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Posts posted by nexuslite

  1. C could be used as a CGI script but if you want to get the project completed fast I would recommend php. Then either MySQL or PostgreSQL. MySQL appears on all linux based servers PostgreSQL only appears on some. Keep in mind however a text turn based game is a huge undertaking. The one I wrote took me 3 months. However, it was the second project I had ever done in PHP I would imagine an experienced PHP programmer could do it faster.


    Probably PHP I'd guess. PHP is a dynamic server side code for online things. Its used for everything from gaming to Content Management Systems (CMS) and forums. You will need MYSQL or another php linkable database. Then you will need to learn PHP. You could also I think make an online application in VB but not sure.


    C/C++ I don't think can be used online and for browser based games PHP is the way to go. Also Java is used but I'd say PHP

    Some PHP help is here.

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