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Posts posted by LoveAurora

  1. The English government has just legitimised same-sex marriages, now gays get equal rights to same sex couples regarding inheritance, pensions and things like that.Maybe Oz won't be too far behind now a major power has taken this step. We can only hope. After all, gays pax their taxes, gays vote, why shouldn't the be allowed to marry? It's rediculous.

  2. Although everyone would like to say that racism doesn't go on anymore, it does. Even on TV it is still allowed (take for example fat fighters on little britain).


    Okay, that's not racism. That's a joke, it's taking the micheal out of people <i>like</i> Marjorie Dawes, thus highlighting the issue of racism, if and where it could possibly exist in the pockets of this country. It's a little like Ricky Gervais' David Brent in The Office, and his treatment of his office worker who is in a wheelchair. He leaves her stuck on a flight of stairs in a fire alarm drill, and moves her wheelchair about willy nilly, and also talkes to her in a slower and more child-like manner. This obviously is an assult on his character, becuase it isn't acceptable in Britain today for us to treat people with disabilites like that. Just like it isn't acceptable for us to treat ethnic minorities in the way that Marjorie Dawes does. The laughs are drawn from our exhasperation and shock from her behaviour, not becuase of her maltreatment of Indians.


    Yes, that was something of a rant there, but I needed to vent somewhere today :)

  3. I didn't really see what all the fuss was about until I got my camera-phone. It has a two-megapixel camera, so the quality is more than decent. The best things about it is, you take take pics of things that capture you for whatever reason, and no-one gives you funny looks becuase you can be oh-so sly with a teeny weeny little phone. And sure, phones were initially made just to talk, but they're evolved now. Things always evolove to meet our needs, so there must have been a good reason why they have come about. Yay for camera phones! :)

  4. They don't mean 2 cents as in Money I think it means just like your opinion no matter how small it or meaningless it is. Not 2 cents of your money.



    I think actually it does originate back to money, more specifiacally to do with money in poker. But yes, today, that's more or less what the saying means.

  5. I'm lucky enough to live my favourite morning routine out every day.Firstly, I'll be gently roused from my sleep by a handome harpist wearing nothing but a toga, then I'll get up and walk to my balcony, and from there dive into my olympic-sized swmming pool, situated directly below. Feeling fully woken up from my early morning dip, I'll proceed to my banquet room where my head chef offers me the breakfast menu. After eating a sumptuous breakfast, and showering in one of my spas, I start to gear up for work.This brings us to about 9am, in one of the drawing rooms, where I am fresh out of the shower. My leige of assistants swan in and talc me from head to toe. Then, I am squeezed into my extremely tight latex suit, the mask gets fixed into place, and the final touch is some glossy red lipstick.Now, I am ready for my day. YES, I AM CATWOMAN. A very decadent version.

  6. I freakin' LOVE SpongebobCharacters like Mrs Puff and Squidward simply do make my day. OHHHHHHHH the c-a-m-p-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g SONG!!Where other would you get such comedy gold as a sponge becoming agrophobic, then introducing his starfish and squirrel friends to his new ones.... "this is Chip, Penny, and say hello to Used Napkin"There's just so much to love about spongebob. It's totally my favourite cartoon EVAR. Aren't they the same production team behind Ren and Stimpy? I don't know. It would explain why it's so darned great, though :P

  7. What's all this "give up" speak about?!Never give up, approach relationships with war-like vivacity, otherwise you'll never get anywhere. Survival of the fittest, and all that. I'm not saying that you should steam in there, not at all. But have a plan, have tactics. You've already got two things up on this bone-head bf of hers; one: you're her good friend, and two: you don't sound like a bone-head. What I suggest: Keep being a good friend, ask after her, make her smile and laugh (as exhale pointed out), do nice things for her, etc etc. But with this game, you have to be slightly devious. I also suggest: Making yourself less available to her, play up other female interest. VERY subtly discredit her choice of boyfriend. If you're too overt though, you'll look sad and desperate. It's a fine line. You could just play it all nicely, and ignore the second part, but it'll either never happen or take plain ages. Um, yeah. Good luck! Hang in there buddy!

  8. Okay, so if you were female, and this was a hetrosexual relationship, would you really consider going out with this guy then, sharing him with another?Just because you are *happy* doesn't mean you have to compromise the integrity of your relationships. He should finish with this girl first, then get with you. It's obvious that this isn't all flirty fun, otherwise you wouldn't have an issue of him dating a girl. The fact is, you like him, you have feelings for him, and I'm guessing it would mess you up a bit if you proceeded into this. Love triangles are never good! Don't you read Dear Dierdre!?? ^_^

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