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GM Sneaky

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Posts posted by GM Sneaky

  1. Posted Image


    This is a fresh new look on the online game " Ragnarok ", this game has been out for quite some time now and here it is 100% free, but if you haven't tried it I suggest you try this new Ro server, it has some great custom made items that exist on this server and this server only since the creator/admin has never given out his/her creations and new things are being made all the time.


    Some info on this Ro server. For more info check out this site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Name : AnimeRo

    Rates : 10x Exp, and 5x Drop Rate.


    Heres the custom reverse basketball hat preview. No other server has this hat and many many more never before seen items/equips/pets on this awsome server.

    Posted Image

  2. Hi everyone, i'm just doin some Pre Grand Opening Server advertising... do you wana be one of the
    strongest on a brand new fresh server, wana help the community grow and be a big part in
    everythin that get's implemented and have a say in where the server is heading then this is the
    server for you...(note if you want a level 99 char without any effort it's not gona happen this server
    is designed to be a fun entertaining yet challenging exsperience..)

    Info about this new server:

    Grand Opening : Mid April, keep checking the site for info on when it's gona open to the public
    Name : Sneaky Ro (run off sakray 0117)
    Server Run On : Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz with Hyper Threading, 1G Corsair Ram, Dedicated
    Bandwidth : Very Fast DSL
    Rates : 10x base exp, 10x job exp, 6x drops
    Levels : Max Base 255, Max Job 90, Stat 200
    Bug's : This is a 100% bug free server(been through 6 month's testing already)

    All advanced class's, new town's have been implemented and so many custom sprites and improvements
    that you will be exstreamly entertained, woe will be added in when there's enough ppl to
    sustain a good hard fight. Many custom events and the GM's are very friendly and helpful.
    If you would like to pre register, Bookmark our page and get everythin you need for the Grand Opening
    then please goto this link ^^


    Thanks everyone that has supported me through the most desert combing like testing ^^

    From Sneaky Ro GM Team

  3. Hi everyone, i'm just doin some Pre Grand Opening Server advertising... do you wana be one of the
    strongest on a brand new fresh server, wana help the community grow and be a big part in
    everythin that get's implemented and have a say in where the server is heading then this is the
    server for you...(note if you want a level 99 char without any effort it's not gona happen this server
    is designed to be a fun entertaining yet challenging exsperience..)

    Info about this new server:

    Grand Opening : Mid April, keep checking the site for info on when it's gona open to the public
    Name : Sneaky Ro (run off sakray 0117)
    Server Run On : Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz with Hyper Threading, 1G Corsair Ram, Dedicated
    Bandwidth : Very Fast DSL
    Rates : 10x base exp, 10x job exp, 6x drops
    Levels : Max Base 255, Max Job 90, Stat 200
    Bug's : This is a 100% bug free server(been through 6 month's testing already)

    All advanced class's, new town's have been implemented and so many custom sprites and improvements
    that you will be exstreamly entertained, woe will be added in when there's enough ppl to
    sustain a good hard fight. Many custom events and the GM's are very friendly and helpful.
    If you would like to pre register, Bookmark our page and get everythin you need for the Grand Opening
    then please goto this link ^^


    Thanks everyone that has supported me through the most desert combing like testing ^^

    From Sneaky Ro GM Team

  4. Hi everyone, i'm just doin some Pre Grand Opening Server advertising... do you wana be one of the
    strongest on a brand new fresh server, wana help the community grow and be a big part in
    everythin that get's implemented and have a say in where the server is heading then this is the
    server for you...(note if you want a level 99 char without any effort it's not gona happen this server
    is designed to be a fun entertaining yet challenging exsperience..)

    Info about this new server:

    Grand Opening : Mid April, keep checking the site for info on when it's gona open to the public
    Name : Sneaky Ro (run off sakray 0117)
    Server Run On : Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz with Hyper Threading, 1G Corsair Ram, Dedicated
    Bandwidth : Very Fast DSL
    Rates : 10x base exp, 10x job exp, 6x drops
    Levels : Max Base 255, Max Job 90, Stat 200
    Bug's : This is a 100% bug free server(been through 6 month's testing already)

    All advanced class's, new town's have been implemented and so many custom sprites and improvements
    that you will be exstreamly entertained, woe will be added in when there's enough ppl to
    sustain a good hard fight. Many custom events and the GM's are very friendly and helpful.
    If you would like to pre register, Bookmark our page and get everythin you need for the Grand Opening
    then please goto this link ^^


    Thanks everyone that has supported me through the most desert combing like testing ^^

    From Sneaky Ro GM Team

  5. Hi everyone, i'm just doin some Pre Grand Opening Server advertising... do you wana be one of the

    strongest on a brand new fresh server, wana help the community grow and be a big part in

    everythin that get's implemented and have a say in where the server is heading then this is the

    server for you...(note if you want a level 99 char without any effort it's not gona happen this server

    is designed to be a fun entertaining yet challenging exsperience..)


    Info about this new server:


    Grand Opening : Mid April, keep checking the site for info on when it's gona open to the public

    Name : Sneaky Ro (run off sakray 0117)

    Server Run On : Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz with Hyper Threading, 1G Corsair Ram, Dedicated

    Bandwidth : Very Fast DSL

    Rates : 10x base exp, 10x job exp, 6x drops

    Levels : Max Base 255, Max Job 90, Stat 200

    Bug's : This is a 100% bug free server(been through 6 month's testing already)



    All advanced class's, new town's have been implemented and so many custom sprites and improvements

    that you will be exstreamly entertained, woe will be added in when there's enough ppl to

    sustain a good hard fight. Many custom events and the GM's are very friendly and helpful.

    If you would like to pre register, Bookmark our page and get everythin you need for the Grand Opening

    then please goto this link ^^




    Thanks everyone that has supported me through the most desert combing like testing ^^


    From Sneaky Ro GM Team

  6. Hi everyone, i'm just doin some Pre Grand Opening Server advertising... do you wana be one of the
    strongest on a brand new fresh server, wana help the community grow and be a big part in
    everythin that get's implemented and have a say in where the server is heading then this is the
    server for you...(note if you want a level 99 char without any effort it's not gona happen this server
    is designed to be a fun entertaining yet challenging exsperience..)

    Info about this new server:

    Grand Opening : Mid April, keep checking the site for info on when it's gona open to the public
    Name : Sneaky Ro (run off sakray 0117)
    Server Run On : Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz with Hyper Threading, 1G Corsair Ram, Dedicated
    Bandwidth : Very Fast DSL
    Rates : 10x base exp, 10x job exp, 6x drops
    Levels : Max Base 255, Max Job 90, Stat 200
    Bug's : This is a 100% bug free server(been through 6 month's testing already)

    All advanced class's, new town's have been implemented and so many custom sprites and improvements
    that you will be exstreamly entertained, woe will be added in when there's enough ppl to
    sustain a good hard fight. Many custom events and the GM's are very friendly and helpful.
    If you would like to pre register, Bookmark our page and get everythin you need for the Grand Opening
    then please goto this link ^^


    Thanks everyone that has supported me through the most desert combing like testing ^^

    From Sneaky Ro GM Team

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