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Posts posted by Ashen

  1. Well, as for quantum mechanics that can affect computer speed it is not that hard to understand. Talking about quantum computers, we have to understand the idea of quantum information. As in classical IT, the elemental bit of information is just bit, that can be either at 0 or 1 state. In quantum information, the elemental portion of information is qubit (quantum bit). The difference is that, the quantum bit can be at 0 or 1 state, but as well at the superposition of both states. It is more or less that it is in both sates at one time. Then quantum register composed of qubits, could be at all possible states in one time. It can lead to parallel computations. Instead of having expotential algorithm complexity, we will obtain linear. Right now, there are already quantum algorithms being developed. Major problems are with the construction of such a computer, because physical representation of quantum states is extremely fragile. Hard to store and to measure.


    Uhh, sorry for offtopic :)

  2. Well, I agree that the key to learn to code is to code. But what to code is as well important. If you learn from a book, or online tutorials, you will probably be presented with a bunch of excercises. The problem is that these excercises are absolutely boring, and it can be quite discouraging for the beginners. My advice is to try to develop your own project right away. I guess everybody has some range of interest, some hobby, where he or she could use a kind of an application, or online tool. Especially beginners will probably have a lot of ideas of what to create. No matter how big, or professional the application would be. Even if it would take you a whole year to complete it, it is always worth of starting. The reason is PASSION! If you try to develop your own project you will soon encounter a lot of problems. Eagerness to finish the project, and satisfaction of seeing how more of it works properly will drive you to look for solutions to any resources available (would it be a book, or online tutorial). Pleasure from practice will make you learn faster.Notice that it isn't important if you really will ever finish your project, or when will it be. Do not even think about it, just do it. After a shor time you will suddenly notice how easy all of it was, and that you are becomeing a real Pro.

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