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Posts posted by Sandriod

  1. If you people are after free online space, then these links would be good too:

    BaDonGO :
    " Not just another file sharing site, Badongo letâs you upload ANY file type with NO

    size restriction and NO sign-up hastle. We are committed to stress-free sharing and display

    minimal advertising and clutter on our pages. Badongo is simply the easiest upload choice


    How do I upload files.

    1) Go to our 'Upload Page'
    2) Click the âChooseâ button.
    A browse box will appear which allows you to search your computer.
    3) Double-click the file you wish to upload.
    Your file will now appear near the âChooseâ button on the upload page.
    4) Type a description of your file into the âDescriptionâ box.
    5) Read our Terms & Conditions and check the âI agreeâ box, if you agree.
    6) Click the âUploadâ button.
    Watch the progress bar as your file uploads or subscribe to our email list.
    7) When your file is uploaded you will be automatically directed to a page with a URL

    address link.
    Copy this link and send to your friends!

    How long will my files remain online at badongo.com

    For now there is no file life-limit and only files violating our Terms & Conditions are


    Is there restrictions on the type of content allowed on Badongo?

    Yes, please refer to our Terms & Conditions. "

    Filefront :
    " STORE your files remotely in a secure location
    ACCESS your files anywhere at anytime
    UNLIMITED file uploads
    UNLIMITED file downloads
    UNLIMITED bandwidth
    UNLIMITED space
    GIVE the public access to any or all of your files "

    And theres many more at this site:

    Right here!

  2. I think Dreamweaver is great! at least better than frontpage :) I like dreamweaver because it contains many features, both in WYSIWYG and coding. I don't have many complains about it, but it could be good it they could make the built-in FTP client faster, it's really slow compared to real FTP clients.The coding validator is great, but sometimes, also a little confusing. But all in all, Dreamweaver is gooooood :ph34r:

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