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Posts posted by Demonhawk

  1. I think thehre is a point where having it too small is inefficient as well, I mean if you lost that card you would lose a ton of data or whatever you have got on there, and usually the smaller things get the more fragile they are. Even with just a regular SD card I am afraid of breaking it, because usally its what 1/8" thick card? A drop on a hard surface or say you have to handle it alot. Some of my friends have broken theres just trying to take it out of their cameras. I agree that if technology didnt get better and smaller then we would have a problem, but sometimes somethings are too small.

  2. Mmmm I have never seen a "web accelerator" do anything more then cache the web pages and unless your stuck on 56k I thinks its pretty pointless, but it does give Google more outreach with its programs. Why? Because there are always people who do not understand what the programs do and they will end up using it. In some ways caching is great especially when its a huge site but is rarely updated, but we dont see those too often these days.

  3. I think it is a very strange thing to argue, I mean now theres talk of having 12 planets and then they say Pluto is not a planet and its all very confusing. Honestly I think does it really matter whether its called a planet or not, just as long as we can see what it looks like and still plan missions to these strange objects in outer space :D and find out if theres life or not on them, who cares if theyre called planets or not!

  4. In some ways I think it is really cool that they concider these umm "planets" part of our solar system, but if you think about it, it also seems very strange. From the beginning of time (for me at least lol since I was born) we have thought that there have always been 9 planets, so it will be strange to suddenly seeing textbooks saying we have 12 planets and what not. But I cant wait to see some nice pictures back from those planets! LETS FIND SOME LIFE PEOPLE! :D

  5. I understand what Sub-D is, I didnt realize blender calculates it render time, in 3dsmax I use sub-d all the time and it calculates it in viewport if you want, which is what I prefer, but you can set it to do it during render. Also I assumed you were showing renderings which I realize they are not now :D. Other then that its looking good, go finish it!

  6. I prefer Microsoft Office just because I have used it alot more and the whole suite just seems way more polished then OpenOffice. I found OpenOffice hard to use especially the spreadsheet program because it didn't support a lot of the things I was used to with Excel. Also Microsoft Office Pro 2k3 I got for 20$ student license from Dell and the support and help cannot be matched by OpenOffice. ALSO Microsoft Office runs a lot faster and I like how it integrates itself into Windows. I also was able to get the Office 2k7 beta and it really improves upon some of the features that were lacking in the past, and they did add PDF format, but I am not sure if it will stay like that because I remember hearing Adobe were fighting against Microsoft about it.

  7. I am thinking about buying it too, I have played it before at friends house and the game looks damn fine compared to what it used to look like in 1.6. I think the gameplay has improved a bit too. The main thing is go buy the HL2 Platinum edition cuz it comes with CSS DOD:S and HL2 and a few other thingies that i forget and its only 10-20$ more

  8. It really isnt that big of a deal to fix it if you do screw something up, plus if your warrenty is gone already, they wouldn't fix it anyway. I havn't personally gotten linux to work on my ipod nano, but thats because its still in beta for the nano, but it looks amazing. For me it really isnt that practical since the battery life on the nano with color screen isnt that great but other then that I think that linux on an ipod is a great idea especially if they figure out how to hook up a wifi card to it, then the possibilities are endless.

  9. Well I think all F11 does is boot up in safemode right? If not you can always just put a password on the main Administrator account, when you nomraly boot up admin account is hidden if you have created other accounts for windows. Once you put up a password it would be a pain to get in. But if you really want to get into the system you could always just make a floppy disk or cd with the program which resets passwords but then again you need physical access to the computer, so it really isn't THAT easy.

  10. I have used it and honestly it is crappier then the old ie 6, it looks so bad I cannot even fathom trying to use it, its layout is something you just cant get used to, AND worst part is you cant even revert back to the IE 6 look as far as I know. The only 2 new things are tabbed browsing and the Phishing filter but FF has had those forever now, and I am not just one of those Microsoft haters, I actually use IE6 more then firefox just because I am more comfy with it. IF IE7 went back to the normal looking IE6 I would not mind using it since I dont use tabbed browsing much anyways but other then that I cant stand it right now :D

  11. I think it will defintely do well, it sounds great. I loved Underground 2 and I cant wait for a game more like it. Hell even Most Wanted was fun, but it was just lacking that feel that underground had of illegal street racing because the cars were not as fun to look at. What I really wish they would do is improve upon the graphics some more since gameplay is already pretty good :D.

  12. Some of you will bash me for this, but I think that Windows One Care Live is pretty good, I got it damn cheap, its subscription works on 3 computers and it has not missed any of the spyware that I have inadvertadly picked up and that some of my friends have picked up, also couple it with Ad Aware Personal and youve got a winning combination, and Windows One Care Live will also do virus scan for ya what more could ya want :D

  13. Okay I have used the beta of both FireFox and IE, and I have got to say I am very disappointed with IE they have totally murdered the look of it and it looks so ugly I cannot even stand to use it, Firefox on the otherhand looks great by default and if you dont like it you can skin it, on top of that all those juicy plugins, I have no idea what I would do without my gmail notifier built into firefox or fasterfox and the ftp plugin is damn good for being free :D.

  14. Well I have a question about how to go about using say a MySql database and being able to connect to it from a Java console or applet program and retrieve data and then put it into some int or string or something depending on what the datatype it is. I wanna implement this in a RPG I am making because it would make life so much simpler, right now I have to do like 5 lines of code for a single location for a text based rpg, if I tried to make the game more complicated with graphics and what not I think it would become ridiculous. So if anyone could help it would be much appreciated :D

  15. Well lets see it looks good from a cartoonish point of view, if your going for realism get some reference pictures! In fact get some reference pictures anyways since they help A LOT! I have no idea what program you are using, but you need to get some better smoothing in there because it looks like its all faceted which really doesnt do much for the model, er nm saw that it said Blender, well I am not too familiar with blender but in 3ds max theres an option like meshsmooth or turbosmooth which smooths it out without leaving those facets that you can see.

  16. Say you would like to make a website made in say tables with background pics to create the entire layout of the site, how would you go about actually DESIGNING the graphics and making everything blend in seamlessly. I have been having a lot of trouble actually coming up with smooth flowing graphics that dont detract from the usability aspects yet still looks good! Im not sure if this would be the right section or maybe it should be in the graphics but its got aspects of both.

  17. For me it is bound to be 3ds Max just because it is the program I first used and have the most experience with. However for every person it is probably different because I have used Maya and do see that it has its pros and cons and same with 3ds max. I think that 3ds Max is MUCH better suited for polygonal modelling, but it is absolutely hopeless for things such as NURBS and the animation tools are nowhere near the quality of Maya's. I think UVW mapping is a hell of alot easier in 3ds Max then any other program I have seen especially with Pelt Mapping. Yet again its all user dependent, I know some people who despise 3ds max for everything and say that XSI is godlike for them :D.

  18. Even though it is a 32bit chip does it really make that big of a difference especially if your just gaming seeing that most games are STILL 32bit. The only reason I can see getting 64 bit processors are if your into developing stuff for them OR if you are just diehard bleeding edge technology personage ;). I admit 64 bit does add to performance but honestly for regular useage 32bit is more then enough. Also 64bit is still flakey concidering that there are barely any drivers for it, my keyboard and mouse are unsupported :D makes me sad.

  19. I have played all of them to date so far, and I have to say GTA San Andreas is definitly one of the best games I have seen, it is def. the best of the series. The graphics look spectacular especially being a ps2 game concidering ps2's are what 300mhz machines with old school graphics card ;). The sound effects are awesome, the story line is amazingly fun to follow and riding around on BMX bikes and just chilling for awhile def. makes this game funner then the others in the series. Only thing I think they really need to add now is a real online multiplayer mode and then I dont think I would need too many other games to satisfy my gaming needs. Honestly I think the people who complain that the game is too violent either are not mature enough to handle the game or are affected way too much by something that is all virtual. If people are concerned then they should just not buy the games for their kids. I mean the box does have a rating if people dont follow it, then its their own fault that they cant handle it. It accuratly describes what you can do on the box itself and I think that is more then enough warning. Just my 2 cents :D.

  20. The core 2 duo is out now actually :D Just noticed it got put up on Dell for desktops about 2-3 days ago. Only reason I noticed was cause I ordered my new laptop last week and was checking up on its status. Looks like Intel just got ahead of AMD for once ;). I got my laptop yesterday and its only a core duo but it sure as hell outperforms my amd athlon 3500+ so the extra core must be doing something, and the core 2 duo can only be better especially with the faster core speeds, goes up to 3ghz I think. ALSO the prices for it are not bad at all very comparable to the AMD X2's.

  21. I think 100$ is a bit much, but then again I would almost be a hypocrite by saying that, I have bought a Logitech mouse + keyboard wireless combo the Logitech MX duo its 1000 dpi I think, and I bought it 2 years back I think and it cost me about 90% and it was well worth it to me since I do 3d graphics, gaming and 2d graphics once in awhile. I think that if the prices were to come down to about 50$ I would buy it right off, but if you really need it for work or something then 100$ to be able to do your job well and make what 90-100k$? I think thats a worthy tradeoff.

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