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Dr. Moonglobe

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Posts posted by Dr. Moonglobe

  1. Today I was trying to setup shared internet for someone and was having lots of problems with it. They are using AOL DSL and had their ISP's modem. They have a Linksys router (forgot what model...WRT something) and I tried almost everything I can think of to no avail.

    I have had some hands on with this sort of situation. Something you can try if you have not already.

    The USB should be a separate connection from the Ethernet. Meaning you should be able to connect a device to each or either.

    If you are using a router as you mentioned, I would think that simply connecting the router to Ethernet port of the modem should do it. Then, connect any and all computers to the router via Ethernet.

    The trick will be the configuration and port forwarding.

    NOTE: The Linksys by default uses as its LAN IP, you may need to change this to match, or change the modem. Just put the modem and router on the same subnet. Tis best if the are both 192.168.SAME.whatever

    The modem can be configured as the Gateway for the router.
    Most likely a LAN address of (or
    For our example, lets assume it is the prior.

    The WAN address of the modem is in no way a part of this puzzle.

    The router should have a WAN address to mate with the LAN address of the modem.
    Modem LAN = Router WAN =
    So now the modem sees the router as a legal device on its LAN side

    The router should have its gateway IP set to the modems LAN IP (
    Now the router knows where the WAN/Internet is.

    If the modem has a firewall or is using NAT, The modem should pass (In and out) all ports and communication to the router ( Then use the routers firewall.

    All computers are connected to the router via Ethernet/Wireless.

    Now, here is the only part you will have to trial. If the router is set to use DHCP, which assigns addresses to all computers connected to it, everything should work. However if it does not, you may need to assign static addresses (, 4, 5 so on) to each machine and experiement with the gateway IP setting on those machines. I think if the systems know the gateway is the router ( this should work. However, You may need to tell each system the modem address ( is the actual gateway. Thus the router will forward correctly to it.

    Give this a try, and get back to me if ya like.
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