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Posts posted by Flash¹³

  1. Seeing a lot more screenshots of Blood Money, I must say it does look like it's going to be one heck of a game... I don't really like 47's "new look." I wish they'd gone in the direction of the high-res CGI version they use for the cover art... I mean look at the difference here:


    Posted Image

    Slimmer face, sharper nose. Not bad, but I prefer the box-art version :o


    Which would you prefer to try and write an algorithm to shade though :P


    CGI box art is fine, when it's only box art, when you start having to animate, shade, texture, use with 3rd party sub routines (ie ragdoll) it gets a bit trickier to code and/or a lot more time consuming.


    Plus, this way, when you're playing, you won't be *so* disappointed that the game looks weak reletive to the FMVs

  2. My case has the exact same chassis as that.. Mine *had* a differnt facsia on it, and it's a little lower spec:


    AMD 2400+

    Gigabyte 3D Cooler Ultra GT

    Gigabyte GA-7N400L F5 mobo

    650w PSU

    4x 80mm fans

    4x 50mm HDD mounted fans

    48x8x4 DVD+-RW

    160 + 160 GB Maxtor 8mb/7200rpm

    512 unbranded DDR400 (1/4 slots)

    nVidia 6600GT

    Glowy stuff :o


    Case Closed

    Posted Image



    Posted Image


    Hard-drives w/mounts

    Posted Image



    I did have some more, but my digi camera has killed the pictures beond repair (these are actually shopped images, where I've fixed large graphics errors in them so they are atlest close to right)

  3. I've personally never had a problem with SP2, at all. I got one of the 'first' public releases of it (before they quietly added a few fixes) and it hasn't broken since.Yes the firewall is a bit on the lame side, and the security centre is over zelous at first, but it can all be set up just the way I like it... And I don't see any problems with automatic updates.All in all, SP2 was one of the least painful updates I've done (after I turned off system restore, damn that takes a long time on this system :o).t33 makes a good point with future compatibility too, and not just MS stuff, I know of lots of programs that require SP2 to work properly :P

  4. Nice to see you resolved it. For anyone else having problems, I've always found these guides stupidly easy to follow... Let's see, Ubuntu is probally the closest one they have: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Very nice site if I say so myself :ohttp://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    (NB: I'm honestly not related to that site, it's just plan cool cause their guide worked for my nVidia on Fedora Core 4)

  5. *sniff sniff* I smell a fruit...What kind of fruit could that be?Maybe it's an Apple :o Or something stole from the Apple tree.Seriously, how much closer to ripping Apple off to MS want to get? All in all, I choose my PC over a Mac any day. That's because I like my Windows classic GUI (with the exception of the XP start menu, love that). Why don't MS do some real work and stop stealing desgin tips from a company with a minority share of the market?

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