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Kale Night

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Posts posted by Kale Night

  1. The fervour g-mail invites caused alone should give some indication as to what people find desirable. Those who don't need the storage space won't necessarily favour one over another, but for those of us who actually use it, Gmail is incomparible. Furthermore, I think they're intent on staying that way, and would neutralise any legitimate competition. Even now the amount of storage space they give-out continues to increase. The advertisements which pop up while I'm checking my G-mail tend to be a little strange, however. Am I the only one who is continually subjected to recipes which consist of spam? Oh, the irony.

  2. As was mentioned previously, it's mental/psychological factors which resulted in the man's death as opposed to the game having some sort of voodoo-effect on him. Some people are more prone to addictive personalities than others. That is to say, developing strong emotional addictions in regard to any number of things. Commonly we hear of those addicted to gambling and, recently, even the internet. Gaming is no different, especially for those whose 3D lives are distinctly lacking in appeal. When it comes to on-line multi-player games people are able to obtain a certain status which may make them feel less like miserable failures, or, depending on their motivation, simply offer a means of escaping reality. Unfortunately, for those who utilise multi-player games like WoW (World of Warcraft) to feel better about themselves become caught in a destructive pattern, as in order to retain their status they are forced to pay excessive attention to the game on a regular basis. People take this very seriously. I know someone who paid his parents a year's rent and proceeded to move into the basement so he could play WoW all day. He seldom comes up to eat, and his friends never see him any more. It's also important to consider that those people who literally cannot pry themselves away from the computer because they are so dependent on whatever it has to offer have a very real and very serious problem, symptoms of which can include the following:- Irritability while away from the computer/video game system.- Skipping school or work in order to get their 'fix'.- Neglecting family and friends.- Experiencing cravings to play the game.Most importantly, they are unable to stop themselves or quell their behaviour without assistance. If you have experienced these things for yourself or know someone you suspect may be devoting themselves entirely to an alternate reality, please seek help or offer your assistance.

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