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Posts posted by Pina

  1. Our 1.1 Alpha 2 release is now frozen and this announcement means it is feature complete. The next phase of work will see core team members and third party developers collaborating to ensure compatibility and extensibility of their wares.
    As mentioned earlier, Joomla! 1.1 will be far more powerful than anything previously on offer. It provides an entry into object orientated development, with inbuilt internationalisation (multi-lingual support), a refactored core and FTP extension installation. Some other innovations we've not mentioned include the inclusion of XML-RPC and LDAP, and the introduction of a unified installer for components, modules, mambots (re-named plugins) and templates as part of our extensions suite of tools.

    In addition to all of this we have also included a new PDF library which will be able to handle UTF-8 and can use different fontsets to cover a very wide range of languages. It will also be possible to generate images on the fly.

    "The release of 1.1 is a big step," Johan said. "It takes Joomla! to an entirely different plane ... more power, flexibility and developer focus. Joomla 1.0 (with its Mambo heritage) did not take a framework approach â which has its limitations. With Joomla! 1.1 the framework will be seen as 'candy' to developers, allowing incredible scope for the 3PD to harness the power that's inside. This also means we've worked very hard to 'future proof' as much as is feasibly possible, so 3PDs don't suffer breakages with future releases of Joomla!"

    Andrew Eddie has received high-level feedback from many 3PDs. "I've been working through the new structures with third-party developer eyes and I must say that I am extremely impressed," he said. "Many of our legacy scalability and flexibility issues have disappeared. This release marks a new age that will empower developers and no longer hold them back."

    Reminder: The Joomla! Alpha 2 release is not a production release and should be treated as such. As good as it is, it is an alpha.  Do not upgrade your live Joomla! site with this version.

    Follow de development here: dev.joomla.org

  2. Well I thing the new generation will be dependent of computers but I thing the are some things we will continue do without a computer likes: meet and talk people; read a book, newspapper or magazine; buy clothes and food; etc...For me theres nothing better that spend some time with my friends and girl in a nice place. I love life not the computers...

  3. This is a old discussion but all the time you finish with the same conclusions: Videogames can't be responsibles for our behaviors.The Human Be is smart and can see the diferences between games and reality. This news are written by people that doesn't know what is a video game or a movie.Since this day I will have one copy of Need For Speed at my car and if I crash I'm not giulty, thats the videogame men!!!Ohh God

  4. First of all my prefered style of music is Dance House, but I listen others things more lights and slows. My favorite artists are from my home country (Portugal): Pedro Abrunhosa, Rita Guerra, Beto, Xutos, Blasted Mechanism, The Gift, The Finger Tips. International: Reamonn, Adriana Calcanhoto, Ivete Sangalo, James Blunt, Maroon 5, ColdPlay, the Diva Maddona, and others.Now what I hate. French hip hop.

  5. What can I say about me. I joined Xisto because I need a free and good host. I'm creating a blog/site about F1 in my home language (portuguese). You can say: "You have blogger and much others, why you need a host?"Well, for me the possibilites that blogger gives to me aren't enought I always need more, and more is this.About my professionals life, I'm nursing student, almost finishing, and at the moment I'm working in a hospital.What I like? Girls first of all:) My friends, computers, games, webdesign, formula 1, cinema, music and, yes, girls.For all interested my site is f1cronicas.astahost.com and I use wordpress 2.0 to create my blog site.

  6. For those use Windows but love the apearence of Mac I found a solution.

    Chris Kite have made a transformation pack called flyakite. Is actually in version 3.0 and looks really nice.

    FlyakiteOSX is a transformation pack. It will transform the look of an ordinary Windows XP+ system to resemble the look of Mac OS X. The installer simply automates the process of replacing critical system files, setting registry tweaks, and installing extras such as cursors, sounds, visual styles, etc.
    In case you are not happy with the results of FlyakiteOSX, everything is completely removable. Just run the uninstaller from the Start Menu or from Add/Remove Programs.

    FlyakiteOSX does not contain any spyware or ad-ware of any kind. All files needed for FlyakiteOSX are stored in the Windows directory in a folder named 'FlyakiteOSX' that is hidden by default. All registry values for FlyakiteOSX are written to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FlyakiteOSX.

    The link is http://osx.portraitofakite.com/
    The file have 29.3MB

    Give it a look and try if you like...

  7. Well, one of most famous features of Mac OsX Tiger is the dashboards. If you want you now can have it in your Windows Machine. For that you only have to download the Widgets machine form yahoo!. A Powerfull program created by yahoo!, easy to use and with all you can have in a Mac.

    Install and later you can download more and more widgets to your desktop, impressive!!!

    Visit it in http://yahoo.com/

  8. I use windows and be really if you ask linux to do the same of windows, forget! In my school we have linux and nobody is happy with him.In my home I use Windows but I'm tentad to try Mac. Mac Os X Tiger looks very good with some good features and apple is improve every day. iPod is an example or the Dashboard with the widgets.I don't know what will be the future but Windows Vista is bad, really bad.

  9. Seems to be a great game. Now I'm playng Splinter Cell but this will be my next game. I hope soon someone ill create a mod to transform the game from IIWW to Modern Combat.I like battlefield too, but a prefer singleplayer games with a story line. That's the reason I love Splinter Cell. Modern with a fantastic storyline and amayzing graphics.

  10. It's a fantastic game but needs more improvements more new things you know. The people of CM is working really hard and maybe will surprise everybody. We will see. For know I play FM 2006 and I reaaly like it. I recommend to all fans of football tatics. If you thing you are a "Mourinho" prove it in tis game.But of course I'm waiting for CM t see their improvements. YOU NEED SOMETHING NEW.

  11. I don't thinh PhpNuke more easy to install. Mambo and Joomla have a much more user friendly instalation. Mambo and Joomla are a bit more complex t understand than Php-Nuke, but you can do much more with mambo and joomla.The principal problem of Php-Nuke is the security. Some Hosting Provibers don't permit the instalation of Php-Nuke on theirs servers. I had use Php-Nuke since I discovered mambo and now when the ex-delvelopers of Mambo create joomla I change to him. Joomla is actualy the best CMS. :D

  12. Well I read a lot of reviews and ad-aware personal was everytime the number 1 software and best of all: It's Free.I try Spyware Doctor sometime but is paid and I don't like to crack software.I use Ad-aware and believe me is fast and complete, the best you can get for free.I had tryed others like SpyBot, Microsoft Anty-Spyaware but my veredict is always the same: Ad-Aware is best.

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