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Posts posted by kook

  1. make check session for stuff and make table for stuff


    make new table by use phpMyAdmin


    make check session for stuff

    but you must have start session function in process login page same this

    session_start();           $_SESSION[sess_userid]=session_id();           $_SESSION[sess_username]=$username;           header("Location:where");
    here is code

    <?session_start();$sess_userid=$_SESSION[sess_userid];$sess_username=$_SESSION[sess_username];if ($sess_userid<>session_id() or $sess_username==""){	header("Location:index.php(or where that you need)");	exit();}$host="localhost";$user="username";$pass="password";$dbname="database name";$connect=mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass);if(!$connect){	echo"Can't connect to sql";	exit();}$sql="SELECT * FROM tbname WHERE username(field that is username)='$sess_username' "; $result=mysql_db_query($dbname,$sql);$num=mysql_num_rows($result);mysql_close();if ($num<=0){	header("Location:index.php(or where you need when he or she don't have permission)");	exit();}else{}?>

    to use

    insert the following code into page that for staff

    <?phpinclude "name of check session page that you saved";?>

  2. sorry plz delete upper post caz i post error(my comp's has problem with javascript)

    You can use

    <script language="php">............</script>
    use echo "............."; when you need type html
    use //........ or /*........ or #............. to comments
    can use insert in html e.g.
    <html><head><title>....</title></head><body><?echo "..........";?></body></html>
    or inset html in php e.g.

    $.......... is variable form:
    $variable's name="value";
    <?php$a="123";echo "$a";
    it'll show 123
    + -- add e.g. 10+2 = 12- -- minus e.g. 10-2 = 8* -- mutiply e.g. 10*2 = 20/ -- device e.g. 10/2 = 8 < -- less than e.g. $1<10 =variable $1 has value less than 10> -- more than e.g. $1>10 =variable $1 has value more than 10>= -- more than or equal e.g. $1>=10 =variable $1 has value more than 10 or=10<= -- less than or equal e.g. $1>=10 =variable $1 has value less than 10 or =10!= -- don't equal e.g. $1!=10 =variable $1 has value don't equal 10== -- equal e.g. $1==10 =variable $1 's value is 10or -- or! -- notand -- and

    increase value
    <?phpwhile ($1=10;$1<15;$1++){echo "$1  ";}?>
    it'll show 10 11 12 13 14

    if (function or variable){.......echo "....";}else{.......echo ".....";}
    if (mysql_db_query($dbname,$sql)){echo "yes";}else{echo "no";}
    result:if it do function(mysql_db_query($dbname,$sql))complete it'll show "yes",if it do function(mysql_db_query($dbname,$sql))don't complete it'll show "no"

    next row: \n e.g.
    <?echo "hh"; \n?>

    you can use phpMyAdmin to handle mysql easier
    to connect sql by use code
    <?php$host="hostname";$user="username";$pass="password";mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass) or die("Can't connect to mysql");?>
    to create db(database)
    <?php$host="hostname";$user="username";$pass="password";mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass) or die("Can't connect to mysql");$dbname="dbname";mysql_create_db($dbname);?>

    this's a past of php i'll post about other later.
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