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Everything posted by Eternal_Bliss
I got this news from BBC channel.It said that a man in Korea had an online conflict with someone.The second guy got upset over it and eventually stabbed the first guy. This is pretty serious stuff -the issue of online bullying The channel gave some guidelines which one should follow while having chat or posting to a reply: 1)No capital letters should be used(considered as shouting and taken as rude behaviour) 2)Even italics,underlined and bold words are best avoided. 3)Jestful and cunning emoticons should not be used. I will like to know if you all guys have been involved in some sort of online friction,or just what are your views about it ?
It depend on my mood but most of the time I have the wallpaper of my fav. band LINKIN PARK and also Bryan Adams .I also have some haunting photos of abandoned villas and that kinda stuff....
I have also seen incidents when a placebo surgery is done and it even works ! The concept of placebo is really mysterious and makes me wonder how a thing like that works . This probably shows the tremendous power the human brain has. And maybe we are unaware of itI will also like to know if a placebo will work if a person takes it knowing that it is actually a placebo
I donno much about Scientology except the fact that many influential ppl are following this religion including Tom Cruise.It is a blend of eastern mystic and western belief.As far as the issue of conversion is concerned it is following the footsteps of Christianity,Islam (as these religion seeked converts during their yonger days and even now....)
Hii, I will like to make a point out here to Mafamba Team .I dont know how did you get the facts about Hinduism.Did you read any of the holy texts like the Upanishads or the Vedas or the Puranas or the Gita or did you get the information indirectly from other sources. Lets make the facts clear if you would have read the Holy Books then you will find that the Gods which you have defined are the way to the Supreme being..There is only the absolute the AUM and nothing is outside it or beyond it.Even when one chants any of the thousand of mantra it begines with Aum because it is everything..By praying to so called many Gods and Goddeses they are actually praying to Aum.Five elements which you are talking about are by which the whole universe is made of... Also To me Hinduism is a very scientific.You can ask any question regarding Hinduism...
I got you,but I will like to say what l saw on that particular show They said that what they used as medicine was nothing more than super diluted acid (Sulphuric acid)It was diluted like thousand times and the strength of the medicine increases with more dilutionIn one of the sample the dilution was equivalent to five drops in the whole water of the a ocean . The medicine which was so diluted that it contained not even a molecule of Sulphuric acid could treat the ailments(As if the water molecules have the memory of there association with the molecules of acid)By the way the show was aired on the Discovery Channel... This are not my personal view. I am just repeating what was shown on the show..
Yeah, l agree with you on that .Also l'll like to add that when the officials of the museum were contacted they denied about all these. But l also think here that it might be that the Govt. is putting some of the facts under the shelf. I personally think that many of the Govt. of their respective countries know much more than what they show ,for many of the topics e.g. UFOs....(Atleast this is my opinion)
Hii, there Couple of days ago I got the chance to watch a show which shows the image of o little mermaid on the shore of Chennai(India) after the tsunami. The image is not the regular idea regarding the mermaid which we have, rather the picture is very ugly and the front part of the mermaid is like a bat while the posterior part is like that of a fish. Some say that the picture was digitally generated .WHAT is your idea regarding mermaid???
Hii Everyone, I always wanted to ask this particular question eversince I saw a particular show on the TV ,it says that the science of Homeopathy is a mystrey.And there is nothing in the medicine which cures the pateint rather its a placebo( i.e. the pateint cures himself/herself by getting the assurance that he/she is getting well by taking the medicine).... What do you all think about this ?????
Hii, Everyone .mitchellmckain just check out the post no. 50 and 51 of this topic .You will get to see that there was a question asked by CaptainRon which I dutifully replied. Don't you think that its kinda weird that the same guy can asks a question and then replies to it.Does it makes any sense ?? Not to me at least....I and CaptainRon may have a similarity in the point of veiw on some of the points in this topic but there may be differences on other things. And I dont know what ethinic group CaptainRon belongs to, so I cant really say if we are of the same ethinic group. AND regarding INDIA I want to make it clear that INDIA is the largest democratic country in the whole world and also that its a secular country and everyone can express his/her own veiw (unlike many of the countries of middle east)....
The word "ISLAM" comes from the arabic word which means submission i.e. u submit to ALLAH completley.And this is reason ISLAM has become what it has become. The time when ISLAM was born in Arabia, it was the time when the sword did more talking then the mouth. There was rivalary between the different tribes and there were frequent clashes between the tribes This medival mentality has stayed to this day among some of the ppl who practice this religion ,they commit the most gruesome crime in the name of their GOD, which cannot be justified in any context For many of them who consider themselve true MUSLIMS their religion is greater then anything ,greater then their country and the fellow country men who are non-muslims. (See the case of bombing in London and the condition of Kashmir in INDIA).. I personally have seen and heard many incidents where a muslim kills his freinds(non-muslim) just because of their Holy-War(Jihad)......... In INDIA the muslims dont even sing a patriotic song (Vande Mataram) coz they think its against their religion
Hii Everyone, First I will like to ask everyone who is reading this post that what is their defination of GOD.Is it the same which the religious books potray, or they have their own unike view on it,First we should make it clear in our mind WHO GOD IS ? or rather WHAT GOD IS ? Is GOD like a SUPERMAN with all his/her power (Here I am saying both his and her as no one can say what is the gender of GOD, CAN ANYONE???? ) ORIs GOD the substance that is present all around us, or the laws of physics (which we all have to obey like the three laws of motion which was given by Newton ) For me GOD is the laws of the universe which we all are bound to follow rather than the someone all powerfull sitting in the heaven and waiting for us to die so that he/she can send us to Heaven/Hell depending on what are our deeds.The concept of heaven or hell was only created so that people will be good to others and the society would run smoothly........ Thanx
Ohh! First of all sorry about that section error. And I want to clear the fact that l have uninstalled the yahoo messenger couple of times but the problem persists. As l told earlier that before l got my "cpu" mended everything was just fine , after that l am having the problem also plz help me with the "google vedio player " and the "eroor in internet connection" issues.Anyway tankx a lot....
Hello everyone,I am having problem with my yahoo messenger.Even though I have downloaded the latest version with voiceit doesnt open and I cannot check my mail or chat. Also I have downloded the google video player but I cannot download video on it. Actually few months ago my computer's screen got blank and I got it mended I think after that I am having this problem Also whenever I establish the internet connection there is a messege which says that some of the components of the system is missing . I think some of the hardware components are missing. Plz help !! Thankx
FIRST I dont think any organisation named "Hare Krishna" exists, let alone me being a part of it. For the record I am not a part of any organisation be it Buddhist, Hindu or Christian. I am just a student in a college who is a bit curious about the world religions and to know the truth about it KRISHNA existed like thousand of years before JESUS and BUDDHA even BUDDHA existed hundreds of years before JESUS and this is clear as pure water and the similarities are (1) Krishna was miraculously conceived and born of the Virgin Devaki ("Divine One") as a divine incarnation. (2) He was born at a time when his family had to travel to pay the yearly tax. (3) His father was a carpenter yet Krishna was born of royal descent. (4) His birth was attended by angels, wise men and shepherds, and he was presented with gifts. (5) He was persecuted by a tyrant who ordered the slaughter of thousands of infants who feared that the divine child would supplant his kingdom. (6) His father was warned by a heavenly voice to flee the tyrant who sought the death of the child. The child was then saved by friends who fled with them in the night to a distant country. When the tyrant learned that his attempt to kill the child failed, he issued a decree that all the infants in the area be put to death. Writing about Krishna in the eighteenth century, Sir William Jones stated, "In the Sanskrit dictionary, compiled more than two thousand years ago, we have the whole history of the incarnate deity, born of a virgin, and miraculously escaping in infancy from the reigning tyrant of his country." (Asiatic Researches, Vol. I, p. 273). (7) The Bible states that Jesus and family fled to Egypt afterward to escape from King Herod. According to the Christian apocryphal text "the Gospel of the Infancy," the family traveled to Maturea, Egypt. Krishna was born in Maturea, India, hundreds of years earlier. (8) He was baptized in the River Ganges. (9) The missions of Krishna and Jesus were the same - the salvation of humanity. (10) Krishna worked miracles and wonders such as raising the dead and healing lepers, the deaf and the blind. (11) Krishna used parables to teach the people about charity and love. (12) Jesus taught his disciples about the possibility of removing a mountain by faith. According to tradition, Krishna raised Mount Goverdhen above his disciples to protect his worshipers from the wrath of Indra. (13) "He lived poor and he loved the poor." (14) Krishna washed the feet of the Brahmins and transfigured before his disciples. (15) Krishna's teachings and Jesus' teachings were very similar. The celebrated French missionary and traveler, Evarist-Regis Hucv, who made a journey of several thousand miles through China and Tibet, stated, "If we addressed a Mogul or Tibetan this question, 'Who is Krishna?' the reply was instantly 'The savior of men." According to Robert Cheyne, "All that converting the Hindoos to Christianity does for them is to change the object of their worship from Krishna to Christ." Appleton's Cyclopedia says this about the teachings of Krishna: "Its correspondence with the New Testament is indeed striking." (16) There is an extra-canonical Hindu tradition which states that Krishna was crucified. According to some traditions, Krishna died on a tree or was crucified between two thieves. (17) He descended to hell, rose bodily from the dead, and ascended to heaven which was witnessed by many. (18) Krishna is called the "shepherd god" and "lord of lords," and was considered "the redeemer, firstborn, sin bearer, liberator, universal Word." (19) He is the second person of the trinity, and proclaimed himself the "resurrection" and the "way to the Father." (20) He was considered the "beginning, the middle and the end," ("alpha and omega"), as well as being omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent
IF U belive in the word of JESUS then there is not much option left for us as he claims he is the "only way"!!BUT hold on there.....did JESUS REALLY SAY SO.....I mean when JESUS died after that many of the gospels have been written and not every version was same and the CHURCH chose only few of them to make the New Testament. Why ???? On what basis???? Is it possible that some of the versions were simply rejected coz it didnt fit in with the image of christianity that the church wanted to project I was also astonished by the similarity between the story of JESUS and that of BUDDHA who came to the world before JESUS..for instance, like virgin birth ,the prophecy that JESUS will get born , his temptation by the satan and how he didnt give in to the temptation and the angels rejoiced over it...and many more and also to some extent to KRISHNA...like when he was born his life was in danger and so he was taken to some safer place (EGYPT in case of JESUS and DWARKA in case of KRISHNA).....could it only be a coincidence.....Who Knows?? So it is better to leave the question unanswered as we cant find it out exactly.......
AM I SEEKING A CONVERT ????? first off all I want to make it clear that in hinduism no one can be converted to, like in other religions( ISLAM or CHRISTIANITY or any other religion of the world)....in HINDUISM it is said that "sarva dharma sambhava"sarva:every, dharma: religion, sambhava: possible i.e. all the religions are the way to GOD...NO one will find hindu holy man preaching their religion and seeking converts having a goal to convert the whole world it is followed mosty in the INDIAN sub-continent..So conversion doesnt come in the question...and appreciating other religion I was saying that we should undestan other's point of veiw and have our own unike way which is the most satisfying to us....and cant be Baised over one particular religion simply coz we r born with it.......
IS JESUS the topic of disscussion or not I cant say.....as I didnt start it !!and I cant say what JESUS was as I am not in a position to do that...but I have my own brain and I can say that there are many religions in this world besides Chirstianity and one should stop following any religion blindly(the religion one is born with) but inquire about it, with the intellegence which GOD has given us and have our own opinion rather then bad-mouthing other's point of veiw.... AND WHO KNOWS PPL MIGHT HAVE TWISTED THE FACTS TO SHOW TO OTHERS THAT SOMEONE IS THEIR ONLY TRUE SAIVOR..
IT seems to me U ARE too preocupied by ur own Ideas to understand others.......UR cup of the mind is already full so U cannot take any more( no wonder !!!!!) AND regarding the world as a PRISION who said this world is one. I rather wanted to mean the world as a oppurtinity or a door which GOD has given us to unite with the HIM.....and I didnt say that u dont have to participate completly in the EVENTS around U to find SALVATION.......U have to rather help the ppl around u TO SEEK GOD...to some of the ppl in this world, ideas which are alien to them are EVIL and DEMONIC and those of their own are TRUE which I find hard to understand. FOR THEM either the things in the world is BLACK or WHITE no GREY SHADES for them
Yeah, it has rather become a talk between us Beliving is not the only option there are three ways to get SALVATION 1) BY PERFORMING GOOD DEEDS 2) BY COMPLETE DEVOTION TO THE SUPREME 3)BY ACCUIRING KNOWLEDGE (which is rare) AGAIN these all r written in the scripture And I am sure if u read the Holy Gita and understan its hidden and the real meaning it will make sense to u as it does to me...........
YES, Eternal rest is an option for every one in this universe. GOD, created this whole universe from his part (also u and me), our DUTY is to find our way back to the place where we come frm and this is why we are born in this world..............WE will keep on taking births untill our purpose of coming here is fullfiled.........
Again u made the right comment that the cycle goes on and on....thats wat the scripture says that u will get born again and again(When u do selfish deeds and u r attached to your deedS(KARMA)WHEN U DONT ATTACH TO UR DEEDS THAT IS DONT EXPECT ANYTHING OUT OF IT u become free of ur KARMA and get free of this unending cycle...AND UNITE WITH THE ABSOLUTE which is called SALVATION or MOKSHA or NIRVANA or BODDHISATVA
The point made by u is what precisley the scripture says that perform good deeds(Karma ) but dont get attached to it that is dont expect anything out of it.....................I guess u r on the right track so keep it up.... NEXT THING IS we should not limit ourselves to the body of ours...which is just like a dress we r wearing. We will just leave our dress and may be take another one. But definetly we will not cease to exist....