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Posts posted by Takumi-san

  1. The world is moving farther away from the sun and space exploration is well enough, but on the chance that humans actually do find another inhabitable planet, people will begin to want to travel there starting probably as a new colony as well as a tourist resort or something along those lines. Not all tourists are nice enough to walk to the nearest trash can to throw away their garbage as it is now. More likely than not, people would do the same thing there as they do here and not only that, but if there is another planet that is inhabitable, then there is a possibility for a different intelligent lifeform other than humans (not that humans are super intelligent, they are perhaps just a small step up from an animal) and what would happen to them? Some would wish to coexist, but there would also be those who would wish ill of them. It could even be that the people of Earth would do the same thing to extraterrestrials as they did with the native Americans or African-Americans. I think NASA's space exploration is actually a very good thing, but the human race is not quite ready for whatever may be "out there", and possibly, what is "out there" may not be ready for us as well.

  2. Well, I'm also from the United States. I'm probably one of the least talented people in the world, but I'm still fine the way I am. I can only speak English, but I'm learning Chinese, and since I watch anime (though I have a broken net when it comes to catching languages) I now know a couple words of Japanese. I'm impressed by your dedication to learning English though and I'd be happy to chat with you.

  3. I actually only played Runescape for about three days at the max because I was searching for a good mmorpg to play. I thought that it was a little redundant killing the same things and there wasn't very much variety of the things to do (I am a non-member so that might account for that.). I never got any friends on Runescape either, I mean friends from the game only, not friends that I know in real life or met on a forum. The graphics of Runescape are strange to me because I usually play games that use clients like Eudemons or Maplestory and in those you can see your characters clearly during regular gameplay and not only when you are talking to an NPC. All in all, I think Runescape would be better if people were more outgoing. Other than that, everything else is decent. The only reason that I actually found Runescape is because I was looking on Miniclip for a little bit. I've never played the other game either.

  4. What is the best free mmorpg that has player versus player as well as regular gameplay and has all around good graphics(among other things)? I wondering because I want to create a forum so I want something to entertain the users that is free and is fairly good. I also need to have player versus player. Sorry for bothering with this dumb question though. Don't answer if you don't want to.

  5. The wiis are being sold faster, probably because of the controller, than ps3s. I don't really like the xbox360 because I think it is just not fitting in a way. I like halo but I just dislike the controller layout. The wiis are more interactive (obviously) than the ps3 but I think the ps3 has more rpg games. (Biased in a way because i like rpg games) If I had a choice I would definitely chose either the wii or the ps3.

  6. I believe they should change and add the new planets if they are going to keep them as planets and not remove them. Being cumbersome, I don't think they should reteach everyone, but the younger kids and from that class onwards. As for those past, they shouldn't have to learn it because it would be a tad harder to change the way of thought of what is a planet and what isn't a planet. I don't even think planet should be a describing word either. Planet should be like a reference to just all of the rock (and gas, etc. if you include Jupiter) bodies because currently it is undefinable to the planets as they are changing them.

  7. I don't think that the research should be stopped because it is potentially helpful and also potentially harmful. If there weren't any horrible people out to monopolize and abuse power, then there would only be controversy over the fact that they are human and cow embryos and both are capable of life until they are mingled together. Also if it were possible (I'm not saying that it isn't) that the cow and human genes could combine together, he/she would probably cause a great amount of curiousity about the traits of the new lifeform. Most likely another scientist (or scientists) will recreate another embryo and test it. There are tons of different outcomes, but a main fact is that no matter what, that lifeform would become an outcast in the society. There could even be the possibility that he/she could commit suicide, murder, anything. (I'm not saying that it can't just help for his/her entire life.) Anyways, there is aposibility of mental instability because of being shunned from a society that caused the birth of themself. It could cause a situation like in Elfen Lied (anime show) where there is another species of humans that have vector hands (they are like invisible hands and are much longer. There are variations in length and in number.) who are considered a threat and are isolated from the moment they are born. If they escape, they kill anything that they come across.(I didn't want to say "it" because if he/she could possibly survive they wouldn't like being called "it". I'm fifteen so don't blame me.)

  8. Favorite old games:Mario Brothers/ Duck Hunt (Duck hunt is so awesome especially with that gun-shaped controller that came with it.)BombermanI really liked SuperMario 64 that was really good. Also Boogerman (has anyone ever heard of it? really funny old game for the nintendo. I don't remember the system name, but it was the one where the cartridge was put in from the top like the 64 but it was older.)That is kind of it for the oldest games that I know and like. On the subject of old computer games, I think that if you get a really really old one from when computers that had like 1gig of memory was amazing and play it on a computer now and days, the game goes EXTREMELY fast. It would be amusing to watch.

  9. This topic has made me more aware of my surroundings, seriously. I should lead that kind of life. Everybody should. That is really great, that would mean that people would eat less of what they like because they get more taste and enjoy it more. If that was the case this would would have a ton of surplus. The only problem is that people are greedy; though not all of them, a lot are in which the case is then shifting the ecomony to price healthier foods more because all of the junk foods would fall from dropping rates. All in all it is better, but it would be better with gradual changes. Where did you find the book?

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