I'm a dental surgeon and work in a dental office in Israel. We have in Israel three major dental office menagement softwares. None of them is suficiant enough and some of them realy suck. The price of the softwares is very high and you get almost nothing for this price. Two of the programs are ACESS based and the other is FIREBIRD DB based.
I've decided to create my own program. When it is perfect, I'll maybe sell it. I have no knowledge with databases and never even seen one. I'm a fast learner and weeling to learn from scratch.
I have some requierments from the software:
1. Light weight - the program shouldnt' overload and put pressure on the clients computer.
2. As little mouse clicks as possible - the dentist that works with the software should easly navigate between windows.
3. complients to all OS (XP, MAc, Linux etc.)
The program must contain:
1. Patients database which includes their address and medical records
2. Dentists database - if more than one doctor works in the clinic, all doctors should work with the program smuthly.
3. Calendar database with all the appointments of the patients and doctors. There should be some web interface for patients to schedule their appointments online.
4. Inventory database - which automaticaly updates wuth every treatment that patients undergoes.
5. Treatment database - which treatment did the patient undergo.
6. option to SMS patient and remind him of his schedualed appointment.
7. option to syncronize calendar with PDA.
And here comes the question: Which database is most reccomended fro creating such software?
MySQL? Oracle? Ms-SQL? Firebird? or maybe I don't need a database program at all?
please give me your honest opinion