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Posts posted by NonTitle

  1. Mozilla products - they should seriously be the only products used by people. First of all, they're open-source, which means its secure, multi-platform and leading-edge in the new, cool stuff (well, this is the case in Mozilla products, but rarely any other open source programs). On the other hand, Internet Explorer 7 may have tabs, but Mozilla had tabs from the very beginning. IE implemented them on their SEVENTH version! and no, tabs aren't new at all, they're in Netscape, Konqueror, Epiphany, you name it. Except Internet Explorer. And with their "Genuine Advantage" stuff, you have to have a legal copy of windows to get insecure, buggy software full of holes.

  2. I have many old favourites, but i mainly remember playing Raptor: Call of The Shadows. That was, and still is, the best game in the world! There are also a couple of other games i used to play, like Jazz Jackrabbit 2. i've also used mame before and one of my favourite games from the 80's arcade is Joust. Its quite mindless, but it keeps you entertained for a long time. My favourite game right now though is battlefield 1942, I play it all the time.

  3. I use both McAfee VirusScan and AVG Free, but personally i believe that AVG is the best one, because even the Free version is always up to date. sometimes, i purposely put homemade viruses on my computer to see which one detects it first, and usually AVG beats it by weeks. heck, i've even installed perfect keylogger on my computer and AVG beat McAfee clean. As well, when AVG updates, it usually updates with a small 100kb file, then about every month or so it will update with a multiple megabyte file, but it's worth it.

  4. usually, I tend to stick to the Gnutella network when i need a p2p program (that doesn't include bittorrent), and the best gnutella program i have found is a program called GTK-Gnutella (gtk-gnutella.sourceforge.net) but the only thing about it is that you can only get it on linux. But i prefer it over limewire because it's open-source AND free, and much faster (limewire gets about 4 downloads per file, while GTK-Gnutella goes overboard and has about 40. I can download a LEGAL 4MB song in about 10 seconds with it.)And when it comes to bittorrent, i prefer bittornado, because of two features:1. You can manually announce anytime, instead of just having it automatically announce.2. You can choose which files to download first and which to download last.there are only two bittorrent clients i have tried though: the bittorrent client from bittorrent.com and Bittornado, but i would be more than happy to switch clients if it has those two features.

  5. Ubuntu can play mp3's, you just need to get a media player that plays mp3s, for example xmms and amaroK. Ubuntu is very convenient since you can use Synaptic to just search for a program you want and download it from there, but i do admit it is really annoying when you have dial-up. I don't have dial-up anymore, but i used to. I remember that my dad had these 4 cds that he downloaded from the internet before and i just installed everything off of them, but after a while the programs got a little outdated.Why don't you have high-speed? Is it because you're in an area where you can't get it?

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