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About amitbhandari
Newbie [Level 3]
- Birthday 10/21/1982
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amitbhandari started following WinAmp: Review, Del.icio.us Bookmarking on the go, Life In USB Stick and and 7 others
Its really good to read that one dude...an encouraging story of success. I would say Xisto and Xisto a success after being recognized as one of the best free hosting providers with so much options...thanx for keeping up such a good resource on Internet and sharing it for free!!
No doubt the online image processing will always be attractive but the problem with Net Imaging is very few functions availability. They could have implemented much more and provided a lot of options to the user (though not comparable to Photoshop) but still it is always required. Just by giving the options for adjusting Brightness, contrast only is not going to make it a good online image processing applications. Surely, it needs to be much better to be more effective..
USB drives are like keychains - they can easily be misplaced. You don't want your data in the wrong hands, so encrypt it and spoil the thief's party!! I am going to use TrueCrypt, an open-source freeware utility, to encrypt documents. Download and Install Download the utility from http://truecrypt.sourceforge.net/. Unpack it and install it. The main interface window is as shown below. It looks sparse but it has got everything you need. Select What to Encrypt First we need to create a volume. On the main screen, hit the create volume button and follow on to the next screen. Here, select Create Standard TrueCrypt volume and click Next. Once done, you will get an option to create and encrypted drive or Device - select creation of volume your hard drive, and it can completely encrypt a hard drive partition or a USB device. Select your Drive Once Device is selected, a small window opens, listing all the partitions on your hard drive. This will also list any removable drives. Select the drive you want to encrypt and click next. The Actual Encryption This step deals with selecting the encryption and hash algorithms. Leave the defaults if you are not sure.The default algorithm is AES, which is industry-wide standard, and reliable enough for most purposes. The hash algorithm used is RIPEMD-160. The drop-down menu lists any encryption algorithms and hash algorithms. A detailed description about each is given in the Help file. The All-Important Password Here, the software will prompt you for a password, upto 20 characters in length. Ifyou're encrypting critical data, use atleast an 8- or 10-character password for safety. Key in thw password and then re-type to confirm. Formatting your Device The final step is to format the device. Here, you can select the desired file system and cluster size. Before clicking on Format, move the mouse at random for about thirty seconds to create a good encryption key. Use It! Once an encrypted volume ios create, it needs to be mounted before you can access it. To mount the drive, open TrueCrypt and select any drive letter from window, in this case, K. Then click on Select Device button and select the encrypted volume (the USB drive). You will be prompted to provide password; key in the password and the drive will be mounted. Once mounted, the drive can be accessed just like any other partition, and you'll be able to read from and write to it.
Wanna run F.E.A.R @ 1500x1200 @ 8x AA and 16x AF with Soft Shadows enabled at a consistent 60 fps and above? Any gamer worth his salt will know this was previously impossible. The Dell XPS 600 Renegade will make all this and more possible, because it brings together blistering frame frequency and stunning realistic visuals.Powering the XPS Renegade is the Pentium D 965 Extreme Edition running at a supercharged 4.26 GHz. Four NVIDIA 7900GTX GPUs in Quad SLI drive the graphics towards never-before seen levels of realism. Each of the four GPUs receive 512 MB of GDDR3 memory, making the total available video RAM a massive 2 GB. Ageia's spanking new PhysX PPU makes its appearance here, bringing the total processor count to seven! The PhysX will make effects like ragdoll physics and debris from explosions more realistic, while freeing up CPU resources. The Renegade features 2 gigs of low-latency DDR2 memory at 667 MHz, packs in two 160 GB 10000 rpm WD Raptors in RAID 0, and a Creative X-fi Fatality. With such a list of jaw-dropping hardware inside, and a 30-inch Dell 3007WFP widescreen LCD outside, the Renegade retails at impressive $9,930!Each rig comes painted by Mike Lavallee, one of the world's foremost automotive artists. Coupled with the fastest-in-their-class components on the planet, the Renegade is a work of art. Reason enough to tempt a gamer to sin!
Your music system has a 12-band equaliser, the MP3 player you are going to buy has six-band equaliser, and so on. What does that mean to you? An equaliser is meant to fine-tune the audio system to the environment where it is placed, and not to change the music itself-though most home users do precisely that. Let us gain an understanding of what frequencies are. The music you hear is composed of frequencies spread from 20 to 20,000 Hz in theory (practically though people hear sounds from 50 to 15,000 Hz). Different instruments and voices give out different frequencies.For example, the drums give low-frequency sounds called the bass, the treble is high frequencies, such as the higher sounds of violin, and the "mids"-the frequencies fall in the middle range-are typically dominated by voice. An equaliser allows you to increase or decrease a particular set of frequencies, thereby altering the levels of various instruments and voices. When it comes to music, it is the job of the music director to play with the levels of various tones and instruments. He is presumed to be competent enough to choose the best settings for his song, knowing well all the instruments that have gone into its making. When you change the settings on your system, you will be throwing away the sensibilities of the music creator, losing out on the intended experience. Sometimes, the ambience of the room where a system is placed will affect the way a certain frequencies come across to us. To offset this variation, equalisers are provided so that after careful observation, the user can negate the effect of the environment. Another use that equalisers find is to overcome shortcomings of a system. For example, take the case of a typical entry-level MP3 player that doesnot produce treble at the same level as the bass. When connected to a music system, you can neutralise this effect by sliding the bass control down or the treble control up. In many cases, simply keeping the equaliser off will provide you with the best sound. Even you need to change the settings, the amount of change should not be more than 20 percent. If you seriously wrong with your speakers or with the player itself. You might want to move the equaliser settings about if, for example, you love bass and want more of a thumping effect - or, for that matter, for highlighting any particular instrument. But remember that what you'll be listening isn't what the music director intended!
We often bookmark sites in the browser, but they really can't be carried with all the time...Actually, with https://del.icio.us/, you can bookmark your sites online, which you can then access from anywhere, provided with PC and Internet connection. At its simplest, the site is an online bookmarking tool.You have an individual page where you can tag a URL that you want to record or refer to. The page can be a bit confusing for the first time users, so, help is the link which must be followed to know the organization and working. The bookmarking procedure on del.icio.us is same as on browser. The advantage is that with del.icio.us, you don't have to restrict the number anymore. All your tags are visible on the right of the page in a cloud view. You can also bundle sites under a particular tag to create an open folder of sorts, so that similar pages are clubbed together. Besides, if you want to use two tags for similar page, you can. So, after creating the user profile, you can start tagging the site. For every site you have bookmarked, you see the total number of people who have also marked the site. Clicking on this statistic will take you to a page where you can click on any user's name to check out the site they have tagged, and view their choices. If you like something they have, you can bookmark that for yourself, or you can check out the people who have tagged the same sites as your host user, and you can furtehr conduct a search. Surfing possibilities at the site are huge. For beginners, your search starts when you discover a similar interest-in this case a web site- with another user. From there on, you can search under particular tags and also keep a count of the number of bookmarks a site has received. You can subscribe to sites under a particular tag such as "economics", and every site with that tag is redirected to your inbox. The site does not take for granted that you know how to use the page: it aids and guides you on how to go about tagging and using its features. There are also explanations for various tools and feeds such as RSS and HTML. Navigating the site does need some getting used to. With del.icio.us, there's a little more work involved - it isn't easy to navigate right from the word Go. The initial couple of hours may be frustrating, but more and more use facilitates better understanding. Del.icio.us is a welcome alternative to the other online social activities, IM and blogginig.
Well, the options are always unlimited. The basic idea is being to know them all and choose the best among them according to the situation or need of hour.
How current games and systems render a scene Consider a theoretical game scene of a box about to explode. The scene also contains a building and a person fleeing the frame. All this data is passed on from the game engine to the CPU for processing. Currently, the CPU keeps all data that requires physics processing. Once the CPU is done with these, it only passes all the graphics computations to the graphics card (aka GPU), which then renders the new position of the object and then outputs the final image or frame The GPU takes all the graphics data nad renders the scene. However, it is often bottlenecked by a comparatively slower CPU, mainly due to the load placed on the CPU because of the physics and AI calculations. The end-result is a scene that has unrealisitic explosions and physiscs. We cannot expect any more, because CPUs, by design need to be more general purpose, unlike a GPU, which is built solely to process graphics. How Upcoming Games and PPU-Enabled Systems will Compute and Render a Scene Consider the same scene being played out in a system that has a CPU, PPU and a GPU. As usual, data from the game is passed on to the CPU, which then sends all graphics computation by itself. However, it now has the help of the PPU (Physics Processing Unit) to perform complex physics calculations for it. The CPU breaks up the data into it respective parts and sends each processing unit its tasks; it computes AI and then passes physics data to the PPU and graphics computation to GPU for rendering. Since the PPU is specifically designed to do physics calculations, it can do a much larger number of calculations in a lot less time than the CPU. In current designs, the PPU will receive data for physics processing from the CPU, but if a game is designed to directly interface with PPU driver or software, it may bypass the CPU entirely and this will lead to an even further reduction in the milliseconds of lag that we currently see. The PPU then calculates the physics and send it to the GPU. The GPU renders the graphics, and then receives AI and physics data from the CPU and PPU respectively - and then renders the whole frame. Because of the PPU's enhanced physics computations, the blast look more realistic. The same will apply to all in-game fluid dynamics and collisions.
Winamp, surprisingly, has endured. It arrived in 1997, and survived the slew of copeting media players that came up after that-some of them Winamp clones-and kept adding features such as support for video and much more. Now, in version 5.2, its music management and other features are more advanced and useful than ever. Basics On the front panel, the preamp is something like a volume control for the equaliser - when you set it right up, all the frequencies you control via the equaliser are pumped up, and the effect of sliding aparticular frequency will be more pronounced. The other setting you might not know about is the "Auto" button: when you stumble upon an equaliser setting you like for a particular song - that us, a good equaliser song match, select Presets>Save>Auto-load preset... The next time that song plays, the settings you chose will automatically load. Something interesting about equaliser presets: you can load preset from a .eqf file-which is an exportable equaliser preset. So you make a setting and save it as .eqf, then send it to someone. Remix! In the main window of General Preferences page - accessibly by right-clicking anywhere in the Winamp window choosing Options > Preference - there's an option called "Allow multiple instances." Yes, you can have two Winamp windows open at the same time-create your own remixes! You could, for example, play a drum track in one window and slow violen track in another. Another, exotic use for multiple instances is to create an eerie, psychedelic reverb effect: you could enqueue the same track in both windows and start one and a half second later than the other. Try it! Priority and Jitter You will find "Priority class" in the same window as above. The higher this setting, the greater the CPU power Winamp will use. Keep it at Idle or Normal for most purposes; if you have a slow computer, and opening a document makes a track skip, you might want to change it to High. Realtime is hardly ever recomended, unless your tracks keep skipping all the time. Under Video in General Preferences, you'll see something called "Allow YV12 overlay mode." Without going into details, checking this option allows Winamp to use the YV12 overlay mode, which can result in better video performance. Under Video, you'll also see "Synchronize Video to screen refresh rate." This increases the fps of the video to reduce jitter and artefacts, if any. Playing With Lists Take a look at Predixis MusicMagic. The MusicMagic Mixer library manager that can compute the key acoustical attributes in music tracks. It's sort of a power tool to create dynamic playlists. The software analyses your collection, and builds custom playlists from analysed songs! You need to be connected to Net for this. Why would you want a playlist be created for you? Well, say you have a music collection that runs into thousands of songs. You're having a party and you need to create a long playlist that will last the length of the party or so. Syncing With Devices Winamp has taken a cue from iTunes in its 5.2 version, and you can sync your device with Winamp. Under Portables > Advanced Sync Settings, you'll find options for the plugins that allow you to manage your iPod or other music device from within the Winamp Media Library. There's a button called "Edit query": it's pretty easy to use, and you can use it to configure what media types Winamp will sync with your portable device. For example, you can tell Winamp to only sync songs that are larger than 5K and that also have a bitrate higher than 256 kbps. Metadata and More The Media library holds all your music-rather, it keeps track of your collection. From the menu on the left, you can bookmark items you just like in a browser, view recently played and most-played items, and so on. Also, you can search from the top options. Buffering, Fading, Silence Under Plugins > Input, look at Nullsoft MPEG Audio Decoder 3.5. This is what decodes your MP3s. The first tab lists "Full file buffering"; set this to a high value of you want your MP3s to get into RAM and play from there. This is useful if you have a lot of RAM, and have no patience with the tiniest amount of skipping. Then there's the option between logarithmic and linear for the equaliser. "Logarithmic" (the default) is the opposite of exponential, and means that increasing a certain frequency boosts it by a reasonable amount. Setting it to linear will enable more drastic playing around with the equaliser settings. If you want songs to play continuously without any gap, here's away: go to Plugins > Output > DirectSound output, and click Configure. What you need is the "Buffer-Ahead on track change". If you set the Buffer-Ahead to 5000 ms, Winamp will begin reading next track when the current track has five seconds left for a seamless transition. Anothrt interesting setting is Fading in the Fading Tab. It's irritating to have a song end abruptly, and you can control that here. There are too many options to set in here. The options in Other tab of DirectSound output plugin, allow to be able to remove the silence at the beginning or ending of tracks-and you can specify what Winamp interprets as silence. You can choose to have the volume control the behave in smooth manner, and you can choose between a logarithmic and linear volume control. SHOUTcastm Skins, etc. If you like Internet radio, remember that Winamp has SHOUTcast support, and can ably act as your SHOUTcast client. SHOUTcast is free radio. There are lots and lots of skins and plugins available at winamp.com, and new ones keep coming out. Keep checking the site to find what interests you. Then, consider DFX for Winamp which really makes the MP3s sound much better. Support Development If you are Winamp user, you can always support the development of Winamp by purchasing the PRO version of Winamp priced at $19.95 only. Though, you get get only two extra features, viz., ripping and encoding to AAC and WMA, but then you'll be supporting development of world's favourite media player.
Well, i tried and found that path/usr/bin/convert.I just want to confirm as if it is the correct path or not. Can you please do it for me?
thanks. It is working now.you may be right in saying that the config files might have slipped last time.Thanks once again.
What happens when you take your antenna to outer space? You get a cell that covers an area hundreds of kilometers wide, and the whole world becomes your cellular network. This is precisely what the Iridium project did, when 66 satellites were launched into orbit with the hope of creating a mobile network that would reach every corner of the globe. It didn't catch as well as they'd hoped, though because the signal from a satellite did reach all corners of the globe, but only outdoors. Inside a building, the signal quality took a severe hit. Iridium satellites, however, still orbit the earth and are used by other companies to provide satellite telephone services. How Satellite Phone Call Works A satellite constellation consists of many Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites. When you switch on your satellite phone, it sends a signal straight up to the nearest satellite. The satellite then relays this signal to the nearest Land Earth Station (LES), registering you with the constellation. If you are calling someone at the other end of the world, your signal will be bounced off many satellites in the constellation before it is beamed down to the recipient. Satellite phone service offers common Internet services through their own gateways and outgoing servers, which is goog because one doesn't have to deal with the eccentricities of Internet access via cell phones - slow, sometimes unstable even as connections depend on network traffic. Nearly all companies that offer satellite phone services offer dual-mode phones - they can switch between satellite and GSM networks. The customer then doesn't have to bear the high cost of satellite telephony when in an area well-covered by a GSM network.
I requested SSH access for my account and was awarded successfully at http://forums.xisto.com/topic/89662-topic/?findpost=1064344112. Now, whenever I try to login into SFTP through some SSH client in xterm, it says access denied, contact administrator for support. What should I do now? Is the admin has disabled my account or something else. Please help me!
Before continuing with my post, I must admit that this may not be the appropriate forum for posting this topic, however, I couldn't find one that's why posting it here. There are four types of batteries available for mobile phones: Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) These are least expensive of rechargable batteries, but suffer from inherent shortcomings like memory effect. Here, if the battery is not fully drained before recharging, the unused portion crystallizes hence the complete capacity of the battery is not fully used. Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) This technology offers 30 to 40 percent longer operation as compared to NiCd batteries but it is susceptible to loss of performance at higher temperatures. Lithium Ion (Li-ion) The prime advantage of these batteries over NiMH are that they hold more energy for same weight and volume. Therefore, Li-ion batteries are much smaller and thinner in comparison. Also, they don't have any inherent memory effect. The only disadvantage is that they cost more than others. Lithium Ion Polymer (Li-Po) Li-Po batteries are rechargable batteries that have evolved technologically from Li-ion batteries. A significant advantage of these batteries is that manufacturers can shape the battery almost however they please, which is very important to mobile phone manufacturers constantly working on smaller, thinner, and lighter phones. Many latest phones, PDAs use these types of batteries. Steps for longer battery life In case the mobile phone uses NiCd or NiMH batteries, let them get discharged completely before you recharge them * Check that phone's battery contacts are clean * Keep the batteries in cool, dry place, away from heat and magnetic objects * Don't leave the batteries dormant over an extended period of time. * Switch of features such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi when not in use * Many mobile phones allows to customize the brightness and contrast of LCD screen. Setting these values low will prolong battery-life * Keeping the sound level for ringtones and other audio notifications at low will help you increase time your battery lasts. * Do not expose battery at extreme temperatures. * Do not overcharge battery * Use battery chargers specified by the manufacturer only.
I run phpBB with attachment mod applied. The mod is asking the Imagick path to convert images that will be attached.Can you please let me know the path of Imagick on the server and also let if know whether the support is there or not.