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S Holmes

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Posts posted by S Holmes

  1. Here is a link to a posting about WGI/Aspiritus on another discussion forum:



    The administrator of that forum has apparently received a threatening letter from Aspiritus, demanding that postings which are not favourable about WGI or Aspiritus, must be removed.


    The letter ends like this:

    Apparently, Aspiritus now employs its own "Forum Watch Administrator", who has as his task to search internet discussion forums for unfavourable postings about WGI/Aspiritus, and then write letters to the forum administrators, threatening legal action unless these postings are removed and replaced by an apology as shown above.


    It should be noted that WGI and Aspiritus several times threatened legal action against Norwegian media, lawyers and economists who warned the public against the scheme.

    However, these threats never came to anything, probably because the WGI/Aspiritus bosses knew that if such a case ever came to court, they would be almost guaranteed to lose.


    One of the more noteworthy of such letters was written to the Norwegian lawyer Olav Sylte, who is running a lawsuit against WGI's Norwegian "World Leaders", on behalf of 15 former WGI members who lost considerable sums of money when the scheme stopped paying out. The letter ended like this:


    Did anyone get the impression that this might have been written by a prominent Mafioso?


    Needless to say, neither the lawsuit against Mr. Sylte, nor the visit from the Aspiritus "sevice agents", ever materialised.


    Actually, Aspiritus' libel lawsuit against lawyer Olav Sylte did eventually materialise, and Aspiritus lost the lawsuit on all points:


    Here is a translation of the article in the newspaper Fćdrelandsvennen about the Aspiritus / Sylte libel lawsuit, which was a total loss for Aspiritus:

    ( http://www.fvn.no/nyheter/norge_og_verden/Sylte-frifunnet-641264b.html )


    Sylte Aquitted


    Photo text: Kristiansand tingrett (local court) has cleanly aquitted attorney Olav Sylte (left) in the libel suit that Aspiritus, assisted by attorney Per Danielsen, had started. ŤSwindle allegations have been provenť, the court states.

    Photo: Kjartan Bjelland


    Rune Řidne Reinertsen


    Kristiansand tingrett (local court) regards WGI/Aspiritus as junk. Attorney Olav Sylte's use of words like Ťswindleť, is acceptable.

    KRISTIANSAND: - Olav Syltes statements about swindle and trickery are allowed to stand. They are considered to be proven. Sylte does not have to pay any compensation. On the other hand, Aspiritus has to pay his legal costs of 290.000 NOK.


    In non-legal terms, this is the verdict of local court judge Ivar Oftedahl and court members Sissel Mosby Nilsen and Řyvind Beurling. The lawsuit which Aspiritus started against attorney Olav Sylte when he used harsh words against WGI and Aspiritus in the summer of 2004, was not successful for Aspiritus. To the contrary, Aspiritus has to expect additional negative publicity when the verdict is made public.


    The Transition

    The core of the trial is the transition from the collapsed pyramid organisation WGI to Aspiritus, which the court has determined to be simply a continuation of WGI. ŤWGI was given a new nameť, as the court states. The 400 000 WGI-members - half of them Norwegians - were given the choice between claiming their money from an empty and dead WGI, or to convert them into shares in Aspiritus. Around 130 000 persons are said to have chosen the Aspiritus alternative, which the court describes as follows: ŤFor the members who were transferred to Aspiritus, both the company and the shares they have in the company must appear as just as "virtual" as the companies being traded in the Stock Market Games.ť (A stock market game which is one of the Aspiritus portofolio of gambling and lottery products, Editor's comment .)


    The court apparently considers the entire WGI/Aspiritus to be junk. Many of the gambling products are illegal in Norway, the company is registered in a tax evasion haven without anything close to a proper public company register, it is unclear if WGI was a company or just a trade name, and many essential informations have not been provided by Aspiritus.

    ŤEvidence requirements have been made additionally complicated by the fact that parts of the situation appears as an impenetrable carpet of fog,ť the court ruling states. The alleged valuation of Aspiritus to 750 million euro (approx. 6,2 billion NOK) is dismissed outright: ŤThere were probably no other assets in the company than the potential that was represented by moving the WGI membership.ť


    Evidence of Truth provided

    All in all, the court detemines that Olav Sylte's statements have been proven. As he has been cleanly aquitted, Aspiritus has to pay the costs of his hired lawyer, Nicolai V. Skjerdal. These costs are 290 000 NOK. How much attorney Per Danielsen will charge from Aspiritus, is not known.


    - I have not read the verdict, but I have heard the result, and it is a correct decision. Therefore I am satisfied, says Olav Sylte to Fćdrelandsvennen.


    - I can not say anything before I have read the verdict, says Per Danielsen of the losing Aspiritus side.


    FACTS: The Trial


    In the sumer of 2004, the pyramid scheme WGI collapsed.


    When the members were offered to be transferred to the successor Aspiritus, this was characterised by lawyer Olav Sylte as "swindle and trickery".


    Sylte's statements lead to Aspiritus starting a libel lawsuit against him.



    Published: 16.11.2006 - 21:04

    Updated: 17.11.2006 - 09:35



    For the record, attorney Per Danielsen has stated that Aspiritus is appealing the verdict.

    ( http://www.fvn.no/nyheter/norge_og_verden/Aspiritus-anker-arekrenkelses-dom-106327b.html )


    I expect that this appeal will be just as successful as WorldPlay and Greg Kennedy's appeal against the September 2004 Australian court ruling, which stated that WorldPlay and Greg Kennedy were guilty of operating an illegal pyramid scheme:

    ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ )


    S Holmes

  2. .... or, making a long story short:


    if you break a rule, you will be banned all your earnings confiscated.



    Just note that as long as you invest ("upgrade") with small amounts of money, you will not be banned for rule infractions.

    However, if you invest several thousand dollars (after first trying it out with small amounts), 12dailypro will suddenly "discover" that you have broken the program rules, accuse you of trying to cheat (even if your rule infraction is insignificant), ban you, and confiscate your money.


    All quite typical of a Ponzi scam starting its collapse phase.

  3. 4daily.com is the only one I probably recommend. They don't give out much money, but a 100% scam free paid to surf program.


    All these *number*daily**.com paid-to-surf programs are Ponzi schemes that appear to have been manufactured at the same "Ponzi-factory". Just compare their FAQ-pages, and you will see the common origin.


    If the income into such programs really came from web-site owners paying for visit in order to inflate their rankings, why on earth would they pay the surfers in proportion to the money ("upgrade" fee) the surfers have paid into the paid-to-surf program ?? This makes no sense at all.

    Naturally, these programs also claim that they get income from various vaguely specified "investsments", like e.g. "high leverage forex trading", but all Ponzi schemes make such claims nowadays.


    12dailypro.com has had large growth since it started, and is probably now close to its collapse phase.


    One indication of impending collapse is:

    12dailypro.com has now started a campaign of banning members and confiscating their money, doing it as follows:

    When 12dailypro discovers that a member has made some small infraction against their complex program regulations, they at first do nothing, as long as the members investment ("upgrade") is small.

    If the member then, after having tried the program out with small amounts of money, should make a large "upgrade" (usually several thousand dollars), 12dailypro suddenly "discovers" the member's infraction, accuses him of trying to cheat, bans him and confiscates his money.


    You may read several such stories at the forum http://www.talkgold.com/forum/

  4. Here is a link to a posting about WGI/Aspiritus on another discussion forum:



    The administrator of that forum has apparently received a threatening letter from Aspiritus, demanding that postings which are not favourable about WGI or Aspiritus, must be removed.


    The letter ends like this:

    Aspiritus has instructed lawyers to commence civil and criminal proceedings against the person(s) responsible for the Statements.


    I respectfully request that you remove the Statements from your website immediately. In addition, given the availability of the Statements in search engine results in Aspiritus major markets and the fact that copies of the Statements may be cached for some time in various search engines, it will be necessary to publish some form of retraction in order to mitigate the ongoing damage caused by the Statements.


    Accordingly, please could you replace the post with the following text:


    It has been brought to our attention that statements made on this forum regarding the business known as Aspiritus were maliciously defamatory of the business and completely without foundation. The administrators of this forum, while not the authors of the defamatory statement, apologize unconditionally to Aspiritus and its members for any inconvenience this may have caused.


    If you have any information whatsoever which might assist our legal team to identify the author of the Statements so that we can progress the take legal action initiated I also ask that you forward this to me at forumwatch@aspiritus.com.


    Thank you in advance for your prompt assistance.


    Yours faithfully,


    Forum Watch Administrator

    Aspiritus NV

    Apparently, Aspiritus now employs its own "Forum Watch Administrator", who has as his task to search internet discussion forums for unfavourable postings about WGI/Aspiritus, and then write letters to the forum administrators, threatening legal action unless these postings are removed and replaced by an apology as shown above.


    It should be noted that WGI and Aspiritus several times threatened legal action against Norwegian media, lawyers and economists who warned the public against the scheme.

    However, these threats never came to anything, probably because the WGI/Aspiritus bosses knew that if such a case ever came to court, they would be almost guaranteed to lose.


    One of the more noteworthy of such letters was written to the Norwegian lawyer Olav Sylte, who is running a lawsuit against WGI's Norwegian "World Leaders", on behalf of 15 former WGI members who lost considerable sums of money when the scheme stopped paying out. The letter ended like this:

    "These statements and many more, are clearly defamatory and have no factual basis. They are not presented as your opinions, or your clients case but are stated categorically as facts. This has left us with no choice but to instruct our lawyers in different countries to commence proceedings against you and your firm immediately. You will be receiving a visit from our service agents shortly. Lets hope that they respect your privacy and dignity more than you have respected the privacy and dignity of our members.

    Best Regards,


    Board of Directors

    Aspiritus N.V. "


    Did anyone get the impression that this might have been written by a prominent Mafioso?


    Needless to say, neither the lawsuit against Mr. Sylte, nor the visit from the Aspiritus "sevice agents", ever materialised.

  5. Why do you have to repeat yourself S Holmes? It is obvious to anyone reading this that you are on some kind of vendetta against G.Kennedy. I can assure anyone that Aaspiritus is NOT a pyramid scheme. WGI may have been borderline in some countries due to the sign up bonuses we had in that company.


    The only bonafide pyramid scheme I have ever participated in, happened 20 years ago. There where no products and the only way to move up the "ladder" was to recruit others which would move you closer to the top. When you finally reached the top, you were paid off and you disappeared from the scheme. The Aspiritus concept cannot even come close to this annology. There is no need for Aspiritus to use these kind of methods. Why? Because gambling and gaming is the biggest business by far online today! Using our superior product line as a cover to scam people would be rather short lived. Aspiritus has plans to be here for many years to come...


    P.S. To suggest that Rod Cook doesn't know who and what he is associated with, is downright stupid. This guy know exactly what he is dealing with. Period! Did you even have a look at his wesite...!?!?!?







    It seems that John "play4profits" is repeating himself as well, by harping on about how Rod Cook is a guarantee for Aspiritus (successor to WGI, according to "play4profits") being a legitimate MLM company, although it is still owned and run by the old pyramidsters from WGI.


    I have looked at Ron Cook's mlmwatchdog site before, and I took a new look at it now. I also noticed that Mr. Cook hires himself out as a consultant at 300 US$ to MLM companies.


    From Mr. Cook's web site, I noted that he has identified a number of MLMs as pyramid schemes or Ponzis, which is commendable.

    As a side issue, I also noted that he is among the MLM crowd who attacks the FDA repeatedly because he believes that "the FDA is in the pocket of big medicine companies because they will not allow MLM companies to market Noni juice (and similar nutritional supplements) as a cure for all illnesses" (my slight sarcasm here).


    As to identifying pyramid schemes, I did note that Mr Cook had never identified WGI as a pyramid scheme, in fact he has never even mentioned it on his web site, despite convictions (which all explicitely condemn WGI as an illegal pyramid scheme) against WGI and its promotors in courts in 4 countries, and despite pyramid warnings from several regulatory bodies, e.g. RCMP in Canada and ACCC in Australia.

    The only reference I could find to WGI or Aspiritus on the mlmwatchdog web site, was a propaganda mail or posting from a WGI promotor back in 2002, to which Mr Cook had never responded.


    I therefore concluded that Mr. Cook took on a consultancy job for the WGI successor without knowing the true criminal history of the WGI pyramid, and without knowing that he was working for criminals.

    It is easy to be fooled, especially by very accomplished liars like Greg Kennedy & Co.

    However, the situation that Mr. Cook has done some consultancy work for Aspiritus, does not make Aspiritus a legitimate scheme, when one knows which people are behind it and their frauds and lies when running the WGI pyramid.



    As to pyramid schemes in general, most people who have studied this phenomenon have noted that the old-fashioned "pure & simple" pyramid scheme is fairly rare these days, except for the "start, grow fast, implode early and escape without a trace" variants.


    Today's pyramid schemes are usually camouflaged as "multi-level marketing" (MLM), and disguise themselves by selling (normally within the congregation) either hardware which is overpriced, poor quality or useless, or services like gambling, "investments" or other (usually bogus) financial services.

    In many cases, these modern pyramid schemes also have a Ponzi (investment pyramid scam) element.

    One example of this was the Norwegian-run "Plexpay" pyramid/Ponzi, which was stopped by the police in September 2005. Its computers and documents were seized by the police as evidence, and the scheme owner and CEO was arrested and is facing criminal charges for embezzlement (18 million NOK) and gross fraud (80 million NOK). Incidentally, this man was a member and very active "network builder" in WGI.


    Unfortunately, the pyramid legistation in Norway was very outdated, and not adapted to modern style pyramids, so Norwegian police was not able to take action against the marketing of WGI because of its MLM disguise. Many Norwegians therefore lost money on WGI.



    It should be noted that Aspiritus has a Ponzi-style element, the VirtuDAQ "stock market game".

    In this "game", members use real money to buy "virtual shares" in 4 fictious "companies". Aspiritus imply that the "share" price will rise because of increased demand sue to obscure mechanisms like forced buys from members who "upgrade" their membership, an expected increased number of members, the expectation that the "share" price will rise (like a dog running around biting its own tail), and "dividend" generated by part of the "commissions" that are deducted when members buy/sell these "shares".

    The similar stock market game in WGI collapsed completely in the first part of 2004.



    Finally, if considering joining Aspiritus, one should remember that the company is registered in the tax evasion and money-laundering haven Netherlands Antilles.

    This means that the company is not required to present publicly available, audited financial records, and that the details of the company, like organisation, business plans, shareholder registry and responsible personnel, are extremely strictly protected.

    As a consequence, it will be very difficult to discover fraud, embezzlement or financial mis-management.

    When the scheme folds, it will also be very difficult to recover lost funds or to prosecute the responsible persons.


    By the way, the WGI/Aspiritus owner, Gregory James Kennedy, is reported to have built himself a private luxury refuge on a small island off Fiji, using vast sums "earned" from WGI.


    It will be quite difficult for the law and angry creditors to reach him there ....

  6. Well, I have been with this company and its predecessor since 2003, and I haven't lost any money yet. Besides, The Bank of Norway has issued records which shows that approx. 300 million N.Kroner has been paid out to more than 5000 members in Norway alone. Must be pretty crowded on top of this alleged "pyramid".... :P


    WGI faced many challenges in several countries around the world. Why? Because the authorities obviously want to protect one of the biggest dairy cows they have - the national lotteries etc. Other legitimate MLM companies (lotion, potion and powder companies) didn't get that much attention because they didn't deliver a product that was in direct competition with their own interests. I say that because the payplans don't differ that much. The verdict that S.Holmes refers to in Australia was instigated by another commonwealth country - Canada - to have WGI's operations shut down. WGI was off limit to the residents of Australia at the time anyway.


    It is interesting that you, as a pusher of Aspiritus, admit that World Games Inc. (WGI) was in fact the predecessor of Aspiritus.

    This is because Aspiritus itself claims "Aspiritus N.V. is not associated with WGI."


    Aspiritus has actually stressed many times that their members and promotors must not make statements that can be interpreted as saying that Aspiritus is the successor to WGI or a renamed version of WGI.

    The claim that "Aspiritus N.V. is not associated with WGI" is acually the major selling point of Aspiritus, because they want to appear as a legitimate internet gambling company, and the history of WGI and Gregory James Kennedy, with numerous lies & broken promises, pyramid convictions and missing payouts to members, is extremely damaging to this appearance.


    Naturally, external observers of this scheme do not believe the "Aspiritus N.V. is not associated with WGI" hoax, and neither do former WGI members who lost the money they had in their WGI accounts and were given worthless Aspiritus "units" in return.

    From the posting by "play4profits" it is apparent that not even Aspiritus pushers believe that "Aspiritus N.V. is not associated with WGI" is true, although they are required to pretend that it is true.


    It is true that around 5000 Norwegian WGI members, who had entered the scheme early, received considerable sums of money from WGI, mainly in 2002 and 2003. As could be expected from a pyramid scheme, WGI used this fact actively in their recruitment efforts.

    However, WGI had (by its own claims) around 250 000 members in Norway, and most of these members lost the money they put into WGI, when payouts from WGI became increasingly difficult from early 2004 and then stopped completely in August 2004.

    1 - 2% of the members making great profits, and the remainder losing, is not atypical of a pyramid scheme.

    It is believed that WGI targeted Norway because our pyramid legislation was very outdated and Norwegians are relatively wealthy (and perhaps somewhat gullible).

    It has been estimated that WGI took in more than 1 billion NOK (125 million Euro) from its Norwegian members, so Greg Kennedy & Co. lined their pockets well with Norwegian money.


    The reason why the Bank of Norway have detailed data on WGI payouts, is that Norwegian tax authorities investigated all Norwegians who had received payouts from WGI. The tax authorities found that approximately half of the Norwegians who had received payouts from WGI, had failed to declare this in their tax returns, probably believing that these payouts could not be traced.

    These members were slammed with severe punitive taxes, and in several cases with criminal charges for tax evasion.

    The most prominent example of this is former WGI and Aspiritus "World Leader" Tor Anders Petterře, one of the five top Norwegian promotors of WGI. In June 2005, his home and office was raided by police and tax authorities, and he is facing criminal charges for tax evasion.



    It is true that WGI faced many legal "challenges" over the world.

    Here is a list of WGI convictions:


    Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, September 2004:

    Gregory James Kennedy and his company WorldPlay convicted of operating "an illegal pyramid selling scheme" (WGI).

    The court decision was confimed by the full federal court in an appeal trial in May 2005.

    In fact, this trial was started by the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC). The scheme, originally called Virtual Games Global (VGG), had been banned from operating inside Australia in 2002.



    Greg Kennedy & Co responded to this case by moving WGI to the mailbox company Pacific Delta Investments Ltd, located in the tax evasion and money laundering paradise British Virgin Islands.


    Örebro, Sweden, March 2004:

    A woman convicted of promoting an illegal pyramid or "chain-letter game", which is the Swedish legal term. In this case the court clearly ruled that WGI is an illegal "chain-letter game".

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (Swedish lottery inspectorate, in Swedish language)

    http://www.dn.se/ (Swedish major newspaper Dagens Nyheter, in Swedish language)


    Calgary, Alberta, Canada, December 2004:

    Six of the lead Canadian promoters of World Games Inc. (WGI) plead guilty to operating and promoting an Illegal Pyramid Scheme, and were convicted.

    A Canadian arrest warrant for former WGI vice president Quentin George is still in effect.




    Lahti, Finland, September 2005:

    19 WGI promotors (one Norwegian) convicted of operating or participating in an illegal pyramid scheme, and of illegal money-collecting. 7 were sentnced to suspended prison sentences and fines, the remainder were fined. They were also sentenced to have illegaly earned pyramid income confiscated by the Finnish State, a total of 250 000 Euro. The court clearly ruled that WGI was an illegal pyramid scheme.

    http://www.kaleva.fi/cf/juttu.cfm?j=504276 (in Finnish language)



    The Board of Aspiritus N.V.:

    Four of the board members of Aspiritus were previously involved in WGI, and Gregory James Kennedy still has a controlling interest in Aspiritus:

    The board of directors of Aspiritus are:

    Chief Executive Officer/ Chief Financial Officer Jost Steinbruchel

    Operations Director Greg Young

    Marketing Director - Conall McSorley

    Company Secretary Simon Hade

    Director Jan Buess

    Director Paul-Andre Jacot

    Chairman (Non Exec) Greg Kennedy


    - Greg (Gregory James) Kennedy was chairman and principal owner of WGI, and he essentially still owns and controls the scheme, because his company Pacific Delta Investments Ltd. (which previously ran WGI) still owns between 65 and 70% of Aspiritus. This has been verified by Norwegian newspapers/media who have reviewed the "takeover" documents


    (In Norwegian, Hegnar Online financial website)

    - Greg Young was previously President and CEO of WGI.

    - Conall McSorley was previously press spokesman of WGI, dishing out the most inventive lies about why members were not receiving their money.

    - Jost Steinbruchel had ownership interests in Caesars Explorations Inc., which later changed its name to Great Southern Enterprises Corp., which was stated to be the "parent company" of WGI





    Aspiritus is the successor or renamed version of World Games Inc. (WGI)

    Aspiritus is still controlled by WGI boss Gregory James (Greg) Kennedy and his cohorts.


    Courts in several counties have convicted WGI promotors and declared that it is an illegal pyramid scheme.


    The leopard will not change its spots. Stay away from the Aspiritus scam!

  7. S.Holmes is just a disgruntled WGI member who still lives in the past.... :P


    Sorry, John! I have never been a member of WGI or Aspiritus, although I have been subjected to a couple of recruitment attempts.

    However, I have studied the pyramid scam in some detail, and I have friends and co-workers who have lost money on it.

    More than 200 000 people are estimated to have lost money on WGI in Norway, and the names WGI and Greg Kennedy are mud here.

    That is probably one of the reasons why the WGI scammers chose to change the name to Aspiritus, let Greg Kennedy run it from she shadows, and insert the new figurehead Steinbruchel.


    As to living in the past, I think it is very important to know the past history of people who want you to invest money in their projects.


    Why Mr Cook has chosen to work for Aspiritus, I cannot say, but he may have been lured by money, or the WGI/Aspiritus bosses, who are accomplished liars, may have managed to conceal the fact that Aspiritus is WGI with a new name.

    To deny that Aspiritus is the successor to WGI, is a strategy they cling desperately on to, without convincing very many who know the facts.


    Aspiritus claims that "Aspiritus N.V. is not associated with WGI"




    Four of the board members of Aspiritus were previously involved in WGI, and Gregory James Kennedy still has a controlling interest in Aspiritus:

    The board of directors of Aspiritus are:

    Chief Executive Officer/ Chief Financial Officer Jost Steinbruchel

    Operations Director Greg Young

    Marketing Director - Conall McSorley

    Company Secretary Simon Hade

    Director Jan Buess

    Director Paul-Andre Jacot

    Chairman (Non Exec) Greg Kennedy


    - Greg (Gregory James) Kennedy was chairman and principal owner of WGI, and he essentially still owns and controls the scheme, because his company Pacific Delta Investments Ltd. (which previously ran WGI) still owns between 65 and 70% of Aspiritus. This has been verified by Norwegian newspapers/media who have reviewed the "takeover" documents


    (In Norwegian, Hegnar Online financial website)

    - Greg Young was previously President and CEO of WGI.

    - Conall McSorley was previously press spokesman of WGI, dishing out the most inventive lies about why members were not receiving their money.

    - Jost Steinbruchel is stated to be the leader of an outside group of businessmen who supposedly started Aspiritus and bought WGI's assets.

    However, Steinbruchel has been involved in the WGI scheme since around 2001, when he acquired a sizeable ownership interest in an obsure Canadian mining company called Caesars Explorations Inc., which later changed its name to Great Southern Enterprises Corp.


    In 2004, Great Southern Enterprises Corp. was officially stated to be the "parent company" of WGI.

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (you may need The Wayback Machine for this one)


    The products are essentially the same: Gambling marketed by MLM (or alternatively, a pyramid scheme masked as a gambling site). Only significant difference is that the stock market geme in Aspiritus sells four types of virtual (worthless) shares, while SMG in WGI had only one.


    The promotors of Aspiritus are very much the same as the WGI promotors.

    A shining example of this is Ms Shirley "70challenger"/"bryconn", who probably made the complaint leading to deletion of posts by S Holmes.

    Shirley "70challenger"/"bryconn" has been a very active WGI and Aspiritus promotor since August 2004, spamming many web forums with promotional posts for WGI/Aspiritus. You can easily verify this by doing a Google search with keywords either "70challenger" or "bryconn".

    She even continued promoting WGI after Canadian WGI promotors had been found guilty of illegal pyramid selling in December 2004, i.e. in direct defiance of §55 of the Competition Act of her own country (Canada), and in defiance of a court decision clearly stating that WGI was an illegal pyramid scheme.


    Even many prominent WGI promotors openly state that Aspiritus is a renamed version of WGI.

    A notable example is MLM author Pete Billac, who was advertised as key speaker at the first Aspiritus recruiting meeting in USA (11 June 2005 in Las Vegas).

    At Pete Billac's web site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , the heading of his WGI/Aspiritus book web page is:

    "Aspiritus N.V.

    (formerly World Games Inc)

    By Pete Billac"

  8. Aspiritus; Renamed version of the infamous WGI pyramid scam.


    Aspiritus is a direct descendant (or renamed version) of World Games Incorporated (WGI), a pyramid scam which was very active in Scandinavia, UK, and Canada from 2001 to early 2005. It originated in Australia, as Virtual Games Global (VGG), but changed its name and its "hunting grounds" after the Australian authorities stopped its operation in Australia.


    The "chairman" and owner of this pyramid scam is the Australian fraudster Gregory James Kennedy, who was previously operating property and loan frauds in Western Australia. You may find some information about him at these links:


    Debates from the state parliament in Western Australia, where Gregory James Kennedy's frauds became a political issue:





    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ E001076C6/$file/A0524002.PDF


    Various newspaper articles about Greg Kennedy's property frauds:









    WGI used to claim that propery/loan fraudster Greg Kennedy is not the same person as WGI pyramid scheme boss Greg Kennedy, despite the fact that the names are exactly the same, "both" are of the same age, and "both" were involved in illegal activities.


    Initially, WGI had large growth (around 450 000 members maximum), and early entrants earned money from recruitment rewards and rising "share" prices in a Ponzi-style "Stock Market Game".


    However, recruitment fell in 2004, and payout to members (except for a few top dogs called World Leaders) virtually ceased in August 2004, and the "share" price dropped by more than 90%. As with other Ponzis and pyramid scams that are in the collapse phase, the payment problems were blamed on the banks etc, and payment was always promised to come "very soon".


    WGI stopped operating in early 2005, and it was announced that its "assets" had been bought by a company called Aspiritus N.V., based in the Netherlands Antilles (well-known tax evasion and money-laundering haven).


    In reality, this takeover was only a renaming and reorganisation of the pyramid scheme, because the majority of Aspiritus is owned by Greg Kennedy's company Pacific Delta Investments Ltd, which previously ran the pyramid scam WGI.


    Aspiritus is run by the same people that ran WGI; Notable personalities are WGI "president" (now Aspiritus Operations Director )Greg Young, WGI press spokesman (now Aspiritus Marketing Director) Conall McSorley, a swiss Aspiritus figurehead Jost Steinbruchel (involved with VGG/WGI since 2001), and with Gregory James Kennedy lurking in the shadows behind it and controlling all, as 'Non-executive Chairman'.


    WGI owed large sums of money to its members when it stopped operating. The money in the members' accounts was not paid out, but were converted to "units", which (it is claimed) can later be sold or converted to shares in Aspiritus. However, these "units"/shares are extremely overpriced (by a factor of at least 10), and no members have managed to sell such "units", so the money the members had in WGI must be regarded as lost.


    There have been convictions against WGI and its promotors for illegal pyramid selling activities in Australia, Canada, Sweden and Finland, plus a trial in preparation against WGI promotors in Denmark.


    Here are links to court decisions in Brisbane, Australia:

    WorldPlay Services (the company which originally ran WGI) and its director Gregory James Kennedy were convicted of illegal pyramid selling. They also lost the appeal.


    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (full text of the court decision)


    Appeal reference:

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ nitionItemId=16940


    "Full Federal Court upholds finding Gold Coast company part of international pyramid selling scheme


    Gold Coast company Worldplay Services Pty Ltd breached the Trade Practices Act 1974 by participating in an international online pyramid selling scheme, the Full Federal Court upheld today.


    The decision also upheld that the company's director, Mr Greg Kennedy, was found to be knowingly concerned in the contravention.


    The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission began proceedings in December 2003 alleging that World Games Inc, which operated internationally using a website, was an illegal pyramid scheme."


    Link to court ruling convicting Canadian WGI promotors of pyramid selling:




    "The eight people in the Alberta scheme were charged in September with conducting or managing a pyramid scheme and an illegal lottery for their alleged involvement with an organization known as World Games Inc. Investigators allege that World Games took in millions of dollars in illicit revenues. The organization at one point boasted an international membership of over 400,000. The total number of Canadians victimized by this activity is as yet unknown."

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