although i dont consider them 'coding' languages. I want to get into learning more languages to help me create more unique and interactive websites. IF anyone has any good sites ( besides w3schools.com ) it would be greatly appreciated.

  13. I fail to see why people think firefox is such a great program. If IE had the features of firefox, it would most definatly be a greater web application then firefox is. Nothing against firefox but i dont see the point in download firefox if you have the latest IE version, as it allows tabs, which i think is the most useful feature of firefox.

  14. I myself prefer vBulletin. I have not used it myself but plan on using it. I've seen it on a lot of sites and i beleive it to be a very easy and simple forum system to use. Im not an expert like many of you most likely are, i dont know if any of you have any experience with vBulletin but i could use some opinion on it before i go off buying it just to find out that i dont like it.

  15. Thanks for providing us with this link, i absolutely love being able to find useful programs. I will most certainly be checking this out, i think it might turn out to be useful. Has anyone downloaded it and tryed it, and willing to give me a description of what its likes ?

  16. I'm interested in this program, it seems to be a great, yet simple and easy to use program. As i am still a beginner in coding ( i don't consider html, css a coding language ), i dont see any obvious ways to compile c++ programs, or any other, or any other language that requires compiling. Anyone think they could help me out ? B)

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