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Posts posted by tyƒoon™

  1. So can you still do that same hack on phpBB3 or not?i'm kinda dubble sided as to what software i should use for my new forums. I have both experiences with phpBB and SMF. I was considering phpBB3 now so my new forums. Does anyone want to back phpBB3 or still reccomend me to go for SMF?

  2. Thanls for the info xboxrulz!Although i would not do that, its always handy to find out how to do it.I admit, eventhough it does get on my nerves sometimes, its still best to leave it on. It makes your computer (including Vista ofcourse) much more secure by Windows requesting you to allow the specific program or not. It's very handy as you can see if there is a program trying to open yet you didnt request it too - which could be a virus or spyware. Hope this changes your mind to leave it on! <_<

  3. Nice to see that you can get free domains via your points. But like many others, 280 is ALOT!!! im barely in the mid 10's and they are asking 280! I would just prefer buying the domain than keep posting around here just for more points. But i do understand it is free so i'll think about it :Pthanks alot for providing free domains though!!! <_<

  4. correct me if im wrong but didnt firefox have Tabs before IE??

    Yep they did!!! I would definately prefer Firefox 2 rather then IE7. Because I have been using Firefox for quite some time before IE7 was released with its tab-browsing and built-in search bar. And since IE7 has been released, i have supported firefox even more because its much more unique then IE7 as they were one of the first browsers with tabs and search features and i just believe IE7 simply copied of them. But that is just my personal opinion. B)

  5. but a few programs are incompatible

    Yes, i agree with that quote however more Vista compatable programs are comming out now. Most probably if you go down towards your local PC store, most if not all new Windows programs are Windows Vista compatable or certified for Vista. Major software companies such as Symantec and Adobe are now only continuing programs that are Vista compabale such as Norton Anti-Virus 2007/2006 (2006 with patch downloadable) and Adobe's new CS3 suites such as Dreamweaver CS3 and Photoshop CS3.

    I'm telling you guys, eventually you are going to go to Vista and start liking it because 'hopefully' Windows Vista SP1 would be out in a few months which would make Windows Vista less buggy or lagging (eventhough i havn't crossed any issues with Vista for now) and by then all software and hardware should be Vista Compatable if the owners of the software or hardware update it. Then i don't believe anyone would have complaints of Vista am i right?

  6. Understandable. Actually when i baught my PC, it came with Windows Vista Home Basic. I wanted the Flip3D and transparancy that makes Windows Vista ...... Well ...... Windows Vista! That is why i upgraded mine to Ultimate and I am happy with it. Without those features, its just as good if you just stick with Windows XP!

  7. I personally think Vista is a good operating system eventhough i find no compelling reason why a Windows XP user should upgrade to Windows Vista unless they do want a new computer (which has happened to me recently so that's why I got Windows Vista myself). I like the transparancy alot and especually Flip3D. Many people are complaining about Vista only becuase of the System Requirements which many computers were not capable of before Windows Vista's release or that they 'just' made it to the requirements. I suggest if your going to upgrade your Windows XP computer to Windows Vista or If you are going out to buy a new computer with Vista pre-installed, you would most probably want...Windows Vista Home Premium/Business/Ultimate NOT Basic1GB Memory and maybe having a ReadyBoost USB stick/Memory CardDuel Core processor either AMD or Intel. (I got AMD 1.6Ghz Duel)256MB graphics card60GB hard drive for around 35GB memory for your personal use.Then all the other Windows Vista Premium Ready system requirements. If you have these System specs, you should be able to run vista with ease. I passed all the Premium Requirments and even passed those specs above with Vista Ultimate with 120GB hard drive. But its only up to you if you want vista or not. B)

  8. hey, i would just like to tell you guys that the new and LEGAL copy of Windows Live Messenger 8.5 beta is now available from Microsoft at https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/18614/windows-essentials

    The new slick theme is made to 'blend in' to Windows Vista's Glass effects throughout the Operating System. I have downloaded it and It does match Windows Vista perfectly. I reccommend everyone to download WLM 8.5 beta if you got XP or especially Windows Vista B)

  9. Hiya, can someone please tell me how much Hosting Credits are deducted from my account each day if i sign up for hosting Thanks B)EDIT:- Can you also tell me what packages are available Because im seeing on the main site that there is 500MB space and 10GB bandwidth package or the free advanced professional webhosting which has 1GB space and 15GB bandwidth which is a Group account and free domain. while in the forums there is also the ususal Package 1 and Package 2 :)

  10. I got a Netgear DG834G router with 2MB transfer and UNLIMITED bandwidth for only £15. I think the deal is worth it as i got the router worth £70 (now £50) and Mcafee firewall so I am happy - I am on AOL silver B).By the way for Sky broadband, although they claim its £10 a month with 10mb connection, you have to be a Sky TV subscriber first which starts at £15 therefore you are paying at least £25 a month if you want broadband with them.

  11. lol, how can anyone say Windows does not need an anti-virus. I bet you even the great Bill Gates got an anti-virus eventhough he could be the one that gets any updates to Windows first B). I don't care what Windows anyone has, in the future or on the past, ALWAYS get an anti-virus for Windows. Mac users - I wouldnt be thinking that Macs aren't hackable. Maybe it can take some time but i think one day even OS X would be able to get infected by a virus.

  12. Yeah, i admit. they are not actually domains but they are a good redirection service. I only like them because they do not have any spyware which i have had from the past with .tk domains and that there is no pop-ups or any banners whenever you go on a .co.nr website unless the webmaster decides to put there own advertisment on there website. This is why i reccomend it. B)

  13. http://www.freedomain.pro/ is a service that offers anyone who is a webmaster with a free .CO.NR domain (http://www.whateveryoulike.co.nr/) with excellent forum support if you need it from http://www.forums.co.nr/index_page.html.

    You can either set your domain to redirect to another page (http://www.whateveryoulike.co.nr/ to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    FOLDER) or 'cloak' your domain to another page (similer to redirecting the page except it will still say http://www.whateveryoulike.co.nr/ when it redirects or even if the visitor to your site clicks on any link on your site). In order to get the .co.nr domain, you must provide a link back to their website only by the codes they provide by there team and you must approve there Terms Of Service.

    Robots are sent to every website frequently that have the .co.nr domain redirecction to check if they still comply with the TOS and link-back rules. If they do not comply, they would face account suspension or deletion which .co.nr are very serious about.

    .CO.NR also provide many services for free with the registration of a domain such as favicon and meta-tag support. Premium domains are .co.nr domains which have DNS support but they are currently in beta-testing with no release date as to weather will it become out of beta-testing.

    Remember this is completely free with only a link-back as a requirement and i reccomend this to everyone especially to .tk users since this does NOT have ANY SPYWARE or ADWARE!!!!!! B)

  14. Jeigh, thank you so much for your concern. Yeah my partition is on the NTFS system and ubuntu does read the drive but only some of the files are not showing up which is why i don't understand. And those files that are missing are not shortcut files, they are actual files such as .doc and .mp3. I know i can try to create a new partition but i was hoping i can use the Livecd so (just incase) i can retrieve my files if there was a virus on my computer or the computer can't boot onto Windows. But thanks again, it was really helpful and i will check out the ubuntu forums aswell B)

  15. I give Google 9/10 because it has everything. i mean as well as the standard website searching, they have image, news, maps, Gmail and video plus the best of all ... clutter free!!! i hate how yahoo have all these useless stuff on there front page while Google just go straight to the point with the main page dedicated to the search box B). Only when you log in with your google account, clutter comes on the main page such as the weather and latest news but i don't save any of my passwords on my computer anyway!

  16. sorry i don't understand. I have NOT installed Ubuntu on my computer therefore i have not have a duel-boot on my computer - I just have Windows Vista Ultimate. I just like using it through the LiveCD and through the LiveCD i wish to view my files on that folder mentioned on my previous post but it seems that the folders inside the Documents and Settings are missing. My question is how can i view these folders that appear on Windows but not on Ubuntu.

  17. I would go for the Wii simply because its the most affordable games console around. Playstation 3 is going over the roof with it's price for the 60GB model (trust me, 20GB is not enough) while Xbox 360 is cheaper but Wii is the cheapest and its more fun with its motion controller. Downside of Wii is the games and graphics though. But hey, theres always ups and downs in techknology so buy whatever you feel like buying! B)

  18. I am not addicted to it but when i have spare time, i do play Counter-Strike: Source and keep changing servers to see how good am i. Only been playing it for 3 months now and i like it. But for your information, i am not an expert in this game and most of the time i am dead in the game :). But hey; it's just for fun aint it? B)

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