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Posts posted by fa1512

  1. The people at google are smart! They could easily make an OS!

    They would make it so that viruses could not infect it or the files!!!

    But It would be compatible with todays software and games!!!

    Yay Or Nay?


    why would you buy an OS when you can get things like ubuntu for free?


    linux is becoming more user friendly all the time and soon people are going to prefer very customizable and diverse yet compatible operating systems to be able to suit their own needs. in the future there will be tons of operating systems baased on some kind of compatible framework

  2. Apple announced plans to deliver models of its Macintosh computers using Intel microprocessors by this time next year. This is going to be great. Please post your opinions.


    I was robbed the other day by an artisan from a town close to Recife who was supposed to go buy marihuana for us and come back. He asked me several times to give him the cash upfront claiming that without this money he would be unable to procure the desired product. He left us with two necklaces promising to return within the next 20 minutes leaving us two necklaces as proof that he would return.

    He left us sitting like morons at some table in a crappy restaurant sans fulfilling his obligation. He robbed us and I think it is important to try and devise why. I have thought about this for some time and decided that there are two main possibilities. He either decided, consciously or unconsciously, that for ideological

  3. I was reading the paper today about a man in South Korea who went on a 50 hour binge playing World of Warcraft and died of heart failure, caused by dehydration and starvation.  Can video games become so engrossing that it numbs all effects such as hunger, thirst, or pain?  It's hard to believe that he would not grab something to eat after playing for a little over 2 days straight.  The article said that this kind of thing happens all the time in South Korea, not to the extreme of dying though.  South Korea's connectivity to the world is very high, very close to the United States if not passed it.  Their leaps in technology have made the internet a necessity which is both a good and bad thing.


    Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, I just thought it was interesting :-P.


    havent you noticed that when you are playing sometimes you just tune everything out, you dont get that hungry or thirsty, you spend more time without going to the bathroom, sometimes you ignore people or get annoyed when they draw your attention


    it is numbing to play games. i wouldnt do it very often if i wanted to be a happy person

  4. I just responded to some of the things you said. I think capital punishment is a poor tool for preventing crime. I think education and incentives are much more important factors that capital punishment barely addresses. you need to think about how to keep people from preventing crimes which would, in your opinion, merit capital punishment1. people are afraid of it. Many Conservatives say that criminals are not afraid of capital punishment. Punishment can serve two purposes in my opinion. Retribution or Prevention. If the idea of capital punishment scaring criminals from committing crimes is an adequate preventive method for you I will have to say that you are preventing the crime after it occurs. Perhaps you will prevent further crime but the first crime was the problem. You won't catch a criminal the first time so you need to work for preventive methods that will prevent crime before it occurs not after a pattern or tendency has been established which entails countless victims. Capital punishment is a weak tool for prevention since it can only protect people after criminals have been exposed. 2. They will never be able to kill another soul againIf they already killed a soul then they have already hurt a great deal of people. If you kill the criminal then you lose all that you invested in him or her and you waste a life. If instead you employ the criminal in some effort which is neither profitable nor desireable, for example use in public works that requiere heavy physical labor.You make them build schools and roads but you do not contract their labor out to private companies. Doing so will provide incentives to incarcerate people regardless of their crime or culpability. It is important to maintain a public penetentiary system,3. "antis" main argument to capital punishment is "what purpose does it serve?"4. What if the wrong guy is convicted?Assuming that we are talking over all results then perhaps we can ignore the marginal errors that will occur given a satisfactory judicial system. This really depends on the country one lives in and on ones opinions of his or her judicial system. I live in Perú and I do not think that judges are very just.5. "antis" also use religion to back their case up, but they have just kickd their own butts by attempting thisReligion is important on a personal level but due to the size and diversity of most modern societies it can only play a role on an individual level and can not dictate what is right or wrong for the majority.

  5. I hate cell phones. But I own one and I use it. I don´t feel like I need it. I hate taking it around everywhere so I leave it half of the time. All day long you are connected to people and thats how it has always been. Distances are less now due to things like phones and cars and they have come to replace physical presence in interaction. Now people can guess your mood by your text message or your voice. They can see a smiley face and decide how you are feeling. thats kind of creepy

  6. Ummm .. m bored, so was looking around the net, but m a lil weak in games, so thought would get advice from you guys. I am in need of a Game that supports multiplayer as in .. a friend of mine can connect and we both can play against each other, sumthing like keeping one as the server and jut entering an IP or sumthing. I dont know how this works but are games like NFS Most wanted, or counter strike etc capable of this .. waht are the tools needed ..


    I like playing games that include racing or shooter ... m still a kid by heart  :) lol





    play chess, its the best 1 on 1

  7. Does anyone know when we will be able to access this system again? I am very interested in monitoring movement and what not to analyze my browsers.



    This is a totally new service brought to you free by Google. It is Google Analytics. https://www.google.com/analytics/ .


    Personally, I haven't tried this (supposedly) wonderful new tools, but since it's Google and almost everything from Google is good. So I think it's worth to let people know. And it does support AdWords. Look at the picture at the front page, it seems to me a pretty sophisticated software.


    I anyone used it already, please let me know how it is. Thanks.


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