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james johnson

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Everything posted by james johnson

  1. I am working on modifying an existing script that is used to open and modify a dbase4 file. The Problems that I am coming into are twofold. one I would like to be able to use this script file on both widows desktop and windows mobile. the "varset()" command for the desktop version is as follows:Sub VarSet() set cnn=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") set rs=CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")I know the adodb object is for the desktop odbc driver for dbase files, and have that set properly for the system dsn. I need to know what I would set that to for the windows mobile platform. thanks
  2. The MMO that I ply the most is Anarchy Online, which offers their basic game for free (currently). It is only their expansions that have a fee, and start the monthly charge. I liked the storyline, and the gameplay enough to warrant spending the extra money per month to actually pay for a game. Currently I am interested in D&D Online, but leery of trying something new. Anyone out there play it and can give a review?
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