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Posts posted by 5thcaptain

  1. Heres some good help Items:For Int get mostly Scepter(eul's)to escape from dangerous enemiesthe other scepter for stronger ulti:Guinsoos' Sheep staff:Soulbooster:refresher for good nuke Int heroes onlyThese are probably the best stuff for Int heroes but dont blow all ur money on these items only if u have spare change for non necessary stuffItems:for Str Battle Fury,Satanic,Black King Bar,Monkey King bar,Heart of Tarrasque..these are the best for str and yet the same advice for the Int stuffItems:for Agil ,Butterfly,Desolater.Lothar's edge,Crystalys,Good stuff for agil(SAME ADVICE)If i forget anything important for these types email me at Gooktogo@yahoo.comNeed Help? E-Mail meMy warcraft Frozen throne sn is 5thCaptain if u wanna play with me just wisp me and tell me ur from this site or i will just ignore you if i dont respond that means im busy(running away or chasing a hero and cant waste time typing)I'm not a PRO at dota but im not A noob ive been playing dota for one yearKEEP IN MIND THAT THOSE ITEMS ARE GOOD WITH THE CORRESPONDING HEROES TEST OUT THEIR USES ON CUSTOM GAME IF U WANT MAKE SURE THE ITEMS WORKS WELL WITH THE HEROAN EXAMPLE Mortred (or The warden) IS GOOD WITH BUTTERFLY,CRYSTALYS because her blur stacks with butterfly and her damage is ****ing crazy so yeah and crystalys is good with her too because her ultimate works with criticals crystalys wont multiply the dmage more but it should help you crit more oftenI USUALLY START PLAYING IN THE MORNING AT 11 WEEKENDS ONLY BUT JUST CHECK IF ON IF U NEED HELp

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