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Everything posted by Huntzoru

  1. Ok Wow is an awsome MMORPG witch is based on the world of warcraft. Any way the games great but the $15 monthly fea is a bit heavy but never fear i hav found a totaly legal and free way to play WoW. Just read my 5 step guide and u will be playing in no time.1. got 2 a website such as xtremetop100.com or gtop100.com.2. Looking at the left control pennal on the left side of the computer screen u will see a list of games sutch as runescaoe,mu online and World of warcraft. Now press wow.3. This requires the retail or full version of Wow. Once u press wow u should see a bunch of websites sutch as wow castle and DarkRevilution. These r called private servers. once u register to 1 u download a file from there.4. The file will be a WoW realm file so wat u do is copy the file got to ur WoW game file and goo into realm list file then paste the file but b4 u start WoW u need to grab the old file and move it somewhere.5. Now u r ready 2 play WoW free of charge.
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