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Everything posted by danzarely

  1. pornography is in no way illegal. the law against "hc" porn was dropped in the late 80's. now, of course, child pornography and other mentally disturbing types of porn are clearly illegal, but porn itself is not illegal. they sell it at blockbuster for goodness sakes
  2. what does the government want with porn anyway? it's not like it's illegal. yet anyway. so there are a few lonely guys at home on the weekend- guess that makes them the enemy in the "war" on "terror".
  3. it's utterly ridiculous that anyone feel they have ANY right to make ANY derrogatory comments on anyone else's religion. it's barbaric and i'd hoped that it didn't exist outside of this hell hole i call the southern US. guess i was wrong. pity. thoughts? cares? concerns?
  4. soon enough we'll all be living in tiny apartments being monitored 24/7 and when we step out of line "WHAM!" right in the slammer for falling in love with a woman you shouldn't. but in the end we'll all just get shot by the FBI anyway- i mean come on- the government is clearly using george orwell as a blue print...
  5. i have to go with houdini on this one; "Stupid is as stupid does."video games don't kill people- they cause addictions, yes- but stupid people kill people. i cant say ive ever seen the allure of street racing. it's like "let's see how fast we can go surrounded by two tons of pure steel!"---stupid
  6. there have been a few similar stories on the atlanta news. i can understand the complaints, and im sure apple will do something about the volume levels, but at the same time if you are dumb enough to blast music in your ears through HEADPHONES then you deserve to lose your hearing.
  7. generally even with a warranty, anything over a year and a half is looked at like you've had the product, you broke the product. whether you did or not- it's just my experiance.
  8. has anyone played this? it's an old Dreamcast fighter. I'm still addicted. Very anime. Even the story line.
  9. are there any 3d text based games out there???
  10. if there was no monthly fee, like Guild Wars, i'd most certainly be playing it. i just dont have the money for that.
  11. Does anyone here play Guild Wars? would you suggest it??
  12. I haven't found any thrilling RPGs lately. any suggestions? i've yet to find a game that can compete with Legend of Mana other than Suikoden.
  13. the closest i've come to playing a dating sim would be "SINGLES 2: TRIPLE TROUBLE" --it's fun but I don't know if i'd call it a dating sim.
  14. SM:AS is by far one of my favorite games. as simple as it is- the story is great and it's REALLY addictive. Kudos on this post
  15. hiya everyone. i'm a n00b. love me.
  16. i can honestly say i wouldnt care because it seems like nothing special for me.
  17. I just installed Black and White 2 but I keep gettins this "Please update your video card." message---but---I have NO IDEA how to..any help?
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