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Posts posted by jorbanks

  1. I find that google adsense is a great and probably the best pay per click program that you can use. Not only are the rates exceptionally good but the ads are automatically created to be related to the content of the page as to provide relevant ads to the viewer. This is exceptionally useful on a forum or such which has a wide range of heaps of different topics that can be used to draw visitors and then provide ads to those viewers about the subject of that topic.

  2. It depends really. The PSP has a lot of obvious advantages - movies, mp3 playing ability, better graphics but of course there is the higher cost.The DS is more of a classic 'gamers' game system. Many people out there just love the classic nintendo style games that you can't beat such as Mario. Plus it's a hell of a lot cheaper!Personally I'd probably prefer the PSP simply because it can do so much more and I just love the GTA games so I would probably spend the whole time playing Grand Theft Auto on my PSP but either way I'm sure you'll get lots of great gaming hours out of them.

  3. Yes definitely, gmail is great. I made the switch a while ago and from hotmail and it is excellent in everyway. The fact that you can have practically unlimited space. The fact that the email will never expire no matter how long you stay inactive. Not to mention the chat, history and all the other features that make gmail so great.Honestly I would reccommend gmail to everyway and I have noticed a hell of a lot of people have been making the switch over the last few months and I'm not suprised - It rocks!

  4. Yes I hate internet explorer. It's crap, unstable, prone to spyware and adware. The only choice for me and I reccommend it to everyone is Mozilla Firefox. The simplicity of it, the tabbing features, the stability of it - everything about it completely outweighs Internet Explorer in everyway.If you want to get yourself a copy it's completely free - point your browser to https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/?utm_source=firefox-com&utm_medium=referral and download it today - you wont regret it!

  5. I have to admit there are a tonne of times when cell phone absolutely get on my nerves like crazy, being called at times that I really don't want to be called or by someone I don't want to talk to, but I think when weighing up the pros and cons, cell phones have done amazing things for civilization.Being able to contact people in cases of emergency is a great advantage, it's also handy for me when I can pick up more work by having my cell phone on hand. Plus just the simple advantage of being able to get in contact with friends, family and other loved one's at any time I like is great.I have to admit, I love my cell phone, I'm addicted and I can't leave the house without it.

  6. Wow, what is the world coming to when a man dies from playing a computer game. Whilst I can understand that some games can be quite addictive and hard to leave the computer for - how can someone play a game for 50 hours straight? That is just beyond belief!And you'd think even the biggest World Of Warcraft fan would leave at some point to at least eat or goto sleep!Then again it's also quite likely that the story is all made up and never happened.Either way it's and interesting debate - can a computer game kill you?

  7. Without a doubt google is the best search engine ever invented. I remember back when I first started using the internet I used to use excite a lot and that was quite good and then I moved onto ask jeeves (http://de.ask.com/?o=10181&l=dir) but ever since one of my friends introduced me to google years ago I have not looked back at all.It is extremally fast and takes no crap, you don't have to deal with adds and other crap all you have to do is simply type in something you want to search, hit the search button and bam - it's there straight away.Go google all the way.

  8. I would definitely have to say photoshop all the way. I totally agree with you that it has more and better features and a much more professional feel to it.To me paintshop is more like a photoshop lite. I'm sure there are many opinions floating around on what the best image editor program is but I always have and always will go for photoshop.I did actually use paintshop for a while as it was the first photo editor program I ever used but after a while I came accross photoshop, used it for a while and have never gone back.

  9. I, myself don't believe that videogames are to blame.Odds are these kids were already intrigued my cars are street racing before they even touched the game. Obviously it's all very easy to blame a game on people's mistakes but what we often forget is that it's human nature to make mistakes.So before you blame the game for one's mistakes think about what's really going on.

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