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Posts posted by Arkane

  1. Well I'm now replaying the campaigns one by one so I will be ready when it does come out. Other than that I am amazed with the graphics, but I was kind of expecting new races to be added, I mean, its not an expansion its supposed to be a whole other game, but either way I'm really looking forward to when it comes out.

  2. I did this a very long time ago but I really don't reccomend it for anything other than maybe playing with a bunch of friends at a lan party. This, first of all, is illegal, you are not supposed to do this and blizzard gets pissed if they find out that you are. Second, no one plays on these servers, what is the point of playing a MMO if there isn't even a single player to play with. All in all its a stupid Idea, but I do think if you could make your own private server, modify the xp rates and drop rates of items it might be fun to have at a lan party.

  3. So a ideology that teaches hate and malice is better thane one of love and kindness? Dude your out there, no offense.

    I have to disagree with you on what you consider Satanism. Now, I'm not a Satanist or anything like that but I honestly think its the same thing as worshipping any other god. Let’s see, what’s a good example I can make... A country is in civil war, let’s say North America, now let’s say one person goes for the south and one for the north, is there anything really different in what is going on here? They are both fighting for their rights as Christians and Satanists are both backing different "gods". Just because your religion teaches that Satan is evil does not mean that THEY believe he is.

  4. I honestly liked your post until the last two paragraphs. It is weird how you seemed to make a complete U-turn on what you were saying. Now I have no prejudice against any single religion but I am against religion as a whole. It seems to be a crutch people fall onto whenever they don't know what to do. Also the majority of people I know only believe religion causes good. For example, if someone narrowly avoids a car accident they would say "Oh thank God!" But if the same person were to run into a ditch moments later they would say "Oh what bad luck!" BTW what religion are you, in the beginning I assumed you were an atheist but with that last paragraph you really threw me off hehe.

  5. I'm not saying it wasn't worse, I'm just depressed because I know that even though it is twice as big it won't get as much attention as it should. as Jeigh said after Columbine, people, for the lack of a better word, have become used to school shootings. After the investigation I doubt anything will happen, unlike with Columbine. But anyway, it's still just a horrible thing, and I wish people, as Aniki said, could just go insane on their own time, alone.

  6. You really have to work on blending you're text in with your background. How it is now I can verily look at it without my eyes being thrown to the huge (no offense) ugly green text. The background on the other hand matches the idea of a crack bear as you would be high so seeing something like that might be acceptable.

  7. I’ve been waiting for this game to come out for, god knows how long. Also It has been said that the actual first stage is like Tetris, then packman so on and so on. All in all it seems like it is going to be the most fun game I've played in years, the replay value is going to be absolutely amazing! I mean think about it! Every time you play the game your creature can be created different. During the first game you play for example, you can be a carnivorous beast that just kills everything in sight. The next game you may make a more evolved race that goes more for the technology you can get and the game after that you could make a super-breed of kangaroos.

  8. Yay, I am defiantly glad to hear this. I'm a huge fan of the Halo Franchise and an avid player of both games. The release of this game will be a milestone in the decline of my productive activity as I spend many more hours in my basement playing Halo 3 with 15 friends on 4 TVs. Even more so, I will finally have a new campaign to play, and hopefully they will allow warthogs to run into each other and go hundreds of feet into the air, like in halo 1 (One of the most fun things to do in my opinion) Anyway, thanks for letting me know =D

  9. I have to say you are in fact right, I would fit in as an Agnostic Atheist. Never reall thought of it that way. Hmmm all the same I have to say I really hope there is an afterlife or w/e but I'd rather live my life not following something blindly. Killer seems to have hit a lot of my thoughts perfecty, even found a word for it! =P

  10. Disorder | RatingParanoid: LowSchizoid: LowSchizotypal: LowAntisocial: ModerateBorderline: LowHistrionic: HighNarcissistic: HighAvoidant: LowDependent: LowObsessive-Compulsive: ModerateHmmm lets consider this, I'm antisocial, yet I must be center of attention.... interestingAwsome site but i honeslty think the test is way to long, took 10 or so minutes to do, maby more. Otherwise, very interesting

  11. The other thing to remember is that this country has a *volunteer* armed force. There is no draft, everyone who is fighting in Iraq right now joined whatever branch they joined of their own free will with full knowledge that this could happen.

    This is a very important point. If we these people don't want to go to war they shouldn't join the army during a war. Some people though enjoy the idea of going to war. For example, one of my friends from Counter-Strike will be going to Iraq some time soon and I asked him what he thought of it. He laughed and replyed "It will be like playing the game in real life" I called him crazy and pointed out that there is no respawn in real life. But ya, as you can see, some people want to go, you can't blame the government 100% for all of this as no one HAS to join the army.
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