I have been struggling all day to be able to embed a google video into one of my joomla posts. I tried opening the HTML Source editor...the Flash Editor.... and a box will come up, but there isn't anything in it.Can any help me out in explaining how I can get a google video embeded into a Joomla Post? Here is an example video for the type of code I need to put on my post for the video to show.... I just can't get it to show up....
When you view the post, you see the CODE for the embed video...but not the video.Help Help Help!here is an example of the type of code I need to put in:
<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" quality="best" bgcolor="#ffffff" scale="noScale" wmode="window" salign="TL" FlashVars="playerMode=embedded"> </embed>
I'm praying someone can help me!
All the best,