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Posts posted by lonelym

  1. I've been meaning to learn to write C this week, and I am wondering what site could help me. I have a compiler (DJGPP) and I think it works since my older brother has compiled his C files with it before.Is it better to learn C++ first rather than learn C?Is there a certain sub-forum for C / C++ language here?What site would you suggest that I learn from?

  2. I believe in God (Christian), but it seems that whether are different gods, it just turns out the same. gods asks us to give certain offerings, be morally upright, and to be basically good. Religion is hardest to explain because there is this little gap-filler called faith. Faith requires you to believe without doubt, making it even harder to understand.Anyways, I think religion is just there to explain things that science can't.

  3. I'm am making a PHP mySQL site about the game DotA. I have made a little bit of the game already, and if you want to check it out, go to my SITE.

    I need help from people. Yup. I have finally admitted it. I need help with all the images that need to be downloaded, then stored in the server and all that.

    Anyways, I posted this here because I wanted people to try it out, give suggestions, comments, opinions, or even help out.

    Hope you guys like it.

    (I'm not sure if this topic should be placed here. I thought that Warcraft 3 is a simulation of war, and so... Well... You get the point. o_o)

  4. So, I've been wondering for months how I would be able to let users' data in mySQL to update by themselves (Like letting HP return to its max value every day by itself, without me doing anything), and I have finally found a little trick on how to do it. Yes, its only a newbie-ish fourteen year old's attempt to make his coding easier.


    First, you need to create a table, let's call it table refresh. Table refresh is where we put all the times we refreshed the users' certain data. Next, you need to write this down in your config.php or dbCon.php or any page that is always INCLUDEd in every page.


    Remember, your web page must be connected to the database.

    $date = date("d");$month = date("m");$sql = "SELECT * FROM `refresh` WHERE `date` = '$date' AND `month` = '$month'";$result = mysql_query($sql);if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0){$sql1 = "INSERT INTO `refresh` VALUES ('$date', '$month', '')";$result1 = mysql_query($sql1);$sql2 = 'UPDATE users SET `field` = `value`;';$result2 = mysql_query($sql2);if ($result2 && $result1){die( text );}}
    Okay, now to dissect each and line.


    The first line is just setting the variable $date to the date of when the dbCon/config.php was executed.

    The second line is the same, but its for the month type.

    The next line is a written SQL query (I don't like writting everything in one variable).

    The next is writing executing the query.

    Now we check if the executed query had any rows/data.


    if there are any data, it will skip the if statement.


    Since there are no rows/data found for today. Then, it creates the new row/data for today.

    After that, it executes the query.

    Then you can write what you want to update in the table.

    You can add the die() function as well if you want to notify the person who executed the page about the edited variables.


    If anyone can give a better explanation (I know it was really confusing, I myself had troubles with it), feel free to post.

  5. Since this is off topic, I put this in quotes.Yes, it is wrong of me not to take people wanting to have sex as a fact. I guess you are correct in saying that humans naturally have sexual urges.
    Another mistake of mine was forgetting to add the words, "But sometimes, abortion appears to be the best answer, in case to case basis."
    You guys are right, without knowing when something becomes life it is hard to determine if it is really killing something alive.
    It was also wrong of me to be stubborn of me to keep looking at the picture in black and white. I guess it is hard to see if abortion is right or wrong.
    And, It was also cruel of me to baby bear to speak so rudely about her family. I'm sorry. :P

  6. It doesn't really have to be games. Entertainment could be in any form. As long as it is entertaining to an individual then it should be considered as entertainment. Who wouldn't want to be entertained? I love gaming as well for its value of entertainment but i feel more entertained when i lay down on a cozy couch, listen to sentimental songs and read a non fictional book would still be full of dust if i have not bought it from d book store. Sounds boring right? But it entertains me, and thats all that matters in entertainment.

    Yes, the entertainment that you have serves it purpose properly, and it seems that you have control over yourself and you have discipline. Too bad for me though, I don't have both of them.

    I think entertainment is really important for a person because it allows a chance to go do something, and get away from your every day life. This helps to reduce stress and possibly make you a better person when your not stressed out and your clear of thought.
    Ive heard many arguments about video games, especially on TV how a lot of parents claim that they are bad for their kids. Well what would a lot of people do if they didn't have video games to pass the time, or probably reduce heavy loads of stress? I have a friend that often gets very angry at people, well rather than taking it out on a real person, they could take it out on a game. Sure some video games can get really addicting, and sometimes its just better to stop when its getting in the way of your day to day activities, or possibly your friends and family. If it gets to that case, which it has for me several times, you really have to learn to just stop. But hey, id rather be addicted to a video game than a drug. :P

    Without some form of entertainment, people would be very hyped up and stressed out. More people would be a lot more aggressive, and not a lot of people would be very happy. :P So in conclusion, we need entertainment in our life, but when it gets in the way of our day to day life, family, and even friends, you need to cool down a bit and stop. :P

    Well said.

  7. lonelym, I think you're looking at this the wrong way :P. Let me explain...


    Take a look at the following two questions of yours, directed at baby bear in regard to her latest comment:

    Do you see what these two questions have in common? They're not discussing abortion; they're discussing irresponsible cases of pregnancy.


    Deeming abortion illegal, which I suppose is what you're arguing for won't solve any problem in the abovementioned cases. The parents won't get richer or become more responsible. And, more importantly, the child will still have to suffer the consequences of the irresponsible actions of his/her parents! Actually, in cases like these, abortion seems to be the better solution for both the child and the parents.


    Now, why not go straight to the source of the problem, i.e. irresponsible conceptions, instead of its consequence, i.e. abortion? Perhaps it might make more sense if we proposed some form of legal action against parents who are found guilty of irresponsible conception.


    What do you think? :P

    Yes, if they already had a child, abortion seems to be the best solution for both the parents. :P What I understand from what you are saying is that we shouldn't do something about preventing it, because it's already happening. Instead, we should try to solve the problem that is already at hand, instead of preventing it.


    What I don't understand is the fact that the child is killed because of the irresponsible cases of pregnancy. The fact that the child growing in the mother's womb is a living being convinces me that killing it is wrong. I mean, what is the difference between murdering an adult to murdering a child? Wouldn't murdering a child be even worse?


    Yes, doing abortion would clearly help both the parents, both financially and in health, but since the parents made the mistake (irresponsible cases of pregnancy) shouldn't they take the consequences for their actions? Why should the child, born into this world take the consequence?


    my sister had sex with a man named mark. he had something I don't remember what it's called but when I do i'll post it. but anyways she had a kid with the man and now her kid has it. her kids name is drea. he's mentaly retarted and he has the condition also and almost all people who get it die in the their late 20s or early 30s. drea will die before my sister will. now drea suffers because mindy didn't have an abortion because people kept telling her that she would go to hell if she had an abortion.

    I supposed it is a STD, but I hope not. Anyways... :P


    Do not think of it as a wrong choice of having them do abortion. I believe living is better than not living at all. And so, another question pops up in my mind.


    WHAT is the purpose of life? If life is filled with problems and questions that we need to solve, WHY do we even need to solve it? Why can't he just get on with it? (Just kill ourselves) We'll all die anyways. Is living really that worth it to endure and solve all the problems we will encounter?


    And so, once you find out the answers to that, come back to me. Once we know the answers, we'll know if Drea really is better off abortion-ed or if she is better living a hard life.


    Off topic: I walk around my school, watching children play, friends chat, and barkadas (groups of people) enjoy their time. I sit, alone, thinking about the purpose of life, and the questions I stated above. I wonder if they (students) even know why they live, and what their answers are to the questions above.
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