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Posts posted by Melanova

  1. @mirdux
    Do you have sources for things such as Pilot was a Jew? I've never heard that before. Alot of your info is NOT in a bible, atleast a Catholic one. I've never heard of the other prisoner being a drunk. I've been taught that he was a murderer.

    Why would a Jew follow Roman orders. It just doesn't make sense. Look at the history (ex Masada).

    Ive got a question for you. If Jesus was a "false messiah", how could he / the Romans, perform all of the miracles? The Romans were powerful, but they couldn't bring people back to life.

    Now we come to Pontious Pilot and the "Cruxifiction" of Jesus. Pontious Pilot and the Pharosees had begun to talk over the last year of Jesus' life and both came to the conclusion that the emperor was doing something competly immoral and trying to destroy the first and only true religion of the time with false words and a false messiah. Also Pontious Pilot was really a Jew, he had converted to Judaism many years before word of Jesus had reached him, and when he did hear of the plot he had become outraged and had moved along certain paths which led him to the job in Jerusalem, enabling him to prevent the rise of this false prophet.
    In his effort to stop this false messiahs message he [Pilot] bribes one of the "disciples," Judas, whom he gets to tell where Jesus is.

    Judas approaches the Pharisees himself, and the agree on a price, for the capture of Jesus.

    Also If Pilot wanted to get rid of this "false messiah" why did he pass off Jesus to Herrod (King of the Jews at the time)?

  2. Yeah, Gmail's sign up is limited. You can only sign up if you get invited by a friend who has a Gmail account. I could invite you if you want. :) I don't really get why Google did that, but I think their reason was either that it was still in Beta or that they wanted everyone who signed up to actually use their accounts (and having a friend who signs you up verifies that...)


    @boetaw, doesn't the webhost at Google have a domain redirection kind of thing? If all else fails, you can make an email account at your domain and then go into the settings in Gmail and tinker with them until you get all the mail from the domain account forwarded to your Gmail account. Or the other way around if you wish.

    Wait..but technically that email's not connected to Gmail at all. Gmail's email service is separate of whatever domain email you get. I think forwarding all mail to one account is easiest...but maybe there are other ways to redirect.



    you can get your domain hosted as part of the Google Apps Suite.

    Google Apps

    It's really cool and the email is just like being able to use a GMAIL account for youremail@urdomain.ext. Microsoft has a similar product through its Windows Live..

    Its located at http://domains.live.com/ . Ive tried that but was unable to get it work.

  3. Haven't read all the replies, but has anyone noticed (including my web site), that some web sites, that only the www or non www version will load, how stange.
    They should both point to the exact same place, regardless.

    I wonder if this little trick would clear that problem up too?

    isnt it just a server setting to use www or non www? I know for insite links i use just /page.ext?stuff.. That way i dont have to worry about messing up the domain.

  4. Wow the usa finally get the blood they wanted...USA sponsered execution is all i see it as...
    Why didnt they take him to Texas and do it there? We should be glad that the USA that has saved the world by caputuring such a dangerous man!! all those WMD he had pointing at us in the west!! gosh I feel SOO much more safer now this "Evil Doer" is in his grave!

    All those people in Iraq must feel SOO much safer knowing he is dead..I bet all the fighting will end tomorrow! or will it stay the same? I think more Iraqi people have died in the last 4 years than over the time of the 20 year reign of Saddam..but hey we will NEVER see Bush, Blair, Cheyney and Rumsvelt in the dock..they are "Evil Doers" too..they got just as much as blood on thier hands..

    It was an Iraqi court that tried him not an American. It would have been much simpler if the marine tha found him just tossed in the Handgernade.

  5. I have a very faint understanding of what Linux is, and wouldn't dare use it, because I would be scared f I didn't like it I wouldn't know how to change back to Windows.
    Too much of a risk for someone simple like me :P

    Why you scare to install linux? all you need is to resize your partition and format it to ext2/3. And Install linux on it. You will stil able to choose windows when you boot your computer. I recommend you to try Ubuntu linux since it very easy to use and I think the Instalation is easier than Windows instalaion.
    For me the best Distro is Debian based, like Ubuntu, Knoppix and other. Now i'm using Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper drake) and i've plan to upgrade it to 6.10 (Edgy).

    But the most important thing is the LINUX KERNEL that makes all of this possible!.

    I know that partitioning isnt that hard, but you have to remember its kind of scary the first time through...
    Theres LiveCD that allow you to test out a distro before you install. The only problem is they're slower. You dont mess up your computer though...

    Another Reccomendation is to get a version of linux that provides phone support. Usually cost a little. Novell has SLED.

    Isnt CentOS and Redhat the samething? I thought that the only difference was that Cent is free and takes a little bit longer to release, since they wait for RH..

  6. According to Alexa, Yahoo is the top most site where more users visiting daily!

    ( I think, they are calculating it from alexa tool bar users)

    Here is the top sites list from Alexa


    (Note: Many of the spyware removers will consider ALexa toolbar as spyware as it s sending user browsing details to Alexa Server)


    alexa isnt very accurate. Ive never used it, and neither has anybody i know.


    On a side note, i heard Yahoo was number one though.. Then google and myspace or something..

  7. Why google adsense sucks:

    pays only when you reach 100$

    pays only by check and i don't really think that check will ever reach me

    I prefer the ones that pay via PayPal


    paypal isnt the end all. $100 isnt very much. Ive used Adsense and Bidvertiser andfound they both had very different uses. Bidvertiser tended to pay alot more than google, but had the same ads rotating through. Google's adsense was much better about displaying different ads, but for me it payed much less..

  8. Well, as we all know, the Windows Genuine Advantage was launched on July 25th, 2005, but is it really to our advantage or theirs? Especially after reading this section of the article:It sounds like it's to their advantage because they of course want customers to buy genuine software, they are the people who are raking in the money. The consumers won't care less using a counterfeit software.

    What are your opinions? Mine is, it's their advantage, not ours!


    its deffinatly their advantage. People dont care as long as it works. If anyone cared enough wether or not their OS was legal, they would just use something other than windows.

    Right now WGA is a pain. You have to keep downloading, redownloading, and checking stuff. if it was streamline and out of the way, people would hardly notice.
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