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Posts posted by teartrack_sos

  1. Hello all!


    I just wanted to announce that I purchased a toplevel domain name for my website http://www.final-design.net/ and wanted to share that with ya all. Im still updating it daily and adding new features, last new feature is newsletter... and many more is still to come. Anyway I wanted to know what do you think about it? and if you have any suggestions please feel free to say and give me a review.

    Also do you think that purchasing a toplevel domain like .net wil increase site's popularity?


    pretty good! i rated it excellent, but...it needs more content, but i used to own a site like that, so i know how hard it is to make tons of stuff like that. :)

  2. Hey, just thought I'd introduce myself if I plan to get hosting here. I've made a few posts already so you might of seen me once before. My real name is Andrew and I'm a English guy who likes biscuits with his tea and walks around politely taking my hat off to everyone I meet. I suppose I could say where my name comes from, yet I figure you've probley guess. Alot of people have Mc starting thier surname and Guy is pretty random, like me, so why not be called McGuy? I came up with the name when registering for a very strange place on the internet. I shall identify it by saying seven words:

    'Do you have stairs in your house?'.


    I play Counter Strike: Source quite regularly along with EVE Online and World of Warcarft. I sometimes play Sim City 4 Deluxe Edition, but I mainly stick to online games and MMORPGs, because its what I do.


    Anyway, thats me.


    hi! welcome!!! have fun :)

  3. I kinda do, kinda don't.



    Notice from miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG:
    Stop making posts like these - which do not contribute anything meaningful to our forums. One-liners are absolutely abhorred here - and if you go back and take a look, ALL your posts are like this. If you don't stop making such posts, we'll have to take your posting rights away. We don't want our forums to be flooded with such meaningless stuff.

  4. I think AIM email is great! It's free, you get an IM screename, an email, free, you@aim.com and you get 2gb of space! You should try it! It's awesome! I have it too!


    Notice from miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG:
    Enough is enough. Once again you're starting age old and much repeated threads all anew. Topic closed. I think it'll be better if your posting rights are withheld till you can decide whether you want to abide by the rules and go on or take off for somewhere else. Yup - POSTING RIGHTS REVOKED INDEFINITELY.

  5. Hi,


    I've been debating for a while about getting Gmail, but a few of my friends said it was horrible.  I would like to know if it is really worth it getting another email account.  What are the benifits and the bad things, too?




    Erich B :)


    I just learned 2day there was such a thing as "gmail" and i don't have experience of it, but i wouldn't use it...it just seems...strange...but i guess if everyone else likes it, u might as well give it a shot. :P

  6. Do you still remember the days when our free Hotmail and Yahoo mail inboxes were only a few megabytes? 2mb for hotmail and 4 mb for Yahoo! Mail? With the entry of Google's Gmail which offers 1 Gigabyte of free email storage space, the battle is set between all these free email providers. Who do you think is winning?


    I remembered that Yahoo! quickly followed up with 250mb soon after Gmail. I was using Hotmail, and I was conficent that MSN will also increase storage space. But they didn't and I switced to Gmail which now offers 2 gig. Hotmail has only recently gave out 250mb and it was only for US residents. Now Yahoo is giving 1 gig. MSN Hotmail is still slow.


    So who do you think is winning the email battle?

    Notice from m^e:
    This isn't a tutorial by any means. At least make sure your posts are heading for the right forum. Moved to Internet & Websites.


    I really don't care for them, but probably Gmail. I have yahoo! and AIM, so...but gmail is winning I guess 'cause they give 1gb of space, and lots a people want space...

  7. just wanted to stop by and say hello to everyone on the forums. there are some good topics here and interesting ones, its good that its not about social life or anything, and is more about technology, gaming, etc. i also like the service that is advertised, it seems like something good for someone like me :) later


    Hi! u doing okay? have fun in the forums! :P

  8. First, choose the SECOND letter of you FIRST name:




























    Now, pick something that appeals to you most:






    Designs or graphics





    -----Moved from [Tutorials > Websites and Web Designing] to [internet and Websites]. I would have moved this to the lobby since this is just a little fun "tip", but... perhaps I felt like being nice.-----szupie

  9. Okay, you know when your computer freezes, and you can't unfreeze it? I have found 2 ways to solve this issue:


    1. When your computer freezes, press *AT THE SAME TIME*

    ctrl + alt + delete = unfroze computer!

    2. Or, if your computer has a restart button, press it to restart you comp. You may lose you info, but it happens to everybody. :)


    -----Not enough information to be considered a tutorial. Moved from [Tutorials] to [Operating Systems > Windows]-----szupie

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