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Posts posted by dropkicksidekick

  1. That was a very interesting tutorial. It may help me out a little. It was almost a flawless tutorial besides the few word errors I seen at the beginning of the topic. (but I still understood it) I read the hole thing and I promise to try to do my best to make my posts and my topics more professional and clearer. It may take a while to work on it, but I'm sure I will soon get to that point. I have a small question though. So how does your points decrease? Lets just say for example I had fourteen credits and I leave for maybe a week or two. Would that take all my credits away? If not how many would I have left? Because I would really hate to create a nice website then soon after I get sick for about a week and my site gets deleted. All in all I think it was a really great tutorial. I learned a little bit today and I hope to keep learning more from this site. So that's why I have decided to stick around. I would also like to say thanks for that miniature html tutorial. I know it wasn't much, but it was more then I already knew. Maybe I will search around this site and try to find a complete tutorial. Well I tried to write a good post. I don't know how well I did. Maybe someone can tell me some things I did wrong. Unless this isn't the topic to discuss that in.Edit- This post got me 5 points. That's pretty good, but I bet your tutorial on how to post better got you like 200 points didn't it.

  2. NASA initially estimated the energy that Apophis (The Asteroid) would have released if it impacted Earth as the equivalent of 1480 megatons of TNT (114,000 times the energy from the nuclear bomb Little Boy, dropped by the United States on Hiroshima, Japan). A more refined later estimate was 850 megatons. The impacts which created the Barringer Crater or caused the Tunguska event are estimated to be in the 10-20 megaton range. The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa was the equivalent of roughly 200 megatons.

    More info Here

    What is your opinion on this matter, or what do you think may happen?

    I think it's all made up for a publicity act.

  3. I don't see any reason you would want to install invisionfree for a forum. Like they said. I don't think you can do it, but there is alot of better board then invisionfree. It's alot easier to handle then other forums, but it isn't professional. The IPB boards like this is the most professional I've seen. What I wouldn't give just to be able to add comments in peoples profile and stuff.Maybe you can check out zetaboards when they come out. They should be out in like a month or so.(I'm just stating my opinion)

  4. I recently viewed a topic on another forum I went to talking about hosting codes and scripts on a forum so that you can have more board wrapper space.I got everything they said except for saving as a .jv file. Does anyone know how to do that? Do you think they just want me to save the name as .jv?Because I've never heard of .jv as being a source of saving. I'm really trying to get these codes hosted so I can install more mods to my forum.Anyone got any ideas?Sorry If I may of put this in the wrong section. I just know that saving stuff involves computers.

  5. Here is my website/forum. It's nothing much now.

    It's currently in the 2nd month of it's making.
    My skin creator is iceworks and he's in my opinion one of the bests.
    Even though this forum is only 2 months old I've been making forums and sites for 5 or 6 years now. I'm am highly experienced.

    After two months so far I have 120 members and 4,463 posts.

    If you can't tell by just looking at the forum- yes we do have an arcade. We currently have around 200 games. (Maybe 180 I think.) I'm going to keep trying to get the latest arcade games that comes out.

    Our URL- Tripping With Swords

    The sections we have-

    About The Forum/Rules
    Help Desk
    World of Music
    Serious Discussion
    Show Off (not an advertising forum)
    fan fiction
    Flame/Free Style Forum
    The Lounge
    GFX Renders
    GFX Reqests /Gifts
    Arcade Questions
    General Gaming
    Arcade Games
    Text Games
    PS3, XBox-360, Nintendo Wii
    Chill Out Room.

    Reviews or Register please!

  6. 1. How fast do you type? Informal estimates are fine. I only know my "official" typing speed because I was tested for a job interview. I'm not sure what my real score is. I've had some tests tell me I typed 150 WPM and I've had some that told me I can type 50 WPM. I don't really know which tests to believe so I guess I'll just wait until I get me a typing job. (IF I get a typing job) That's what I want.I've been obsessed with typing and beating everyone. I just can't increase my speed. I don't get it. I've been typing for over 5 years now and I'm not reaching an extraordinary(sp?) limit that I would like to. I don't know how to improve myself. I try to see what my limit to typing is, but I just mess up. I took a pro typing test and got 50 WPM because I couldn't even spell or pronounce the words they wanted me to type.2. Where, if any place, do you get the most reaction? Mostly school. People look at me like I'm a good typer. I just smile inside my head because I know that my typing skills aren't nothing compared to most peoples.

  7. Hello I'm new to the forum and I just wanted to post me an introduction. I like the forum it is really nice. The reason I joined is because I would like to participate in your free no adds web hosting. I'm currently looking to make a website to help my forum grow.My A/S/L and additional information-18MaleGeorgiaAim- Dropkicksidekickand I've been running forums since I was 13.Questions-Where exactly in the forum do you have to post in order for your credits to count?

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