Hi all.My wife got me this game as an early x-mas present and now regrets it because it's so addictive! This is the first Multi-player FPS I've played since MOHAA (Medal of Honor, GAWD I loved that game!)The graphics can range from mediocre to above average depending on your machine specs.At the low end it looks no better than MOHAA but that means anyone with a recent entry level 3d card can play it. The only thing you really need to make it a good experience is at LEAST 1 Gig of RAM, and to defrag after you install it and apply the latest patch.I have:an older high-end card (9700Pro)Athlon XP 24001.75 Gig RAM (Can't justify the extra money for a 512MB stick since it will only add 256MB)and I can play with most settings at Medium, so anyone with an iNvidia 7XXX series or ATI X1xxx series can play comfortably.The lag is caused by those new Titans. I just signed up for the public Beta and it seems that moving them around is like moving a whole game level around within a level so it's better to play on servers with 24 players or less in that mode so you don't get lag, until they fix that. (We're all begging Dice to stick them in place until they do)The music is great and gets your blood pumping. :PHellfire121, what servers do you play on? Hopefully we'll bump into each other in a game sometime