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Posts posted by bangalore

  1. i don't know why but i think photography is so cool, it's kinda artsy.


    Photography is "kinda artsy"? ;) Photography IS one of art's popular mediums. :D It IS art. :)


    Yeah, there's something about photography; catching a single moment in a snap of a finger. And it is a great reference for drawing that moment. :D

    I have my CanonA75 for about six months now, and last night I took my 5010'th picture. :D


    Life is but a series of moments.... so make sure to have lots of film!


    Looking forward to seeing your work. :P

  2. I think that the first thing you need to look for, before taking a picture, is composition. Composition's purpose is to position the subject at the desired space in a manner that will contribute to the message of your picture, or at the least to make it an interesting/intriguing thing to look at.


    When choosing a subject and a background to photograph, think first what you the picture to portray - a message, an idea, a concept. When you have that figured out, think about the composition which will best contribute to conveying that concept. Practicing composition is always useful. Try not to place your subject in the middle of the frame; it is rather banal/boring - I try to avoid that unless it is necessary for conveying my message.


    A little bit about composition variations from what I've learned:

    - a subject placed in the center conveys balance, something pleasant and not threatening.

    - there are extreme angles which could portray tension, threat

    - cutting the subject to only show a part of it at a particular side could say something serious, hard, etc.


    Try to play with that, and you'll see what I'm talking about.


    Also, as mentioned in a previous post, if you're using a digital camera, work on AVOIDING the 'auto mode'. ;) It's so much more fun to play with the manual settings; shutter, aparture, all kinds of mode your camera might offer, you'll see the difference in the quality of your photos. Learn your camera to its last pixel, it's great! :D


    I like the cat picture the most, I think that it's a pretty cool composition. That cat seems to have a rant floating in the back of its mind :P I think the blurriness contributes to the manner, but you could work a bit on the colors, to make them a bit more vivid.


    That's all for now. Keep up the practice. :D

  3. Hello everybody.

    I'm Michal, a 21 year old female from Israel. I am a beginning designer/artist, working towards getting accepted to either architecture school, or graphic-design/visual-communication department at the best art school in this country - "Bezalel" (no pressure at all :P ). Right now I'm going through a math course, and a psychometric (equivalent to SAT) course, which pretty much takes all my time, and leaves me not a whole lot for creativeness. :D
    I really like to draw and paint, and to photograph anything that looks interesting. I am also the proud owner of a KSM Tornado bike, which is like having your own little airplane with pedals basically. ;)

    You can find my current art gallery here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    This looks like a nice community to be a part of, I hope that I'll have something to contribute. :D

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