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About Elmbonsai
Thanks Quatrux, I will give this one a try. If you don't mind the voice to be 1.digi 2. female 3. British accent try this program Alien Speech You just type what you want into the text field and then press play and it will read your text. To convert it to MP3 I use this program, Audacity This program allows you to record the voice sound from your computer, no microphone needed. I then save it as an MP3 (the first time you try to save as an MP3 it will tell you where to go to download the MP3 encoder) I hope this helps you guys but I still haven't found a realistic sounding voice.
I thought the trial was supposed to be held as a tribunal, like Nuremburg. Oh wait they couldn't have done it that way because then "the cowboy" would have to stand for his crimes as well.I am sure the court was completely fair and no jurer threats happened.This is the same story as all the other friend/foes of the US, first they are our friends and they allow us to do what ever we want to their country and their people and then when they start to speak up our leaders turn them into a bad guy with the proper media hype and then up until now the US spends Billions in the effort to find the new bad guy only to loose him at the last second. Then years later the bad guy will show up in the news and nobody thinks twice about him. Look at Castro, the last time you saw him on T.V did he make you mad?I suppose he and us are now friends because he can now recieve American products like Coka Cola and Best foods mayonaise (with a huge tarrif). I hope the terrorists don't want to attack him now because of his peoples way of life, I mean they can get mayonaise now!Think of what the French (freedom) will think of this!I suppose in the near future when you want to learn French you will have to ask to learn freedom, they might as well use it, because they arn't letting the public use it anymore*The reference to they, us, we, our, leaders refers to the persons in the democracy of the US. I as well as most of the rest of the population of the US are not part of this union of democracy as I/we have never been able or allowed to vote on any of the actions relating to us going to war or similar "anti-personnel actions." The president always seems to take this vote away from us, I suppose this is too important to gamble on such a risky 50/50 outcome.Has anyone noticed that since Saddam was executed that gas prices have gone up?Shouldn't they have gone down just as some sort of celebration?I suppose this proves that the war actually has nothing to do with oil, NOT!!
The 7% Solution Tax Payer Control Over Budget Woes
Elmbonsai replied to evought's topic in Science and Technology
What I want to know is, does the IRS pay taxes?How much does a private company have to pay in taxes to have their own force of agents (CPA's with guns) who at anytime can inforce the "laws" that they wish.I am sure that if Americans got together we could create our own tax company that would inforce the the "laws" we wanted as well.I thought we lived in a democracy (Ha Ha), where we had fair trade, the IRS is a monopoly. I want to pay my taxes to some other company that has nicer agents.If I knew there would be a class on SWAT tactics I would have become a CPA a long time ago!!!!Even if the IRS imparted a fair tax, the rich would only have to pay taxes on new purchases, I can go into another state (with cheaper taxes) to buy my car and then register it in my state. The poor still gets the shaft and the rich just has to think a bit harder. Meanwhile the middle class will have one more thing to worry about in their pursurt of security.It sounds good on the surface but it is just as nasty as the current situation. -
It's nice hear people talking like this, waste doesn't just go away. The town I live in actulally uses this idea, except that the power plant is run off of natural gas, after the main turbine burns the fuel the residual heat is funneled into a collector stack where all the water is removed and then the dried hot air is run through a series of smaller turbines that create about the same amount of output as the initial burn. The by product is Ammonia, which they allow to go into the air; I think they should trap it and recycle it. The other by product is a mineral sludge which gets boiled down into cakes. I am currently in the process of trying to get the city to let me have the mineral cake tested, if this proves to be useful it could be used as a fertilizer additive. I know that when commercial meat is smoked that the smoke is then funneled through vents and quickly cooled and this is how they get the flavoring liquid smoke the left over CO which put through catalytic converters has now oxidized into CO2 is then trapped and bottled and used to carbonate things like beer. The FDA has bans on un-smoked meat having CO gas being put on it, you see CO gas makes meat and some fish (salmon) perk up and become very pink and look really "fresh." This is the same FDA that says that we don't need to know all the ingredients that go into pre-preared foods. This is why sometimes a single serving of a food item will have no fat and the whole package will have tons more, go figure. The catalytic converters on our cars convert CO and many other toxic compounds from the exhaust into "harmless" ones, when was the last time you had yours checked, did you even know your car had one of these? Companies should re-think their position on what they consider waste because many things that are considered waste can (with a little help) be turned into very useful things (not that beer carbonation is terribly useful but flat American beer is terrible).
Google's New Offering: Google Patents
Elmbonsai replied to miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG's topic in Websites and Web Designing
What are they going to come with next?They should come up with a search engine that alows you to search for your dream home and then you can use Google Earth to find it, and then you can use their real-estate software to track the current status of the house so that the second it goes on the market you have an instant bid on it. Sort of like eBay for your dream house.They should come up with a coffee company and call it Google grounds and give Starbucks a run for their arabica.Google is the American dream in techicolor, they seem to be moving at light speed and the owners haven't yet realized the companies true potential. They will very big, bigger than they are now, if they can just keep their product aimed at the end user and not do what Sony did and try to change their customers by developing a product that made them think different.Go Google Go!!!!! -
First let me say, DO NOT PUT PVC GLUE ON YOUR SKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Tha stuff is terrible, I used that stuff for years and it has alcohols in it that allow it to soak right into your skin making it more toxic than super glue, low VOC my you know what.The super glue that EMT's use isn't the stuff we buy, it's some special mix.Hey, I like your idea, why not do something like that food saver dealy though. You could place a bag over the entire area and suck all the air out this way there would be even pressure on the entire cut and no bacteria could live there, except botulism.In reality though 3M has a product already that is silicone based and you paint it on like liquid bandage. It doen't have the nasty super glue. the 3M stuff dries really fast and it hardly smells.I once put it on a snack that had just been bitten by another snake and the snake didn't mind it at all; they have very sensitive mucus membranes.3M also makes these really cool bandages that once put on (and allowed to set), they don't come off for like three days, if you try to get it to come off earlier you have to pick at it forever and then you have left over glue that will stick around for days if you don't scrub it off, you don't get the glue residue on when they are allowed to come off by themselves. The cool thing is that these are waterproof on both sides, so nothing gets in and nothing comes out.
Hello, I am looking for a text to voice converter that will allow me to type something into either the programs user interface or allow me to cut and paste something from Word. Here's the tricky part, I need the voice to sound as real as posible, not like the microsoft digi sounding voice that they use on the Simpson's for Steven Hawking, I don't want to sound like a genius just regular schmo.Any information that anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.Thank you.
WOW, I can't believe they actually made a movie like this!I don't mean this to be a negative statement but more of a cautionary rule of how good the movie advertisers are. I don't know about any of you but did you notice how the coming attractions for this movie had absolutely no content?Where was Steve Martin? He's the guy who coined the term Happy Feet!The marketing was intense; enough to make George Lucas take a step back and say "WOW, they're good!"There was so much soon to be in our landfill junk forced on us that it made me not want to see the movie.Walk into any Blockbuster, I dare ya, and it won't take you but a few seconds to notice all the "Happy Feet" products, I am sure your has the entire line just like mine does.I don't know how you could see a movie like March of the Penguins and the first thing you think is "I am going to make so much money by doing a spin-off."I am ashamed that such movies are made, however I have to respect the rights of others and their willingness to see something I wouldn't even rent.
When I found out about Saddam being executed my first response wasn't, YAY for America or for Iraq, but instead it was "why didn't they settle on current pictures to show of him!"Let me clarify, he was an old man, yet we would see pictures of him when they would talk about his reign and they would show pictures of him when he was young-er.I assume when the commentaries wanted him to look mean and scary they would show him with an AK-47 rallying his troop and when they wanted to portray a defeated man they would show him at some table with gray hair. I am not talking about the times they showed him in jail, he didn't look like any of his photos in the video they showed of him in jail. He acutally looked more like some Italian grandpa, mine to be exact.I guess my point is he had many look-a-likes are we sure we got the right one?The buzz seems to be that it doesn't matter how many "Saddams" we kill there will be someone else to take his place.I am concerned that this is just a ploy to draw our attention while something else happens that "they" may not want to us to think about.I am not against the Government, I support our troops, I just think that politicians don't stop being politicians because you give them control over the "big red button."