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  1. It's good...But most of its features are more useful for newbies. You see, many things are easier to do with you type the codes than trying to make it through some DW menu...But it's wonderful, the best WYSIWYG software, be sure.It's nice for you to make your codes. And has a perfect FTP integrated.
  2. I'm asking myself what new features could it have???Waw, how curious I am...I think it's gonna bring us unimaginable sources this time Let's wait...Adobe rocks
  3. Orbit is the best...Guess u guys never heard about it, but try it, I'm sure you'll like it.It's extremely fast, really...And it's not heavy, has friendly interface, PERFECT browser integration, is practic.Try it!!!
  4. Avast! is absolutely good...Make sure you'll get great protection for free. It looks like a paid software, but coasts nothing, by the way.Be sure it's a good option
  5. I use Miranda and it's very good...But does anyone know about some that allows microphone/webcam using???You know, my Live Messenger definately doesn't worl ¬¬'
  6. Well...The thing's that Firefox wins when talking about speed...But that's all.Internet Explorer, used to be slower before, but this version 7 is proving it's increased a lot, really.Firefox's keeps faster than it, anyway, IE is the champion when talking about compatibility, and security. The difference of the number of bugs between IE and Firefox is considerable. But, no, I'm not defensing any of them. The thing is that I've just started to use Opera browser.I used to consider it simply an "unknown and sourcesless" browser, 'cause I didn't know it. But it's making me surprise. If you want a good tip, use Opera. It's as good as IE when talking about compatibility, and sometimes offer even more sources the this second one. And, it's better than Firefox when talking about speed. So, believe me, you'll not wate time with Opera.
  7. I don't know...It's a fact that Microsoft has this bad image amoung the tech lovers, and, of coursem there are some reasons for that. Anyway, sometimes people refuse to test or even hear about some of their products. You know, in my opinion it's aways wrong. You cannot judge something without first, having contact with it...I know, of course, Microsoft's OS is like, terrible, and some of its products are not like what they say, but, I still think it's just a wonderful enterprise. If it was not, it wouldn't be one of the world's biggest, and, yes, they make very good projects.So one thing I'd never do, is to say something about Zune, without first, at least getting info about it. When I saw it, I didn't think it's like "a copy" of Apple's device. Actually, I think its a simple, modern and original design. And the sources offered by Zune look incredible. I'd buy it with no doubts.And, other thing, about 70 million people in the world have an iPod. As I like to be an original person, this would be another reason for me to buy Zune.I'm sure it's still going to make people get impressed.
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