I used to have Freewebs for an old site of mine. Back then it was the best for HTML page hosting. No ads, and easy to use. Then I switched to a host with PHP as Freewebs doesn't have it. From there-on, I have been through trouble with many free PHP/SQL hosts. Xisto is the only remaining freehosting community to try. Yet people seem to like it here. So I found the right place.EDIT: Corrected typo
I am not a fast typer. I am not a slow typer. The fastest I can type is 80 WPM. But I generally type 50-60 WPM. Any faster I'll end up with a few typos.
I'll give it a 6. For a free MMORPG, it owns. Since it is a Java applet, you don't need to download the game to play it, which is very nice. But as I finished the free user quests, I no longer play RS. If I were to pay for an MMORPG, I'd play GuildWars, World of Warcraft or Ragnarok Online.