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Posts posted by OoC_Wolf

  1. But everyone who plays it will forever be known as Wiiners :DIn all seriousness, it's a great concept with a horrible name. Everybody loved the Revolution. Why did they change it? I've never heard any good reason as to why they changed from the Revolution to the Wii. Really I think that the older generation of gamers (grins) will snap this right up though. Those old games are hard to find, and it's even harder to find the hardware to play it - or at least hardware that still works. Emulators work sometimes, but they aren't exactly legal. In short, the older gamers now have something reliable andlegal that they can use to play their old favorites, which I think is a great thing. ALso, they will in turn introduce the old classics to their children, who will then carry on the legacy of Mario and Zelda to their posterity. Truly, a great idea by Nintendo. Now if they would just rename it again!!!

  2. Anyone else have it? I think it's the greatest thing to happen to RTS since AoE2, and I'm not a crazed fanboy - I've tried most RTS games that have come out since AoE2. There's a lot of depth to the game, and a solid multiplayer, though it has a few connectivity problems that are being addressed. The multiplayer interface is one of the best I have ever seen, and the balance is almost perfect. Anyways if anyone wants to get some games in, message me - I'm on OoC_WOlf.And don't listen to the review sites that rate it based on singleplayer. Gamespot and Gamespy both gave the game poor marks based on horrible reviews - seriously, read them and not shudder at how horrible the writing is.

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