I recently designed and built a website for a local air cadet squadron. I changed all the photos using a photo editing package as most have an export to web feature. The loading speeds should be based around a 56k modem as this is still the standard speed designed to work around in the professional business. making the HTML to HTML 4.01 is not important because if you are using software such as Dreamweaver MX or Dreamweaver 8 it will automatically write in that language. It is always a good idea to test your site in a variety of browsers and to validate your CSS Sheets. Again with the coding, if you are using a program such as Dreamweaver, it keeps it neat itself. Testing on different screen resolutions is also a very important point, but don't go over the top, 800x600 and 1024x768 should be the only two that you need to check. You must also make sure that all your images and links have ALT Tags to comply with new disability laws. Another good idea is to use META tags as these will increase your success in being found on a search engine. I hope this helps you Chris