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Posts posted by Neyoo

  1. Hello Vujsa,Thank you very much for your detailed reply. I picked up a tutorial somewhere else just before I stumbled upon yours and that has helped me resolve the dynamic urls I wanted to be able to create. Infact I now use a combination of what your last tutorial discussed and your static php page includes. I have almost finished a complete redesign of my alumni site.But the date problem is still unresolved. This is the code I used - $postdate = date('d-M-Y'); I created the postdate table field in my database and assigned date value to it. But all I get is the date keeps changing to my system date not matter and NEVER when the post was actually made. It's the last piece of problem preventing me from posting my site. I look forward to your help.Thanks,Neyoo

  2. Hello Tavox,Thanx for the reply. A line in your reply ($query=mysql_query("select serialnumber, other_info from table_name order by serialnumber"); suggests that I want the serial numbering to come from the sql table. This is not so...I want the serial numbering to be exclusive of the sql table. A code done in PHP that will just loop through all the records echoed out. Further help needed pls. Thanx.

  3. Thanks Vujsa,Your reply was very instructive. Now I realise I've learnt something new, talking about cms101 and cms102. However your recent tutorial just won't work. What I did was to copy the php and sql script and using my xampp, see if everything would work but I kept on getting errors. I have looked carefully at the script and tried to changed the codes but still no luck. Would you pls shed more light on the tutorial as I'm only a beginner. But I can create database and mysql tables. It's the manipulation of the scripting to produce dynamic sites with addresses such as (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) or (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) that I'm looking to really learn.Learning these basics would surely help me on. Thank you as always for what you are doing.Neyoo

  4. I have read Vujsa's tutorials on cms101 and cms102. As a beginner to cms, php and mysql this tutorial has been very helpful. Thanx for Vujsa, really appreciate what you've done for guys like.But I have had a problem with the missing links. How do I integrate this tutorial with tables I create in php/mysql database. I understand the includes, the problem is with the files I would have create in mysql table. How do I link to those files using includes and is there a management page for the files I create using mysql. Thank you as I await your reply.

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