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Posts posted by Barako

  1. I'd have to say I prefer rock, there seems to be more variety as to what they're singing about... most rap I've heard seems to just be a bunch of guys telling about all these girls they did, or that want them, or that they're doing, or something about money and sex. Also, they use a TON of slang that even I don't understand, and I'm 17. :unsure:Rock isn't all good either, like all genres of music, there's the good and the bad. I honestly don't know much about the big name bands like Led Zeppelin and such, in fact I don't really know that many bands from any genre of music. If I hear a song, and like it, I'll add it to my collection, but I have to LOVE the song to go and check out the other songs from that artist. When people ask me what music I like, I usually say rock, but it's hard because they always ask me after that if I like so-and-so, and for the most part I have no idea what that group sings. :DI even like a couple of rap songs, because the lyrics are actually GOOD and the beat is good too... but for the most part, I think I like more rock songs than I do rap.

  2. Mmm... I've never played Runescape, but I have played Maple Story before. I didn't get very far, though, because it just didn't seem to be my kind of game. It plays like a side-scroller, the combat is weird, and although I do like cutesy graphics to an extent, the graphics were strange also... everything looked like some sort of pixel doll. The main goal of it seemed to be the same as other online RPGs, to level up, get stronger, and beat bigger monsters... while also buying accessories and stuff to make your character look cool. I think I remember it not taking up too much space on my hard drive, either. But, hopefully someone who played it (or still plays it) and enjoyed the game can tell you about it too! :unsure:

  3. Whoa, that's weird! I had no idea this had happened, although I vaguely remember something about FFVII being made for the N64...? Now that would be weird.I'm actually pretty glad that Sony got a hold of the Playstation, because we know Nintendo wouldn't have made some of the good games that include "mature" themes... I love a lot of the games Nintendo has produced, but a lot of games I play, I KNOW would not have been produced by Nintendo if it had control of the Playstation.

  4. Hmm, I guess Google's translations are better than Babelfish... but that still doesn't stop it from coming up with rather goofy translations on a regular basis. :( It's great entertainment to translate something from English to German and back... the translation errors are hilarious. :( I think the main reason that Google's translations aren't that great is that, of course, they're not being translated by a real live human being who has full comprehension of both languages. I'm pretty sure that language translation software will never be as good as a human translator.

  5. When my friend was a kid, he and his brother had a hamster which they called superman. When it died their parents got them a new one which the boys named superman II. Well they were better names than P1 and P2.

    Lmao yeah, P1 and P2 are about the most unoriginal names I have ever heard for anything. The person who named them that must have been a real boring guy... I wouldn't want to be stuck in a room with them for even five minutes. >_>

  6. I used to be on DeviantART, but I left as soon as they changed their submission policy. :( By agreeing to their current submission policy, you are now giving DeviantART the right to give your art to third-party companies who can publish or distribute it, not only digitally but physically, in compilations and magazines, however they choose, without you the artist being compensated AT ALL. They changed it to this soon after Jark was fired, it makes me sad that DeviantART has become what it is... it was such a fun place to hang out and get good criticism, and build up a fanbase... but I don't want my art taken and used without my permission.

  7. Oooh, Friends of Mineral Town, I've been trying to get my hands on that for a while now! @_@ It looks really good, and I'm especially glad that they released a version where you can play as a girl. The only Harvest Moon game that I've ever played was the first one for SNES, so I guess I'd have to say that's my favorite one, but the later games do look like they have a lot more to offer, especially as far as the translation goes =P

  8. Yes.The good ol' Pokemon games are great. I was trying to play Gold Version a week ago but I think something may have happened to the cartridge because it wouldn't even start. Pissed me off some, I had spent an hour trying to get it to work only cause I wanted to start a new game and I had my trained Eevee collection on Silver and... *Trails off into unnecessary ranting*

    Oooh, that happened to me too, it's because the battery for Gold's internal clock ran out.. you hadn't played in a while, right? A quick solution for that is just to leave your cartridge in the Game Boy for a while (provided your Game Boy has batteries in it.) Then after a few hours (or maybe a day, I forget how long it took me ^^; ) you can come back and play it :(

    Yup, that's all there is to it <3

    Zomg yes, I'm 17 now, but I actually do still play Pokemon sometimes. XD

    Damn those people at Gamefreak for making such a good game! ;_;

    Does anyone here play FireRed or LeafGreen, and think they should also make a remake of Gold and Silver? <3

  9. I think it's a great idea, it would give people something to entertain themselves with on long boring flights, and it could serve as a distraction for those who are afraid of planes, but somehow end up having to take a flight anyway. ^^Although, having to have the internet EVERYWHERE we go, even on flights, does seem a bit excessive, once I think about it. Whenever I'm on a flight somewhere (which definitely is not often) I usually just look out the window and enjoy the view. :(; Though if I were stuck with something other than a window seat, I think having net access would be a good thing.Hmm.... I wonder how reliable the connections would be at 10,000 feet, anyway o_o;

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