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Posts posted by E_CULB

  1. Historically it does. The catholics were the first christians. Then the protestants split off, and then split into more groups. If one of the two groups is going to be referred to as anything other than christian, it should be the protestant groups.
    There are other reasons as well. The catholic church has a consistent doctrine and theology whereas there are something like 10,000 forms of protestantism. Why should the 10,000 groups be referred to as christian when the first christans are not? That doesn't make sense at all.

    The best name for this topic would be Catholics vs Protestants.

    How can the first christians be Catholics? The bible never taught that the early church believed in purgatory, prayed to saints, or deified the virgin Mary. Mary needed Jesus just as much as everyone else on earth. The early church never prayed to a God still hanging on the Cross, so how can the first christians be catholics? Then is was stated the Latter-Day saints were also christians, this is so far from the truth a christian believes that Jesus is God very God. Everything he did on the cross finished the work and there was no need for a man Joseph Smith to fix a fallen church.
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