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Posts posted by mvs.en

  1. Just to toss a quick point in here that's likely been mentioned already...As I mentioned in another thread, I use Thunderbird to view all my email...And anyone else who does do this... Server Email Storage is pretty much completely useless.Email clients that download the messages off the server and onto your computer, it instantly no longer matters how much email storage you have on the actual server since all emails are now being stored directly on the computer.And, even on a totally other note:Before I started deleting emails off the Gmail server and just purely downloading them to Thunderbird, I never deleted anything at all.For about a year and a half my exponentially increasing email count was being added onto the Gmail server, it went well past about 3,000, I think...Anyway... I tihnk I was at about 4% of my total storage space..So, where is the real need for unlimited?The only way to even really fill up Gmail is if you send alot of programs/powerpoint documents/movies/music/lots of picuters/etc. But instead of keeping all those files on the server long enough to actually fill up the inbox, you might as well find somewhere else to upload them, or just download them to your computer and then remove them from the server.Anyway, just wanted to add in my argument.I think that even Gmail's 2gig storage is a little bit unneede for emails.I was fine with Hotmail's old, really small amount of storage, the only reason I even even converted to gmail is cause it woludn't let me configure Hotmail to work with Thunderbird or Outlook like I wanted to make it do.

  2. My mp3 player has 256 Megs, I joust bought it, I decidced it was big enouth. And I was very disappointed to see that this represented only two albums at decent compression. Two albums means only two hours music. And what happens if I have to travel during eight hours ? I have to quickly find a PC in order to read from a CD and put it on my mp3 ?Same thing with the cell-phone, if you store pictures you need a lot of space. And if you use your cell phone for professional needs, if your are able to read your mai on it, then you will have to store some PowerPoint and Crosoft Word documents too, and then 8 gig come rather fast.

    THat is precisely why I repeatedly mentioned in my post that an exception was if you tried to run half your life off the phone <__<

    Personally, I wouldn't want one single gadget holding -everything- for me.
    If something happened to it I'd be totally screwed.

    I'd use a flash drive to transfer files, though.
    So powerpoints and stuff are coverred there.

    And I don't really see the point in putting large amounts of pictures on a phone anyway.
    I'd pretty much keep them on a phone until I had the chance to download them onto a computer on a flash drive.

  3. Bah, I dunno...People seem to be able to fill 8gigs pretty fast, but I don't think there's really all that need for 8gigs on a cellphone unless you decide to try and like run your whole life from there, which is pointless.Same thing I think for mp3 players...iPods go up to what, now... 20+ gigs? (I really hate iPods so I have no idea what their capacity is, but I know it's generally larger than any other mp3 player)My mp3 player has 2 gigs and I've only ever once filled it up, and I still had enough music I could easily remove a bunch of songs and get it back down without losing anything.It's not like it's a big challenge to syncronize an mp3 player to a computer... And there's no way you're going to listen to 20gigs of music all in one session (With the exception of if you're going on some sort of road trip)So I really don't think that is neccessary...I know there are ways to fill it up... But it's really most people trying to make it so that their phone/mp3 player/whatever never needs to be syncronized with anything, so that they can keep things they haven't touched in a year on it, and are trying to run as much of their life as they can off that one device...I personally, don't think thta much portable storage space is needed unless you're trying to like transport whole programs to people.And even programs aren't usually big enough to warrant 8-20gigs.

  4. Beh... Hard subject.For myself, as far as I'm concerned, I will never cheat and never want to be in a relationship that's anything but monogamous.But, for anyone else, as with every other subject, I say 'whatever works'.I think if two people are in a relationship and just don't care if the other person is committed or not, let 'em at it.I have a really similar concept on almost anything... I have my own opinion and standards for myself and my own situations, but for anyone else, as long as all parties are in knowledge and consent, I don't see anything wrong with it.Hell, I don't think there's anything wrong with ritualistic sacrifice as long as the sacrificed has agreed to it. Y'know?I don't think society (Covers law, government, culture, and other opinions) has any place in trying to limit what you can do.If you want to do something, I say go for it as long as it isn't something that will unwantedly destroy another person's life.

  5. I'm fourteen right now, and when I took one of my teacher's test last year it was 55WPM. I think I can do faster when I'm coding PHP/actionscript, but I'm not sure. Does anyone know a good wpm test?

    It isn't by any means accurate enough to be used for any official purposes...
    But I usually use http://www.typingtest.com/ to get any sort of estimate on my typing speed.
    You just click on the "Start Now" link or whatever on the main page and then choose the text you would like to type...
    I tihnk they recently added new avaliable texts and removed some of the old ones, which is good because my readings were getting inaccurate after months of using the same four templates, I started to have pattern memorized.

    Overall though, it's what I use to get my reading.
    It'll give you a WPM on the side of the screen as you type, but I wouldn't recommend watching that much or it'll probably distract you from typing >__>
    It gives you a full breakdown on your stats at the end (Gross Speed, Net Speed, Errors, Etc)

    Gross speed, I think is your speed without errors, and Net is your speed including any misstyped words.
    You can also choose to have it give you a test for CHaracters Per Minute (I think) though I've never tried it.

    I just generally do a 1 minute WPM test...

    Though, I'm pretty sure the readings are more accurate the longer the test is... So if you want the closest to accurate reading you can get, do the (I think the max is 3) 3 minute test.

  6. I feel I should clarify that I didn't mean to imply hazemmostafa or anyone else would necessarily be trying to hide porn, it was just the first thing that popped into my head haha.

    I understand your comment XD
    And I likely would have made a very similar one myself.

    But... For something small like that... I usually just store my files deep down in the C: drive and renamed all to numbers or things that are hard to search for.

    Since... If someone was really going to use the search function on a computer to find porn or other things that I don't want them to see, they likely wouldn't think to search for things such as "24" or "3".
    Although, every one of you now knows where to find it.
    Which is fine, I don't even know why I hide my files, I'm the only one to ever touch this computer. It's pretty much completely private as it is.

    I'm gonna be sure to remember the invisible icon trick though, just because I can see it definitely coming in handy sometime if I'm on another computer and need to hide something B)

    I'm a bit concerned though... If you had open the window/desktop that the invisible folder was in, even without a name, wouldn't... Say... Ctrl+A highlight it?

  7. Strangely, I haven't received this message yet. I say "strangely" because it is common practice to get "Click this link" messages. To make matters worse, minutes after getting it from one contact, it is highly probable that you'll receive it a few more times B) It's sad how people aren't cautious enough, especially Internet users.
    Thankfully, English is not my mother tongue, so receiving these messages always makes me suspicious :)

    English is my only tongue but... It's still pretty easy to tell if it's a virus or not...

    If you're like me at all, after talknig to people a little while you can pretty much get to know their typing style...
    My typing style is usually pretty recognizeable, I put crazy spacing between/in the middle of my sentences to indicate pauses...

    I also have a strang attraction to ellipsises <__<

    Anyway... I just thought I'd add that,
    it's easy to tell something isn't right when you get a message from someone that you can right away tell isn't really them who typed it...
    And what's this?
    THere's a link with the message to boot!

  8. I wish I had something constructive to say...I don't mean to sound rude, but I wasn't stupid enough to fall for it. XDI apologize for the implication regarding your intelligence there.AnywayPeople have been sending me that thing for months now...I never click or open things from anyone on MSN unless they've told me they were sending it or I question them about it when it comes out of no where (This pretty much eliminates the whole... Automated MSN Messages to transmit viruses)That, and the first person who sent it to me was someone I hadn't talked to in like a year anda half so them suddenly popping up with this link was... Well, I've seen viruses like it before so I wasn't quite that clueless.I dunno, I wish there was something I could say to help, but I have very, very little experience with any sort of virus... I don't think I've had any noticeable viruses on mycomputer in years... Which is strange, since I'm on windows and have every possible security measure turned off.Ah wellI'll tell you if I find anything out about the virus/how to repair it and stuff.

  9. Haha, I was about to say that I'd been reading about the new telescope earlier today but... Then I realized I was reading about it in this thread. XDAnywayI dunno... I'm kinda apathetic on this subjet, really.Which is strange, because I love space-related stuff and generally like to know as much about it as I can.Perhaps though, I just don't understand the full ability of a telescope of this magnitude.I can't really say much about it because I don't have much insight on it and don't really know what it can do... Other than see things really far away >__> And as was mentioned earlier, apparently see into the past to better understand how the universe was formed.((If anyone would like to clarify or explain any specifics to me on the Telescope subject, that'd be awesome since I don't really understand much of it.))WellI guess my reason for apathy is the telescope doesn't really seem to provide any true advancement in space-related-stuff... Other than understanding and research, which I understand is vital.I suppose I'm just hoping that there will be some incredibly signifigant development in space travel like.. Before I die.Even though I know there's a very good chance there won't be.

  10. Just to jump in here and throw my opinion out... I apologize if I step on someone's toes or if I repeat things that have already been said like 10 times <__< I read a few posts from this thread just to try and see if anything I say would be redundant with them, but I'm just going to say what I think now.Like... Literally three days ago my English class was having this very discussion, about whether or not video games can be the main cause of violent acts or if they're going to be a contributing factor at all.And, it basically boils down to every person is going to interpret the game differently.But that is true of ANY story-type-activity.Hell, the people thta go and shoot up their schools "because" of a video game they played would have been just as likely to do it if they watched a violent television show or read a violent book.Has anyone actually blamed a violent or disturbing book for a shooting or related incident though?I haven't ever researched that question, but none that I know of.Video games, are not the central cause as far as I can tell. Because most of the disturbed individuals who are affected so much by playing these games, if the games were absent from their lives, would only find some other form of fuel or inspiration.I know, I, myself was raised on violent video games and Television.And I have always had a very vivid and creative imagination... Morbid 80% of the time too.Half of my teachers asked me if I was going to start shooting people last year when I first started wearing my black trenchcoat to school. I still wear it, haven't shot anyone. (I know that's a little off-topic, but this all kinda ties together in my mind.)So to recap... I've played violent video games my entire life, I have a violent, morbid and creative imagination, I wear all black most of the time, black trenchcoat, I carry a knife in my pocket at all times (Usually for contsructive purposes like openning packages)... And on occasion I am prone to listenning to metal (Though not as often... I'm listenning to Neil Young right now, for example)And I can pretty much say for a fact that I am never going to be getting a small group of people together and going to shoot up my school... Or any other area where there are living people.Why?Because I'm not insane, obviously... My logic and common-sense still prevents me from being quite that stupid.Video games do not remove someone's common sense. And they do not create an illogical mind from a logical, sane one.What is my point?I, in no plausible way, believe that video games are a catalyst for any of these violent acts and shootings.I believe that if someone already has some mental issues (LIke a lack of conscience, logic or common sense) then observing fictional violence and mutilation may not be the best choice for them. That it might do nothing except amplify the negative conditions... But I wouldn't blame that on video games.People who don't feel they can control themselves or can't logically see that shooting up your school "because you thought it wolud be cool like in the video games" is about the stupidest thing that could ever pall throught tehir heads, probably shouldn't be playing those kind of video games, watching those kind of shows, hearing those kind of stories, or reading those kind of books.I tihnk that's all >__>I apologize for the typos, I'm typing kinda fast.And I'm sorry if that's poorly contsructed ond stuff, the original post was only supposed to be like one paragraph but I just kept adding onto it as I thought of more things...And it turned into this.

  11. Yeah, I checked this out and tested the whole exploit thing a week or two ago...Didn't seem to do any real damage (I probably should have thought about it a bit before I tested it)But it DID kind of hurt my STart menu in that after I was done with it all those lovely little programs that get listed on the XP start menu (The most commonly openned programs)... They all vanished off the list and I am unable to get them back.I'm fine with it though, they weren't really that important to me and I've already found ways to compensate for them.For a couple days using the exploit also killed the configurations for my mouse... But I was able to fix that.I think there were a couple other little blips I noticed after testing the exploit, but none of them were very noticeable at all.The only one that I'd be careful for is the programs under the Start Menu issue... But I'm not even 100% sure they dissapeared because of the SYSTEM account.I'd just keep it in mind if any of you choose to test it at all.

  12. Yeah, SilverFox, I forgot to mention the Page Info thing... I've used it before for these kinda things XDBut as you mentioned, it's kind of hard to find if you're on a heavily graphic dependant site because there ends up being a -lot- of files listed there <__<I just checked and there isn't even a Search feature under Page Info (That I saw).So I'm still gonna say that using Page Source on large/graphic dependant sites and using a Search feature if it's still alot of data to sift through would probably be the fastest way to go about getting an image you need.And just incase there are any uncertainties... by "Graphic Dependant" I mean one of those sites that use an image... For everything... And would have like 500 files listed under Page Info <__<

  13. P.S.: Ajax is getting old and well out-dated, majority seem to be going PHP.

    Yeah, I have no personal experience with Ajax... But I am going to change as much as I can over to PHP.

    I haven't really coded any website at ALL in like two years now and I'm trying to get back into it.

    The last time I did... It was a small crappy website that was pretty much all HTML with a TINY bit of CSS. (I really hate CSS so I avoid using it as often as physically possible... Even if it's more efficient, I don't like how it's set up)



    As I was saying, just an hour or two ago I was reading up about PHP tutorials and such because I really need to learn more languages/whatever.


    I'll soon need to start actually coding my website though, because people are starting to demand it of me and I've been wanting to make a new website for years... My only problem has been that I can never find a theme for it that requires the attention of other people... I think I've found one though...

    But I'm starting to get way off topic, I apologize. <___<

  14. Just to toss my own suggestion out there...Before I begin I'd like to say that I have VERY little understanding at how these forums are set up or how they work and what can/cannot be done with it...But I think it mught be a decent idea to like... Have the gaming forums so they only give hosting credits to people after they've proven themselves to be capable of good discussion.Such as, after they're hosted, or after they've been a good member for a certain amount of time... Or maybe just people who have achieved the higher level hosting package (The one that requires 30 Hosting Credits to request).I have no idea how well that would work, honestly, or if it wolud be ridiculiously hard to implement, if even possible... But I think it should be at least considerable...Because with it in place, new members who would only go in there to spam their way to hosting credits would recieve nothing in return... But once a member has proven themselves able to have an intelligent discussion and not spam and give more work to the moderators, they will be able to benefit from posting along in the gaming forums.As for myself... At the moment I haven't posted there at all, which is weird for me because I'm rather a big gamer alot of the time...I haven't even looked through the forum because I -know- they're horrible-esque right now.

  15. Before I begin... I apologize if I give anything away in the post... I will TRY not to say anything too incriminating.I just recently (Yesterday) saw Spiderman 3 myself.I thought it was a great movie, kind of.It's been about a year since I saw the second... And alot longer since I saw the first.I liked the first one at the time I first saw it, and the second one, after the frist half hour or so just... Didn't do it for that much.I enjoyed the last one though.Everyone I know who saw it before me said it was agonizingly long and they became bored before it was over. I gotta say, I wasn't bored throughout the viewing of it and I found it to be entertaining.I swear, I spent the first hour trying to mentally figure out where I'd seen the Sandman actor before (It was his voice that gave it away in the end)And I couldn't figure out where I'd seen Brock's actor before until I got home and had to go actually look it up.I also didn't really... Enjoy Sandman's part in the movie.He seemed rather dull as a villain, and I was looking forward to seeing him actually be destroyed, not just glide away on the wind.Why?Because he's made of sand... I never read the comics much, as they were far before my time and I don't remember anything from the cartoons, but to my knowledge, Sandman seems rather hard to kill.He's made of sand and can reform himself to (Apparently) any size and many shapes.Water proved to not be able to kill him, and nothing Spiderman can actually do seems to have the whole "Destroying Sand" power that would be needed... So since I heard Sandman would be in it, I was looking forward to seeing how he would be conquered.I did enjoy seeing Venom though... As he's always been one of my favourite spiderman villains, I'm not sure why... Probably just the fact he looks really friggin' cool, and is pretty hard to hurt.I'd like to see him back in the next movie though... Dr. Conners still has that tiny little sample back in his lab that anything could happen with.And... Even though many people seem to think that involving Carnage in the next movie would be too dark or wouldbe impossible to properly induct into a PG-13-esque movie... I really think that he could be introduced in it.I'm sure that any creative mind could find a way to put him in it... It doesn't really require big gore-filled visual scenes to properly induct Carnage... Anyway, I think that's about all I have to say about this movie.I was really sad to see the second Green Goblin gone again.It was nice to see Harry and Parker side by side, anyway. It's been a long time since Harry hadn't... You know... Wanted Peter to die.I guess that's all I really have to s--- I already said that XD

  16. YeahI heard about the planet too, it's a shame it's so far away because... Really, it would be awesome.I'd like to learn more about it, shame it's only just been discovered.I'll probably be reading up on it though as anything new develops, just because I'm interested in this sort of thing.Ah well, I guess there's nothing really that I can do but wait.These things need some time to develop further.

  17. Damn... This has good potential to become a useful topic.I'd really love to see some other categories be introduced though, because really, checkers, analyzers and other things like that are reletively useless for me, and anything I do online.But, I'm sure there will be many useful products of future categories.Regardless, I've bookmarked this thread so that I can check back on it in the future.

  18. Yeah, reallyGetting around a disabled right-click has got to be one of the most easy things to do on the internet.Even the people who don't know anything about computers, if they have any sort of creative thinking powers, they'd be able to find a way around it themselves.I don't come across websites with blocked right clicks very often, so it's not that much of an issue... Since really... Anyone who's created and hosted something even remotely valuable to warrant the disabling of right clicks... 9 times out of 10 would know that it's one of the easiest things in the world to get around.

  19. From reading up on Vienna a bit, it seems like it at least claims to be something unique. ((I mean like... Light reading <__<))Anyway, I'm kind of surprised we're seeing another Windows so soon, even though, as far as I understand it was started like 7 years ago and just been repeatedly put off and delayed. I just think it's a bit strange XDI'm also kind of glad to see it coming though... Vista, as far as I've seen of it, seems like a major dissapointment after all the time it took to get out from the release of XP.

  20. I've used Vista, and I didn't see anything that was all that great...Putting a clock and calender on your screen like Vista has isn't all that hard to do just with XP, you just can't do it (To my knowledge) with the OS itself, which doesn't make much difference.I've never seen or heard anything yet that would make Vista really worth all the time and **** that it's taken to come out.In fact, the only unanimous comments I've heard about it is that it takes up alot of system resources, which I know is true.

  21. AlrightI was reading through this topic last night, and that lead me into going around and doing some research about the Speed of Light, reference to the speed of light, experiments regarding the sped of light... And a tiny bit of time travel.I really didn't find anything that was all that new or constructive to add, I just like reading about this stuff when I get bored.Anyway, one of the earlier posts mentioned an experiment that sent light into a transparent chamber filled with caesium gas, and that the result was the light travelling at 300 times the normal speed of light. That was one of the most fascinating things I'd read, just trying to properly fathom that.Anyway, on the actual subject of time travel. There seemed to be some strange misconceptions about what the thread was really asking early on. It was, as far as I know, not referencing travelling through time, with time being a tangeable dimension to measure. Any measurements of time are, of course, man made. In my mind, time exists, but it's all from the frame of reference of every person.And it has been tested, syncronizing clocks and having one remain stationary while the other is travelling at high speeds, though minimal, there was a difference of a couple miliseconds where the travelling clock was behind the stationary.That does say that travelling at fast speeds will cause time for one specific reference point (A person, clock, animal, test subject, etc) to pass by at a slower speed.I do not believe at any point, the author of this thread meant Science-Fiction-Esque time travel where a switch is flicked and you've gone several thousand years into the past. There were no imlications of skipping through time made, only that the passage of time could/could not be slowed down based on Gravity or Velocity.Anyway, I kinda wrote all that off the top of my head, I hope it's constructed well enough to at least follow properly.

  22. I don't see that much great new things coming out of Vista...I've seen it a couple times and used it.A friend of mine bought a laptop a couple months ago, it was the shittiest cheapest new laptop at the store, had like 512mb (Might even be 256) of Ram and crap like that... And the people at Futureshop refused to put anything but Vista on it <__<. And this guy is too lazy and incompetant to switch the windows version to anything else his computer can really use, so he's stuck with a $900 laptop that is slow as **** because it can barely support Vista at all.Just thought I'd toss my little story out there :ph34r:I see very few real pro's to using Vista right now, and the major can that it requires way too much resources as it's really worth.

  23. KayJust had to comment here.First off, I'm using a Dvorak layout. Got sick of Qwerty a couple months ago so I switched, and I don't regret it at all.On Qwerty, I was about 123wpm before I switched. And not many people go too much above about 130 on Qwerty before they kinda... Tap out. (I know people who do, or claim to at least, so I'm not saying it's impossible)Anyway, I've only had Dvorak for like a month or two now, and I know I'm not near as fast as I'm gonna be able to get with it, but I'm at something like 85wpm with it now typing as fast as I can.... Unfortunately, that's with a decent amount of errors, most of the time. :ph34r:Anyway, just thought I'd toss that out there in a topic no one's posted in for a couple months <:((Blame the keyboard on any really strange typos I might make... I still mix up vowels alot cause they're all, like... Right there.))

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