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Posts posted by EternalDragon

  1. This isn't bbcode though...

    QUICK EDIT: I also defined the {NAME_GLOW} in another file. I'll post my mod:

    ##############################################################  ## MOD Title: Glowing Header MOD  ## MOD Author: EternalDragon < stephen_programmer@hotmail.com >  ##  ## MOD Description: Allows you to customise glow in header text ## from ACP.  ## MOD Version: 0.0.1  ##  ## Installation Level: Easy  ## Installation Time: 5-10 minutes.  ## Files To Edit:  ##			 includes/page_header.php  ##			 admin/admin_board.php  ##			 language/lang_english/lang_admin.php  ##			 templates/subSilver/admin/board_config_body.tpl  ##			 templates/subSilver/overall_header.tpl  ##			 ## Included Files: db_update.php  ##  ##############################################################  ## Author Notes:  ##  ## This MOD is now currently BETA. Adding ACP Layout soon.	##  ## This MOD is not yet Compliable with EasyMod.##   ##  ##############################################################  ## MOD History:  ##  ##   08-01-2005 - MOD Development started 0.0.1  ##  ##   08-02-2005 - Glowing Code Fitted in overall_header.tpl####   04-07-2006 - Figured a code that may fix browser problems.	   ##  ##############################################################  ## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD  ################################################################# IMPORTANT MOD FIX:#### For those wanting to know about the browser compatibility, it is only compatible with## Internet Explorer Version 5.5 and later.## There is a code you may add that may fix the header to be viewed normally with other## browsers...I am not yet sure, you may test if you wish.#### CODE:#### Find:####	<tr>   ##	  <td class="row1">{L_NAME_GLOW}<br /><span class="gensmall">{L_NAME_GLOW_EXPLAIN}</span></td>   ##	  <td class="row2"><input class="post" type="text" size="25" maxlength="100" name="name_glow" value="{NAME_GLOW}" /></td>   ##   </tr>   ##   <tr>   ##	  <td class="row1">{L_FONT_COLOR}<br /><span class="gensmall">{L_FONT_COLOR_EXPLAIN}</span></td>   ##	  <td class="row2"><input class="post" type="text" size="25" maxlength="100" name="font_color" value="{FONT_COLOR}" /></td>   ##   </tr>#### After Add:####   <noscript>	 ##	 <tr>   ##	   <td class="row1">{L_SITE_NAME}<br /><span class="gensmall">{L_SITE_NAME_EXPLAIN}</span></td>   ##	   <td class="row2"><input class="post" type="text" size="25" maxlength="100" name="sitename" value="{SITENAME}" /></td>   ##	 </tr>   ##   </noscript>#### WARNING: You must add this AFTER you install the MOD so you can find the needed line of## code.###############################################################	#----------------------------  #  # Run the included db_update.php in the phpBB2 root directory.  #  #  #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------  #  includes/page_header.php  #  #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------  #  	'SITENAME' => $board_config['sitename'],   #  #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------  #  	// Glowing Header MOD -- EternalDragon  	'NAME_GLOW' => $board_config['name_glow'],	'FONT_COLOR' => $board_config['font_color'],	// Glowing Header MOD -- EternalDragon  #  #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------  #  admin/admin_board.php  #  #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------  #	  "L_SITE_NAME" => $lang['Site_name'],  #  #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------  #  	// Glowing Header MOD -- EternalDragon  	"L_NAME_GLOW" => $lang['name_glow'],  	"L_NAME_GLOW_EXPLAIN" => $lang['name_glow_explain'],	"L_FONT_COLOR" => $lang['font_color'],	"L_FONT_COLOR_EXPLAIN" => $lang['font_color_explain'],	// Glowing Header MOD -- EternalDragon  #  #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------  #	  "SITENAME" => $new['sitename'],  #  #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------  #	  	"SITENAME" => $new['sitename'],	  	"NAME_GLOW" => $new['name_glow'], 	"FONT_COLOR" => $new['font_color'], #  #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------  #  language/lang_english/lang_admin.php  #  #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------  #  ?>  #  #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------  #  	// Glowing Header MOD -- EternalDragon  	$lang['Name_glow'] = 'Name Glow Color';  	$lang['Name_glow_explain'] = 'Enter the color of the glow. And your text will glow that color and the font color will be white.';  	$lang['font_color'] = 'Title Font Color';	$lang['font_color_explain'] = 'Enter the color of the text inside the glow. The same color of the backround and the font color makes a better glow effect. (I.E. Background is black, so the font color would be best as black, or #000000)';	// Glowing Header MOD -- EternalDragon  #  #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------  #  templates/subSilver/admin/board_config_body.tpl  #  #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------  #     <tr>  	  <td class="row1">{L_SITE_NAME}<br /><span class="gensmall">{L_SITE_NAME_EXPLAIN}</span></td>  	  <td class="row2"><input class="post" type="text" size="25" maxlength="100" name="sitename" value="{SITENAME}" /></td>     </tr>  #  #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------  #     <tr>  	  <td class="row1">{L_NAME_GLOW}<br /><span class="gensmall">{L_NAME_GLOW_EXPLAIN}</span></td>  	  <td class="row2"><input class="post" type="text" size="25" maxlength="100" name="name_glow" value="{NAME_GLOW}" /></td>     </tr>     <tr>  	  <td class="row1">{L_FONT_COLOR}<br /><span class="gensmall">{L_FONT_COLOR_EXPLAIN}</span></td>  	  <td class="row2"><input class="post" type="text" size="25" maxlength="100" name="font_color" value="{FONT_COLOR}" /></td>     </tr> #  #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------  #  templates/subSilver/overall_header.tpl  #  #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------  #  <td align="center" width="100%" valign="middle"><span class="maintitle">{SITENAME}</span><br /><span class="gen">{SITE_DESCRIPTION}<br />  </span>  #  #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------  #  <td align="center" width="100%" valign="middle"><span class="maintitle"><font color="{FONT_COLOR}" style="filter: glow(color={NAME_GLOW}); height: 5px; text-decoration: bold;">{SITENAME}</font></span><br /><span class="gen"><font color="{FONT_COLOR}" style="filter: glow(color={NAME_GLOW}); height: 5px; text-decoration: bold;">{SITE_DESCRIPTION}</font><br />  </span>   #  #-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------  #  # EoM

  2. Oh I see...thanks..but, lets say I want to make it where a mod cuts on or off....like for example my glowing header mod..and I want to be able to make a section in the admin panel to where it cuts the glowing text off or on.
    Would I just make somethin like (in the file where the glowing text is: overall_header.tpl):

    <!-- BEGIN switch_glow_on --><td align="center" width="100%" valign="middle"><span class="maintitle"><font color="{FONT_COLOR}" style="filter: glow(color={NAME_GLOW}); height: 5px; text-decoration: bold;">{SITENAME}</font></span><br /><span class="gen"><font color="{FONT_COLOR}" style="filter: glow(color={NAME_GLOW}); height: 5px; text-decoration: bold;">{SITE_DESCRIPTION}</font><br />  </span> <!-- END switch_glow_on -->

    Then for it off:

    <!-- BEGIN switch_glow_off --><td align="center" width="100%" valign="middle"><span class="maintitle">{SITENAME}</span><br /><span class="gen">{SITE_DESCRIPTION}<br />  </span> <!-- END switch_glow_off -->

    But, would I just make the section in the admin panel just a radio button with the name "switch_glow_on" or off?

  3. Member Ways For Money:


    Merchant Seeds

    Sell BStrings

    Treasure Trails


    Merchant Seeds:


    Just goto a seed stall and keep stealing seeds. Get about 100 of each seed you can get from that stall and sell.

    I got a ton of herb seeds and they sell for alot.

    If you keep at this, you will have high thieving + alot of money.


    Sell BStrings:


    Just spin flax. 1k bstrings is 150k


    Treasure Trails:


    Just do clue scrolls and sell the items.

  4. Well the security in PHP-Nuke and phpBB can be modified to match, just a little work..along with porting phpBB MODs..I had found a PHP-Nuke site software that had been modded with phpBB MODs.I don't know the site url anymore, but, try looking up Platinum Nuke.

  5. Hey people!Nice free hosting look. And it overall seems like an active community..Well some things I like doing is:Designing and Modding Forums.I've made a few mods for phpBB and I design pretty good, but, I'm not professional lol

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