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Posts posted by hbs_25

  1. The discs are similar to one DVD having a single, dual or quad layer (4 layers) making possible one single disc reach 160Gb as showed by TDK in one tecnology convention. Some recordes will be capable to record and play one disc at same time. (Why this is necessary? I don't know!) and Sony launch the first movie "Charles Angel 2: full throttle" which have one hi-definition resolution (1920x1080, I guess), more better that a DVD. But exists one new format on development, it are called as holographic DVD and can hold up to 1,6 Terabytes or more than 1638 Gb, this is big enough or not! :)

  2. I'm started with PHP 5.0.2 and come with some simple bugs, like problems on the mime magic option (need to use one debug line to work "correctly"), but now, I'm workig with PHP 5.0.5 and having no problems until now. I don't know, but one stable version of PHP 5 it's one little far until now, they are still working on the version 4. By the way, 5.1.1 is the latest version released considered as "stable"

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