This looks nice. I am already able to run linux on my xbox. I am using XDSL (xbox damn small linux) which can be found here: *Unlike the linux jguy101 showed this one requieres a modded xbox. Just follow the links to the download site - select the file version you wish to download (i choose .zip), unzip the file to a folder. The result is an iso. I recommend burning the ISO with NERO BURNING ROM 6+ at 4x (on a dvd off course) Pop the cd into the dvd drive and let it boot. Choose to run from the cd-rom (or just wait for a couple of mins) -- DSL LOADS -- Choose screen Resolution: the last two options require you connect to a HD-TV with special component cables. Now, either you have a usb-xbox compatible keyboard or you can use the VIRTUAL KEYBOARD that comes with XDSL. Use the analog stick or d-pad to move cursor and type on the Virtual Keyboard. FEATURES: mozilla, XXM player, terminal, word prossesing, spredsheet, xpaint, free games download, free utilities download, free themes. To use the internet connect your xbox to your network with an ethernet cable, compatible wireless card. BONUS: You can run a webserver from your XDSL, here is a tutorial: *runing a webserver requires that you install XDSL into your xbox i.e does not run from cd, but from hdd