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Posts posted by Rokuso

  1. Video games do affect behavior. Grand Theft Auto might motivate a person to go on the streets with a katana and slice someone's head off. But when they get wanted, what are they gonna do when they can't type in their "Lower wanted level" cheat?Many of the people out there are taking video games seriously.Such as WoW. Kids are taking WoW WAY too seriously now.Like when that kid in China commited suicide because he could not join the faction he desired. Or when that kid who was trying to reenact a scene from WoW because jumping off a buildingthinking that his "Colossal Parachute" would break his fall.Aside from WoW, violent games are affecting many people.Like Counter-Strike. Someone might go to a store and buy a Desert Eagle and shoot someonein the head, thinking that he will hear the "BOOM HEADSHOT!" sound when he kills them.Or maybe they might stab someone in the back out of pleasure.So games are really starting to affect all of us.

  2. Too much playing of games could lead to suicidal because of something a person could not achieve;Too much playing could lead to changed behavior, and personality.Such as :-When someone asks you how old you are, you may respond with : Level *your age*-When someone is really mad, you might say that that person is on aggro mode.-When a person asks you for a pencil, you might say, "Press the accept button" and such;-If your mom asks you how you are doing at school, you might respond with your character's stats.----------------------------------------------------------------------------Games are starting to affect the behavior of children by the millions. Like when that kid who couldn't join a certain faction in WoW and commited suicide because he couldn't join.Or when that kid who was trying to reenact a scene from WoW by jumping off a building thinkingthat his colossal parachute in WoW would save him.Gaming is affecting many people. One more example, Counter-Strike.Say, when you're playing dodgeball, and you hit someone in the head. You might outburst saying : "BOOM HEADSHOT!"Or when you get someone in the back and they get knocked over, you might respond with :"HUMILIATION"WoW and Counter-Strike are just one of the many perps out there that are effecting many children.So my answer is yes. Gaming does affect behavior.

  3. I play games for that thrill and rush of the chase.

    Such as when you're playing Counter-Strike. Chasing the guy with your silenced M4A1 and headshotting him.

    And yes I agree with Aequitas. People are starting to take games really seriously. Like when that kid who
    couldn't join the other faction on WoW and commited suicide after playing for 48 hours straight.
    Here is an article for why people are taking so seriously.

    Xinhua, a mainland China news agency, has reported that the parents of a young boy who committed suicide last year have filed suit against Blizzard, the makers of World of Warcraft. The boy jumped out of a 24-story window on December 27, 2004 and the parents blame the suicide on the boy's alleged addiction to the game. They also believe that he was trying to reenact a scene from the game.
    We translated the original Chinese language article and found out that just before committing suicide, the boy left four letters and one hand-written note to his parents. In addition, he also logged onto World of Warcraft and told fellow players goodbye. The boy, who played a Night Elf in the game, believed that he could meet his favorite Night Elf hero, if he committed suicide.

    While the parents allege that the boy was trying to reenact a game scene by jumping out of the building, World of Warcraft in fact does not include any part where the player is encouraged to commit suicide. There are two voluntary quests that do have the player jump off a mountain, but in both cases, you safely land with the help of a parachute or by being teleported away before the caharcter hits the ground.

    World of Warcraft Feralas jump - Looking down

    World of Warcraft has two major factions or sides. Night-elves, Drawves, Gnomes and Humans make up the Alliance or "good guys", while Orcs, Undead, Trolls and Tauren make the bad guys or "the Horde". Alliance players can jump off the "Twin Colossal" mountains in a zone called Feralas. Players are teleported to the top, where they are given a chance to purchase a parachute that will, if opened at the right time during the descent, save them.

    World of Warcraft Feralas jump - Buying Parachute

    According to Travis Meacham, author of previous Tom's Hardware Guide World of Warcraft articles, the mountains have turned into a meta-game or game within a game. Some players purposely jump off without a parachute, while other players sit at the bottom and watch their teammates come down.

    Horde players have a quest called "Test of Faith" which makes them jump to their supposed death in the zone "Thousand Needles". Just before hitting the ground, the player is teleported away to safety.

    The state-controlled newspapers have been on an anti-online game blitz for the last several weeks. In another story, an online gamer cut off his finger because he thought he was addicted to games. No specific online game was mentioned in the article. China has set time limits on online game play and will punish people by taking away equipment and levels if they play longer than three hours at a time.

    To prevent addiction, World of Warcraft does have a "rest" feature which discourages constant game play. Logged off characters accumulate rest, which doubles the amount of experience earned from killing monsters. The longer the player is logged off, the more rest accumulates. Casual players, who only play a few times a week, can level up their characters in less time as people who play for several hours straight.

  4. What would you rather play?I would rather play an FPS because its just really fun to kill people in a First Person. The thrill of the hunt givesus that little boost of energy. *BOOM HEADSHOT!* That's the sound that makes us hyper when playing Counter-Strike Source, or some other kind of FPS game along the same lines. FPS's are generally better than MMORPG's in my opinion because it just gets so fun when you get into clans. Because you can have CAL matches, clan scrims and such.MMORPG's I don't like because they get repetitive. Such as Runescape. *KILL**LOOT* etc. These kind of games make me sleepy.WoW is another example because its just boring. People are getting too personal over a computer game designed to to simulate real life in a game. Like, who the hell finds a golem outside their house? Yes, I know its a fantasy game, but fantasy games are not my type. So what's your opinion?

  5. As the title states, what mmorpg are you addicted to right now?Most of the MMORPG's i've played were very repetitive. *Run**Slash**Kill**Loot**Repeat.*That got really annoying after awhile. Does anyone know of an MMORPG that would keep you hooked for a LONG time?Not anything like runescape because that game is a shame to society.I want sometimes along the lines of FlyFF. Because that MMORPG kept me hooked for a long time. The flying and everything.Also, another thing I don't want is WoW. That is a boring game period. I find that its just a repetitive like all the other games out there. I don't know why everyone is hooked on it.So, please post what MMORPG's you guys are hooked on right now! (LEAVING OUT WoW.)

  6. I would rather prefer Photoshop, because of the many abilities it has. Such as more filters that GIMP does not have, the ability to install your own brushes.GIMP, I don't like it because it dosen't have enough designing capabilities that Photoshop has.I only started to use GIMP because it was the only free graphics program I could find, but Photoshop, has changed the way I think about graphics designing.I vote for Photoshop, because its t3h secks.

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