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Posts posted by WRM

  1. My favorite is PHP because it's easy to learn/program in and it's very vaste in it's abilities. I've learned how to program in PHP, Perl, C++, C, Python, and JavaScript, and after learning the bunch I desided PHP is my fav. Perl and Python are pretty easy, but I'm not fond of CGI languages and C++ and Java are nice, but are kind of hard expecially GUI. JavaScript is probably my second favorite, but it doesn't have the same abilities of PHP mostly because it's client-side and not server-side.

  2. My dad owns both SuZe and Fedora, and he said SuZe has really improved now since Novell has taken it over. My friend has Fedora Core 2 and he says it's great also, but I geuss it really depends on what your planning to do, if you want a personal server/intranet I would use Fedora Core or Redhat, if you don't have the money to go buy a $70 OS and you don't plan on using PHP/MySQL/Apache then I would go with SuZe.

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