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Posts posted by CoLDFuSioN1405241519

  1. I formerly was apart of a webhosting service very similar to this site. Though low and behold it didnt have much support as it tried to gain speed in becoming a good site. It as well as my site hosted by them, went under. I am looking for another site that is similiar and has my interests intertwined in it as well.I currently attend the University of Pittsburgh and I am studying engineering.I have a part time job at Best Buy, in the Home Theatre Department so if you have any questions about TVs or Hometheatre periphials, let me know i can teach ya some things you didnt know.Like how Plasmas are the best TVs and will last over 20 years until it reaches Halflife and that burn-ins are a thing of the past and will not occur.Well thanks again, i look to enjoy the forum and spark some interests with some folks.Thanks.CoLDFuSiON

  2. Naturally the capasity increases as it uses blue laser instead of regular red laser(lower wavelength). does it have multilayers capability too?

    So that would be the reason for the name "Blu- Ray"
    As far as the technology goes, will the first dvd
    Isn't HD-DVD to be released later the month (April), Toshiba i believe.
    I think it already has been released in Japan, and It lingers around
    920 US Dollars. Which is alot more than i thought it was to be, hopefully it will be lower when it reaches the states. It also comes with three HD-DVD movies, one that i know of is Resident Evil.

    Also correct me if i am wrong but sony's comes out in October?


  3. Yeah i didnt even know they were still making the Playstations. I thought production would have stopped with the release of PS2. Geez. I have only ever owned two gaming systems besides the great old computer...Coleco Vision... great games like Smurfs, q-bert, and yes even Cabbage Patch Kids.Xbox 360... Best investment of my money ever. Amazing.Can't wait to compare the 360 to the PS3-CoLD

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